Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 792: Looking for an eye

At this time, the half-orc archer saw that Xiaolong was so fast that he avoided his attacks several times, and could not help but give up his normal attack and decided to use his range attack skills.

He glanced at Huang Yi with a sneer, stretched out his stout arm, and pulled the tight bow string of the huge singing skill, a slight bounce in the direction of Huang Yi!

"Om ~" A harsh sound wave vibrated, and a ripple appeared in the air, as if it had caused some magical resonance.

Suddenly, a large number of red fire elements began to condense slowly under the dark canopy, and a rocket composed of fire-based elements began to pour down. The 100-meter range was too late to dodge.

Facing the sky-high rocket, Huang Yi didn't seem to notice it, still holding the book and studying it intently.

After a while, the dense rocket completely flooded his area, burning it into a sea of ​​fire, the air was hot, and the flames were scrambling everywhere.

The half-orc archer suddenly saw a smile, put away the bow and arrow, stared in the direction of Huang Yi, and wanted to see him burned to char.

But soon, his face froze, and I saw Huang Yi bathing in the sea of ​​fire, still watching the book intently, without any harm!

Fire magic is the elemental magic that Huang Yi is not afraid of!

After he gained the Doomsday Heart, the resistance of fire elements has reached an extremely high level of 85 points, which can save 85% of fire damage.

After the fire magic hits Huang Yi's body, he must first weaken his part through his magic defense. Then he had to weaken his fire resistance again up to 85 points, and the remaining power was almost negligible. It was impossible to cause him too much harm.

Unless this half-orc archer has a high penetration of fire to counteract Huang Yi's resistance, then his fire magic can have a good effect. But the half-orc family is not a race that is good at fire elements. There is no fire penetration, only this pure fire attack, unless it is a potion that enhances fire penetration.

Huang Yi seized the time and quickly learned the contents of the matrix in the book. This was a critical time. Often when learning is most efficient.

The method of cracking this matrix method gradually gradually became more and more complete in his mind.

At this moment, the half-orc warrior riding a winged tiger was finally about to rush forward. He wielded a huge warhammer, getting closer and closer to Huang Yi, and bringing more and more pressure. This warhammer is bigger than Huang Yi's body, and once hit. The consequences could be disastrous.

Huang Yi and the two half-orcs couldn't resist even one moment, they just kept hiding!

"The French Open is back!" Huang Yi's eyes still did not leave the textbook, but her mind had been maximized, and she realized the threat of the Orc warrior, and she stretched out her right hand and spread her hand towards the Orc!

Suddenly. A net of light radiated from his hand, catching the half-orc faster, as if catching a big fish.

The action of the half-orc was suddenly restricted, and the fierce winged tiger could not flap its wings at all, and could not help but open a roar. Expressing his anger!

Huang Yi's hand quickly slammed in the other direction and made a net slamming action!

The light net also fluttered quickly following his arm waving. The half-orc was quickly thrown away a hundred meters away, and the distance was temporarily opened again, and a little time was obtained for him.

But at this time, the half-orc archer also guessed that Huang Yi had a high fire resistance, and could not help but come up with a magic bottle!

The magic bottle contained a boiling magma, the intensity of fire elements, in this dark forest seemed like a scorching sun, emitting a dazzling light! From this momentum, this bottle of potion is likely to be a fire penetrating potion, but a very advanced one!

The orc archer immediately drank the fire penetrating potion, waved the huge long bow again, and bounced the bow string fiercely towards Huang Yi!

"Om ~" The piercing sonic sound pours towards Huang Yi again, which once again causes magical resonance, shaking out the fire-based elements in the air, turning it into a flaming arrow again towards Huang Overflowing pouring down!

The fire attack this time was significantly more powerful than the previous one. Huang Yi could clearly feel the burning tingling sensation from the skin! That rocket has caused him great damage, burned his life value quickly plunged, and will soon be on the verge of death!

His fire resistance has been penetrated a lot, and fire magic can pose a major threat to him!

"Apocalypse!" Huang Yi didn't hesitate, and immediately used the epic Necklace's attached skills!

In a moment, his body changed dramatically!

The skin on his body suddenly cracked and turned into a violent volcanic lava, and the whole body became red, as if it were a burning iron!

