Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 798: Stealing epic

However, in front of that room, there are two holy demon clan guarding there, holding sharp spears, and evaporating a sense of energy from the body, the momentum is extremely powerful, actually two top holy demon clan.

They stood in front of that room, apparently preventing the rest of them from entering, and Huang Yi's desire to enter that room and get that half-epic equipment was obviously impossible.

He turned his eyes and suddenly saw the room next door opened with no one inside, indicating that he could enter.

Huang Yi immediately entered the room and closed the door firmly.

The room was empty, there was nothing in it, there was only a pool on the ground. The pool was filled with black liquid, as if it were ink, braved water bubbles, exuding a strong dark atmosphere.

This is the magic water in the magic pool, which has extraordinary healing ability for the demons. For non-demon, it is strongly corrosive, and some items will be demonized after being dropped.

Huang Yi put down the top sacred demon tribe on his back, and threw it to the ground at will.

Later, he changed back to the form of Beastmaster, took out the epic level **** battle, and smashed down towards the top sacred demon tribe, and knocked out the last trace of his blood in three or two hits. Already.

At this point, the hanged ghost took them a long time to become a dying demons, and thus died in the hands of Huang Yi!

He is now only over 120 levels, killing the 199 demons will have a high extra experience bonus.

Next, he immediately collected the material from this demon race, and put all its materials such as its blood and devil teeth into the storage ring.

After a while, he was inside the demons. A 199-level magic dan was dug up. This is the biggest gain!

The value of this magic dan. It can be said that even many magic celestial levels are incomparable.

Because level 199 to 200 is the most difficult stage. In the Tower of the Gods, this level can only play mobs at level 199 and below, and beyond level 200. After level 200, you can quickly upgrade, the role of magic dan does not seem so great.

However, Huang Yi should not use this magic dan. He obtained such a huge amount of experience during his reincarnation. After the reincarnation, he could be directly upgraded to the level of heaven.

He threw the magic pill directly into the storage ring. He has another magical effect.

Next, Huang Yi had to find a way to get that semi-epic equipment, which was the purpose of his trip.

The half of the epic gear is next door. The stone on this wall is not ordinary stone, but the material of the demons. It is difficult for him to destroy it. And even if he can destroy it, it will definitely cause huge movements and attract the attention of the demons outside.

Huang Yi paced back and forth, thinking about the method, suddenly. He saw the pool in the room!

His eyesight ability found that there was a small canal with a diameter of about 20 cm at the bottom of the pond. Connected to the huge magic pool in the desolate magic hall, these magic waters flow from that big magic pool.

Not only that, all the rooms in the Desolate Demon Hall are of this structure, and each room is connected to the same huge magic pool by a small canal.

From this point of view, in fact, every room is interconnected. As long as he climbs down this canal to the huge magic pool, he can enter any room through the small canals in the magic pool!

However, Huang Yi's body size is obviously unable to climb into that small canal! He thought about it, his body changed again, and he became a small smart cat form. With the size of a ghost cat, he must be able to pass through the small canal.

Huang Yi immediately jumped into the pool and was immersed in the magic water.

Immediately, he felt a comfortable feeling. This magic water did not have any corrosiveness to him, but also had some kind of buffing effect. Soaking in it was like soaking in a traditional Chinese medicine hot spring. The whole person was happy from beginning to end. Incomparable.

After he fully awakened as Nefarem, his first talent was [Devil's Body], saving 100% of Dark damage, 40% of Holy damage, and 20% of any damage. Normal attacks add 20% Dark and 10% Holy damage.

The first stat of this talent is 100% immunity from dark damage. He is beyond the blood of the devil and is biased towards the devil. The water in this pool is full of the magical atmosphere. Even if it is corrosive, it won't hurt him at all. It will only give him a sense of comfort because it matches his bias.

No longer wasting time, Huang Yi sank quickly into the bottom of the pond and got into the small canal.

His mind-eye ability works in all forms. Although at this time he is in the form of a ghost cat, it is difficult to see with naked eyes in the dark pool, but his heart-eye ability has no effect at all and still shows him the surrounding scene.

This small canal is dark and narrow, winding and twisting, from left to right, with a meandering bowel. There is water everywhere, crawling in it has a feeling of suffocation, as if isolated from the world, to lead to an unknown world.

