Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 793: White coat women

"Ding!" When his **** battle raged on the dandelion, he made a sound of intersecting gold and stone, as if not on the dandelion, but on the metal, forming a sharp contrast with the fragile appearance. Compared.

This dandelion was blessed by the force of the formation, extremely tough, and even his powerful attack can withstand it.

"Re-sentence!" Huang Yi used his strongest attack skills and hit the dandelion again.

However, a familiar scene reappeared, and his attack did not help. The dandelion is still good and has strong anti-attack ability. I do n’t know when it will be completely defeated if I continue to fight it!

"Boom!" At this moment, a violent roar had come from afar, and it was faintly visible that some huge trees had been pushed down by someone with brute force.

The two half-orcs are about to catch up. There is not much time left for Huang Yi. At this time, his physical attack is obviously not enough to kill this array of eyes.

He flipped through the array of law books again, flipped quickly to see if he could find a quick way to break the array.

Suddenly, his eyes inadvertently reached the header of one of the pages, where there was a comment left by the dragon thorn—

"Only when the strength is far superior to the lineup can you consider brute force. If the strength is lower than the lineup, you need to use the best matching method to break the line."

"The best match method ..." Huang Yi pondered these words and looked at the dandelion again.

At this time, a gust of wind was blowing. Blowing his hair fluttered slightly.

He suddenly hesitated, and the dandelion best matched was the wind. When people think of dandelions, the first thing that comes to mind is the wind, which is a pair of innate partners!

Using wind skills to destroy this dandelion should be very smooth!

However, Huang Yi did not have a wind attack method. He was just a warrior. There were few magic skills. Among the only magic skills, the end of the world was fire. Thunderstorms are thunderstorms and have no wind skills.

He quickly flipped through his storage ring to see if there were any magic scrolls or potions for wind skills.

In this search, he was lucky to find a scroll of wind magic-Gale!

I don't know which time he bought the magic scroll, which has never been used in the storage ring.

This gust of wind can only be regarded as a low-level wind spell, it has no effect, but at this moment it is so precious. More attractive than any taboo magic.

Huang Yi immediately faced the dandelion, used a magic scroll, and released the sealed wind.

"Hoo!" A gust of wind blew, and the cloak of Huang Yi blew!

That dandelion was finally blown into the air, flying into the air. This array of eyes finally began to loosen! Huang Yi found the right method!

"Kill God, I didn't expect you to find an eye!" Just then, a surprised voice from the Orc Archer came from afar. Coming with one of them, there was also an angled arrow, which passed through the gap between a large tree. Accurately shot at Huang Yi, with a sharp howling!

Huang Yi heard the direction. Conditioning flashed aside, Kankan escaped this arrow, and was hit later!

He turned to look at the direction of the arrow. The noun was that the two half-orcs were less than a hundred meters away from him, and they would soon come over!

Now, it depends on whether the frontal eyes were destroyed in these few seconds or the two half-orcs arrived first!

When the two half-orcs come over, there will be no chance for Huang Yi!

At this moment, the wind stopped.

Huang Yi's fluttering cloak suddenly fell down, and dandelion also stopped floating!

Gale is over!

And a small part of the flying dandelion was not completely scattered.

The front was not completely destroyed.

Huang Yi failed!

He failed at this most critical moment!

"Hoo!" Almost at the same time, another strong wind blew from behind Huang Yi, blowing out the last bit of dandelion!

It seemed like a moment of freeze, and the formation was finally broken!

"Somebody helps!" Huang Yi flashed a guess in his head and wanted to look back at who the call was.

But at this moment, a white Miaoman figure flickered in front of him, and then he was caught by a small boneless hand, followed by a flash, and appeared in another place.

The next moment, Huang Yi saw a huge step in front of him, and there was a statue in the middle of the step, and countless people looked up there.

This is truly the gate of the Royal Academy of Oskan!

He was teleported!

Huang Yi quickly turned to look at the person who helped himself, and immediately saw a familiar figure.

This is a female player wearing a long white dress and a white bucket hat on her head, exposing a half perfect face, giving a classic beauty.

This woman in white is the woman who used to be next to the gentleman. Her name was only one word— 柒.

"Thank you very much!" Huang Yi thanked him sincerely.

柒 An elegant smile, softly said: "You're welcome, you are his friend, and I should help you."