The fire arrows that fell through the sky, before they were hit, were melted by the high temperature of his body one step, and could not cause any harm!

This is the doomsday messenger form! Now Huang Yi will be immune to any fire damage, and the fire skills will double. The fire skills have no cooldown and last for 1 minute.

But this is a big trick. The cooling time is up to 10 days. Do n’t even think about using it for a second time after using Huang Yi!

The time is very urgent, he must hurry up and look for an eye!

The half-orc warrior riding a winged tiger also flew over again, chasing the dragon in flight, trying to attack Huang Yi!

Xiaolong's fatigue is getting higher and higher, and he can't support the accelerated flight for too long!

"Array eyes are on the east side!" Finally, Huang Yi guessed the area where this anti-transmission array method was located through the contents of the book!

He quickly urged the dragon to accelerate faster, like a golden light, and flew towards the east of the dark forest!

They shuttled under the huge trees, with the whistling wind, the scenery on both sides had been turned into streamers and quickly regressed.

The two half-orcs were chasing behind in a hurry, but their speed was still a little worse than that of the dragon flying with the fastest acceleration, and the distance between them was getting farther and farther.

Gradually, the two half-orcs had been thrown away for a long distance. But the tumultuous noise in the forest far behind showed that the other party was chasing him with perseverance.

Soon, Xiaolong's acceleration time was running out, and the fatigue limit was soon reached. He had to remove the acceleration state and fly at normal speed.

At this time, their speed and fetish decreased, and it was only a matter of time before the two half-orcs caught up with them.

"It should be in this valley!" After flying for ten minutes, Huang Yi finally stopped Xiaolong and turned to search around.

This is a valley with tall peaks on both sides, coupled with the tall trees and lush foliage of this forest, which obscures the sunlight from the sky, making the valley even more gloomy. It looks like night at night.

The ground is frantically fertile with many ferns, densely packed, and some worms and snakes crawling inside.

The frontal eyes are usually on an item. This may be one of the plants, it may be a stone, a bark, etc. It is extremely hidden, and it takes a long search to find it.

Huang Yi obviously couldn't wait that long. The two half-orcs might catch up at any time. He immediately patted Xiaolong's head and said, "Spit fire, burn the weeds below!"

Xiaolong's big eyes suddenly blinked, opened the dragon's mouth again, and spit out a holy flame.

The size of this holy flame can be controlled. Xiaolong's skill has been improved a few days ago, and the range of fire spitting has been expanded to 250 meters.

The scorching flame descended from the sky, firmly attached to the dense ferns below, and turned into a sea of ​​fire within a range of 250 meters. Those ferns that have not been known for many years have been directly transformed into flying ash in the sea of ​​fire, floating in the air, exposing the charred black ground.

Looking at it, the scene below is unobstructed, the weeds no longer exist, and the sight is much cleaner.

Huang Yi urged Xiaolong to circle around, his eyes exuding a sharp light, turned his head to scan carefully, searching for the eye objects.

"Huh? That dandelion is still there!" Just then, Huang Yi suddenly found a small doubt behind a tree.

There was a dandelion intact, blooming inconspicuously under the tree. It was not burned in the holy flame just spit out by Xiaolong, which anomaly attracted Huang Yi's attention.

"Continue to burn!" Huang Yi patted Xiaolong's head, pointing at the hiding dandelion.

Xiao Long opened her mouth again ~ www.readwn.com ~ and spit out a scorching flame to burn the hiding dandelion.

This time, its flames have concentrated a lot. The smaller the area of ​​Holy Flame, the more concentrated, the higher the damage.

That holy flame completely covered that fragile dandelion. Generally, that dandelion should not be seen by flying ash, and it was completely burned into nothingness.

But when Xiaolong stopped spitting fire, the dandelion was still there, without any damage, and even a little bit of flying dust was not destroyed.

"That's it!" Seeing this scenario, Huang Yi immediately affirmed that this dandelion was the front line of this anti-transportation formation method! As long as it is destroyed, then this formation can be broken, and he can use the seal of the **** of death to teleport away from this hunt.

Huang Yi saw that Xiaolong's attack was ineffective, and he could not help jumping off himself.

He flipped his palm, took the epic **** battle from the storage ring, attacked the fragile dandelion, and poured out his powerful physical attack ability! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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