Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 794: Barren land

"Thunder guard?" The campus basketball fans were shocked when they heard these four words. They immediately stopped the iron ball in their hands and said, "Of course I have heard that this is a thunderous epic equipment once used by our fighter alliance. , Very famous in our fighter alliance. "

"A piece of equipment once?" Huang Yi hesitated and repeated, "Isn't it now in the Warriors Alliance?"

The campus basketball fan nodded and said, "Yes! Thunder Gauntlets are rare lightning equipment, more precious than the rest of the magic department. I really want this epic equipment. But I am in the equipment library of the Warriors League. , But did not find this piece of equipment, and later checked the history of the fighter alliance to know that this piece of equipment has been divided into two parts. Among them, the left hand of Thunder was taken away by a master of the realm in the heroic continent named Rezes. . And Thunder's right hand fell into the hands of the Demon Legion during the invasion of the greedy king. The masters of our warrior alliance have felt that the piece of equipment is currently in the deserted magic land. "

"Desolate land? What kind of place is this?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

Campus basketball fans continued to turn the iron ball in their hands and said, `` The barren magic land is an area occupied by the demons in the central continent. There are demons everywhere in the magic land, and there is a gate of the demon king in the depths. , Connecting the world of the seven demon kings. "

Huang Yi frowned suddenly, wondering: "Don't you destroy that place?

"You asked me so many questions in a row, and it's my turn to ask you!" Campus basketball fans didn't answer Huang Yi in a hurry, but stared at him with interest, saying: "Thunder's left hand should be killing In the hands of God, he has shown the two skills of Thunderstorm and Thunderbolt. This is the same as the left-hand attribute of Thunder recorded in our warrior alliance. This cannot be wrong. If you care about the guards of Thunder so much, you must be the **** of killing Who is it? Or you are killing God? You ask me for help, but you hide your identity, so you can't justify it! I like to treat each other frankly. Make friends with me, and do n’t play tricks. ”End He stared fiercely at Huang Yi.

Since Huang Yi decided to ask someone from the Alliance of Soldiers for help, he naturally had no intention of hiding his identity. He nodded directly: "Yes! I am a spike. I once found the treasure of Rezzes and got the left hand of Thunder." In other words, he showed the equipment Guanghua of Thunder's left hand, his left arm flashed with crackling electric light, and arcs flashed. Give off a strong momentum.

"It really is you!" School basketball fans looked at the appearance of Thunder's handguards. Could not help but look at Huang Yi again.

at this time. Huang Yi did not use his original appearance, but as his identity, no matter what his appearance was, it was enough for school basketball fans to take it seriously.

School basketball fans tossed the iron ball in their hands. Laughing: "Kill God, you are a super-class master I admire. I can understand the mood of Thunder's right hand, but I still advise you to let go of this thought, this is for your good."

"Why?" Huang Yi asked, hiding the equipment Guanghua of Thunder's left hand again.

"Did I just say that? Thunder's right hand is now in a desolate land!" Campus basketball fans said, his face became dignified: "The desolate land was released by the seven demon kings to form a super strong formation, and became a piece of itself. Little heaven and earth, and has been blessed by the magic power of the seven demon kings, which is extremely strong. It can block the entry of masters above the level of heaven. Five years ago, there were only four demigods in the second world who wanted to destroy the seven demon kings in the desolation The large array under the ground, but the four of them failed to join forces, and finally they can no longer afford it. The barren magic land. It is the paradise of the demons. Did n’t you enter to die? ”

Huang Yi thought for a while, and touched his chin, "You just said, that big array will only block the entry of masters above the heavens, so should our sanctuary level be able to go in?"

"You really don't die?" Campus basketball fans looked at Huang Yi and felt some surprises for his attachment. "That place is too dangerous. If you must go, wait until the top sanctuary before you go! You are now In reincarnation, what if reincarnation after death? Then you are completely out of the realm of superb masters. "

"I have my own size!" Huang Yi said, took out a business card of his own, and handed it to campus basketball fans, and said, "Thank you for telling me this information. This is my business card. What do I need in the future? Help me, please. "

"Good to say c!" Campus basketball fans also took out a business card of their own and exchanged with Huang Yi, adding friends to each other.

"Kill God, we're going to class soon, and next time I'll invite you to drink!" Said the campus basketball fan, saying goodbye, and immediately turned to walk towards the classroom.

Huang Yi also turned and left. He decided to go to the library of the Royal Academy of Oskan, search for some information about the barren land, and decided to leave in the past few days.