A minute passed, Huang Yi still didn't dive to the end of the canal. He couldn't remember how many turns he had made. It seemed that the passage would never end. There are only endless curves in his world, endless depression, and endless magic water. It seems to be in a forgotten world, lost forever in this narrow, unknown canal.

"Huh? Here!" Finally, Huang Yi's eyes saw a huge space in front of him, like a lake, filled with magic water, and it seemed to be that huge magic pool!

Swim out of that passage, Huang Yi felt relaxed a lot. At this moment, he can clearly see that the walls of the magic pond are densely covered with black water holes, and the water canals are transported into each room by each channel.

Huang Yi didn't waste time, and directly drilled into the water hole next door, and once again entered the narrow and dark canal environment, and once again endured the unimaginable depression.

After a few minutes, Huang Yi felt that half of the epic gear was only a few meters away from him. At this time, he finally got out of the canal and appeared in a brand new room!

And this new room is next door to the room where Huang Yi was before! At this moment, at the bottom of the pool in front of him, he lay quietly with a hand guard, crackling thunder and lightning in the water, but those thunder and lightning were suppressed by the dark breath in the pool, little by little Eroding, demonizing it.

This hand guard is the right hand of Thunder that Huang Yi has been searching for!

He immediately became a human figure, swam quickly, reached out and took the thunder right hand in his hands!

At that moment, outside the confined door of the room, the two top sanctuary demons remained closely guarded. They never thought that someone had sneaked into the room they were guarding and got something they had been guarding.

Huang Yi quietly climbed up to the shore, carefully looking at his thunder right hand.

The appearance of Thunder's right hand is similar to that of Huang Yi's Thunder. The whole body is composed of thunder and lightning, and the arc flashes crackling, full of thunderous power. However, this thunderbolt was faintly black, apparently it was soaked for a long time by the magic water in the magic pool, and was partially demonized. This kind of equipment is placed outside. Other players cannot use it at all. This is a contaminated piece of equipment. You need to ask a highly skilled forge to re-forge it to dispel those magical energy before you can use it.

However, Huang Yi is a nephelem of the partial magic system, not to mention that this guard is only partially demonized. Even if it is completely demonized and becomes a magic equipment, he can still use it.

The left and right hands of the Thunder Gauntlet have been separated for too long, and the equipment power can no longer be linked together, similar to becoming two unlinked hand guards. However, on his way to the central continent, Huang Yi got the spirit of thunder and lightning, and could reconnect the two guards with equipment.

The next moment, he took off the Thunder's left hand and placed it with the Thunder's right hand.

He then took the long-held Thunder Spirit from the storage ring. The spirit of the thunderbolt is a thunderball, flashing a "crapping" arc, exuding a strong thunder element!

Huang Yi pressed the thunder ball directly on the two pieces of equipment.

Suddenly, the thunderball just melted like a conductor, and turned into a strong thunderbolt. It poured onto the two guards, and an electric arc flickered in the two guards. It seemed to be repairing. what.

After this lasted for a period of time, the two pieces of equipment became more and more closely connected, and there was a thunder and lightning connection between each other, conveying each other's breath.

Finally, the spirit of thunder and lightning completely melted, and he could no longer see the slightest.

At this point, the two guards look like ~ www.readwn.com ~ and finally have the same feeling. They separated after ten thousand years and finally reunited, forming a real epic equipment with each other, no longer half. Epic legendary level.

Huang Yi immediately picked up the two guards and re-equipped them on his two arms.

In a short time, the two guards turned into a thunderbolt, enclosing Huang Yi's two arms, and a small thunderbolt burst out from above, completely covering his two hands, looking like two Thunder arm, not human arm.

This is the epic level Thunder Gauntlet, Huang Yi's sixth piece of epic gear! It is difficult for outsiders to find even one piece of epic equipment, but Huang Yi has already obtained six pieces of such equipment. Even the blade has only four pieces so far!

No one can imagine how huge savings Huang Yi gained during this seemingly weak cycle. Huge amount of experience, god-level occupation, epic equipment ... This series of means are now being accumulated, waiting for the moment when the reincarnation has broken out to shock the world!

Next, Huang Yi looked forward to looking at the properties of the Thunder Gauntlets at an epic level. (To be continued ...)

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