The "he" in her mouth is naturally a gentleman, or a blade. When Huang Yi went to find the blade some time ago, the blade said that he had come to the central continent.

"You are also studying at the Royal Academy of Oskan?" Huang Yi guessed. He couldn't perceive any legendary or epic equipment on the body of the uncle, which was obviously a scene of refining in the body.

"Yes!" I nodded slightly. "I'm in the second shift at Dabsney."

Dabbsney, the name of the class mentor. Although Huang Yi has just arrived at the Royal Academy of Oskar, he has some knowledge of some very famous mentors.

Dabuszny is an excellent mentor on par with Krabi, and Dabuszny's second class is also one of the best classes at the Royal Academy of Oskar. It's just that the class did not have students who graduated from the array of dragon thorns, so its reputation is slightly inferior to that of Krabi Class 3 where Huang Yi is.

"I'm in the third shift of Krabi. If there is anything I can help with in the future, you can find me." Huang Yi said, took out a business card of his own, and handed it to the uncle.

"You are in the best class!" Wei Wei smiled and took out a business card and exchanged Huang Yi. The two were equivalent to adding friends.

Huang Yi looked down at her business card, which showed that she was a non-profit professional player, and her career preference was a priest and a wind mage. No wonder she could use some wind skills just now.

"How could you be chased and killed by them?" At this time, Xu asked curiously, without any shyness towards Huang Yi, she was generous, and suddenly became familiar.

Huang Yi shrugged, and said helplessly: "I want to go to the office of the fighter alliance in Jincheng Garage. As a result, I have not learned how to refine in the body, and the equipment has been exposed."

He is also very helpless about it. He can never wear this good equipment. Without these epic legendary equipment, he would be very vulnerable, and he would be killed by a slight sneak attack.

More importantly, changing equipment does not completely guarantee that he will not be detected by the enemy! The second world is a world with a high degree of freedom. Various methods are emerging endlessly. There are always some special methods to find out his identity.

Although wearing this legendary epic equipment, although there are some flaws in identity confidentiality, he can fight against his stronger opponent. For example, he just fought with the two orc 180 orcs, and he was more than 120 levels, but he stiffened for a long time, otherwise he would have been killed.

The way to truly solve this problem is to learn to refine the body as soon as possible, absorb the power of these equipment into the body, and discard the equipment entities.

"Are you going to the Warrior League?" Wu Shenyin said, "I have a player classmate who is an important figure in the Warrior League. How about I take you to meet him?"

Huang Yi thought for a moment, then nodded directly: "Okay, trouble!"

"I happen to have lessons in the afternoon. I might as well take you to our classroom now!" Then, Xu Chao stepped up the front steps and led the way for Huang Yi.

More than ten minutes later, Wu finally took Huang Yi to her class classroom.

At this point, there are still twenty minutes to go to class. Many students have already sat in the classroom, and they are seriously preparing for it.

I took Huang Yi into the classroom and came directly to a male student.

This male student is tall, with strong arms and good muscular lines, but it is exaggerated, but it can make people feel a kind of strength.

He sat very straight, holding an iron ball in his right hand, full of the size of a basketball. Ordinary people struggled to lift it, but this male student turned it on his finger as a basketball, showing extreme Delicate power grasping ability.

His other hand was flipping through the textbooks on the table, apparently studying carefully. And turning the iron ball in his hand was just a small unconscious movement.

"School basketball fans, please excuse me." At this moment, He tapped the male student's desk gently, and said softly.

The male student suddenly raised his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ looked at the cricket standing aside, showing a hearty smile, and said, "It is the monitor, what happened?"

"I have a friend who wants to find out more about the Warrior League. You are a highly regarded player in the Warrior League. Do n’t know if you are inconvenienced now?" Huang Yi said with a finger.

"Hello!" Huang Yi nodded toward the student named campus basketball fan, showing a polite smile.

"Yes! Yes! No problem!" The campus basketball fan nodded, quite hearty, then stood up and said to Huang Yi: "Let's talk outside!"

Huang Yi nodded and walked with the campus basketball fans, but I didn't keep up.

Huang Yi and the two kept coming to a remote corridor outside the classroom before finally stopping.

"Do you know an epic gear named Thunder Handguard?" Huang Yi turned his head and looked at the campus basketball fan, asking when the door opened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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