Although campus basketball fans describe it as extremely dangerous, that danger is for the average person. But he has a special method to save his life, and that is to turn into an eyeless!

No-eye demon is a common demon. Huang Yi chose this species for evolution at first, considering that it can be more convenient when he acts on the demon's site. Later, he was still in the abyss of the heroic continent, and personally entered the gate of the demon king in the form of an eyeless demon, and went to the space where the seven demon kings were located, but he was not found. This shows that after he has changed into an eyeless demon, it is difficult for the demons to recognize him.

It didn't take long for Huang Yi to come to the library of the Royal Academy of Oskan.

The library of the Oscar Royal Academy is the most knowledgeable place in the entire Second World. It has 99 floors and is like a towering sky with a huge collection of books.

The library contains a variety of books, and even some ancient documents that have disappeared from the outside world can be found here, including some unknown secrets.

Of course, ordinary students have no way to look through the top-secret materials, they can only look at ordinary books. Huang Yi does not have this restriction. He is the most important student of the Royal Academy of Oskan, and he can browse all the materials.

At this time, the first floor of the library was bustling, and many students were studying knowledge here, not even sitting.

Huang Yi walked through the crowd and found the librarian. After asking, he immediately came to the ninetieth floor of the library.

The data of the barren magic land are stored in it.

The entry barriers on this level are relatively high, and there are very few students who have the right to enter. After Huang Yi came up, he saw only rows of bookshelves, but no one saw them, quietly.

Huang Yi sorted the cards according to the books. After searching for more than ten minutes, he finally found some introduction books in the barren magic land, and immediately looked through them.

Time is passing by a little. In this quiet library, it seems that the passage of time cannot be sensed, and only endless history is piled up here.

"Da Da Da!" Suddenly, Huang Yi heard a slight footsteps, not far from himself.

He couldn't help but feel a bit strange. This is the ninetieth floor of the library. There are very few students who have permission to enter. He did not expect that he could meet one.

He immediately looked up and looked in the direction of the sound.

In front of a row of bookshelves not far away, a man was turning his back to him and flipping through the books on that shelf.

The man is in his twenties, thin and weak, and looks a little familiar.

Just then, the man turned around and showed his face.

"Poet!" At that moment, Huang Yi suddenly blurted out a name in his heart, and finally recognized the man!

This man was the poet who hadn't seen him for a long time. The last time they met, was when the poet gave him the blueprint of the ocean airship, which was already a matter of last winter.

Huang Yi immediately changed to his original appearance and walked towards the poet.

This time, the poet finally heard the footsteps, turned his head suspiciously, and immediately saw Huang Yi.

"Kill God! How are you!" The poet closed the book in his hand and greeted Huang Yi.

"I have only come to the Central Continent." Huang Yi said, coming to the poet, and said, "You are also studying at the Royal Academy of Oskan?"

The poet nodded and smiled, "Yes! My bard just likes to travel around, and the Royal Academy of Oskan is the academic center of the Second World. The library here is the most abundant. For me who like to study history For people, it is the ultimate temptation. "Then, he asked about Huang Yi's situation:" It's been a long time, what have you been doing recently? "

"I've been busy improving my strength recently! Find a variety of masters to join my army of heroes, search for epic equipment to improve my strength. Then there is a robbery at any time, leaving me little time, I will take advantage of this last A little calm time, improve our strength a lot. "Huang Yi said, looked at the poet more, and said," How about, are you interested in joining my army of heroes? You know the situation of various forces in the Second World, It's best to be a military officer. "

"Holocaust?" The poet heard Huang Yi's tone so solemn, and couldn't help asking: "What kind of havoc really makes you such a great master?"

"I'm not sure, but I think it should be related to the Seven Demon Kings." Huang Yi groaned. "All I can determine is that this time the catastrophe will be very rapid, and it will affect the entire second world. With this ability, I I can only think of the seven devil kings ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition, in this robbery, our hero continent is the first place to be. If it cannot be resisted, then the entire continent will perish. Now, before the rain comes For the final tranquility, I urgently need the help of various experts! Poet, I really hope you can join our legion. "After that, Huang Yi stared seriously at the poet's eyes.

"I don't have much fighting power. The effect of pulling me in is very limited." The poet shook his head and said, "But I can help you introduce a person. As long as you can pull him into the gang, it will definitely increase the strength of the heroic army."

"Oh? Who is that person?"



Sorry, Carvin, this chapter is tonight.

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