Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 799: Thunder Queen

[Thunder Gauntlets] (Epic, Armor-Gauntlets, Semi-Demonized)

Holy Land Physical Defense: 100

Lightning Resistance +75

Bounce 20% of the damage taken to the attacker. The bounce damage does not include defense attributes.

Attack Speed ​​+ 30%

Critical Strike Effect + 30%

Turns 10% of attacks into Dark damage

20% Lightning Damage to Attacks

Thunderstorm Storm: Wherever it passes, the sky is covered with thunderclouds, which makes a lightning world within a range of 200 meters around it. It splits a hundred lightnings per second and randomly strikes enemy targets in the range, causing the equivalent of 2% ATK, and cause 0.1 second paralysis. The duration is unlimited and can be turned on and off at any time.

Incidental skills:

[Lightning Body]: Put yourself into the Lightning Body state, full of current, exempt all spell skills, and turn your attack into a lightning attack. A close enemy will get an electric shock when attacking themselves, and will receive a paralysis effect for 1 second. The Thunderbolt lasts 10 seconds. Each use consumes 5% health and has a cooldown of 5 minutes.

[Lightning Conductor]: Make yourself and your contract partner enter the state of a lightning conductor, and be wrapped in lightning elements to isolate the outside world's perception. The movement speed is increased by 10 times and the duration is unlimited. After being attacked, it will exit this state automatically. Each use consumes 5% health and cools down for 5 minutes.

Durability: 4000/4000

Requirement level: can be increased with the level, the current level is 125

Equipment rating: 3500

Item description:

Two things in the world will reverberate forever. One is the thunder in the sky, and the other is the love in my heart.

There are two kinds of light in the world with instant current. One is the thunder of the sky, and the other is that you look at me.

In ancient times, after Poseidon sealed the gods, His Majesty's Poseidon Palace continued to rule the oceans of the Second World.

When the tide monarch of the 57th generation of the sea **** palace was ruled, the general of the sea **** palace, the crab king, was tempted by the fallen king, sent troops to rebellion, usurped the position of the sea **** palace master, and imprisoned the tide monarch in Thundersea.

In the thunder sea. The tidal monarch met the thunderbolt queen, and the two gradually became emotional.

The Queen of Thunder and Lightning, because of the curse of the Cursed King, can only move within the range of Thunder Sea. Once she leaves Thunder Sea, she will lose her arms forever.

In order to help the tidal monarch recapture Poseidon, the thunderbolt queen his arms. She lifted the curse, took her weapon and lightning scepter, left Leihai, and went to Poseidon Palace to kill the king of crabs. However, before the death of Crab King, she passed the degraded breath in her body through the broken arm wound of the Queen of Thunder and invaded the body of Queen of Thunder. The Queen of Thunder and Lightning was eventually corrupted. Become the new owner of the Poseidon Palace and continue the brutal rule of the King of Crabs.

In the thunder sea, the tidal monarch waited hard to wait for the return of the thunderbolt, and fell asleep with the arms of the thunderbolt day and night until she died.

Three thousand years later. The fallen breath in the thunderbolt was dissipated and she finally remembered the tide monarch. Return to Thunder Sea again.

In Thundersea, she only found the two arms that were broken that year. On those two arms, she was lying quietly with a dead bone, that is, the dead tidal monarch. He was waiting for the thunderbolt until her death. Come back.

The thunderbolt queen was indignant and angry, and she sought the revenge of the seven demon kings with the anger of thunder, but until the moment of her deity, she failed to kill any demon king.

An ancient goblin master of equipment forging—Sakress passed thunder sea and heard the story of the thunderbolt and the tidal monarch from the song of a sea monster. I felt in my heart and found the broken arms of the two thunderbolts. , Refined it into the Thunder Gauntlets, so that it will always hold the dead bones of the tidal monarch to guard this love story.


The pair of epic handguards comes with its origin in the item description.

Before Huang Yi got the left hand of Thunder, I only knew that the pair of epic handguards was later inadvertently obtained by Thunder ’s lover, a guardian on the hero continent, in the sea of ​​thunder, but that was not the real thing of this handguard. origin.

Now that Thunder's handguards are complete, the story behind it is finally revealed, which is actually a pair of arms of the Empress Thunder.

The Thunder Queen is the ninth god-sealer in the Second World, and one of only two god-sealers in ancient times. The **** who sealed her before her was the **** of the sea, and the **** behind her was the ascendant. Bloodhoof in ancient times.

It is rumored that the Pope has inherited the throne of the Thunder Queen. After the pope broke through the sanctuary, his signature treasure half-scepter caused a vision of a thunderstorm. Some people speculate that the half of the scepter is actually part of the thunderbolt.

This Thunder Gauntlet is undoubtedly the top epic equipment, which can be seen from the incidental skills. Generally speaking, most of the two incidental skills of epic equipment are an active skill and a passive skill. And this Thunder Gauntlet is very rare with two active skills.

In addition to the previous Thunderbolt body, this Thunder Gauntlet also comes with a secondary active skill lightning conductor. This skill has the ability to isolate perceptions from the outside world and hide your identity.

Huang Yi had previously exposed himself because of the equipment. If this lightning conductor was used, the enemy's perception ability would not be able to detect his existence, and his equipment, breath, etc. would not be detected. Coupled with his passive anti-reconnaissance skills, the enemy's tracking ability can also be invalidated. The enemy does not have the ability to sense and track, and it is much more difficult to find him.

In addition, this skill is effective at the same time as his contract partners, and can also increase the movement speed by 10 times. The duration is unlimited. It is most suitable for hurrying. Unless attacked, this state will be lifted.

In terms of basic attributes, this Thunder Gauntlet has a rare anti-damage attribute-bounces 20% of the damage back to the attacker.

This is Huang Yi's first anti-injury attribute. The anti-injury attribute is more common in cavalier professions and relatively rare soldiers. This is an attribute that has both defensive and offensive effects.

After he was promoted to a divine class, he gained four new talents, one of which was anti-wound mastery—ignoring all the enemy's anti-damage effects, and increasing his own anti-damage effects by 20%.

This makes his anti-injury ability stronger! For example, the enemy originally wanted to deal 100 points of damage to him, and his Thunder Guards rebounded by 20%, that is, to return 20 points of damage to the enemy, he would only take 80 points of damage.

However, after increasing the talent of anti-injury mastery, the rebound amount of 20 points increased by 20%, that is, it became 24 points, and Huang Yi actually suffered only 76 points of damage.

With this sixth piece of epic equipment, Huang Yi can clearly feel that his strength has been improved once again.

He should currently be the person with the most epic equipment in the world, but this is only his guess. There is no player equipment list in the leaderboard system, and he does not know how it really is.

At this point, the journey to find the Thunder's handguards ended so perfectly, and it should be back.

But when he looked at the little pond in the room, he came up with a bold idea again.

Since this desolate magic hall is used to heal the demons, there should still be many seriously injured demons here, maybe they can take advantage of the opportunity to pick up the cheap.

Immediately, he started to move into the small water channel, returned to the huge magic pool, and then drilled into another small water channel, and began to search.

At this time, he directly used the second incidental skill of the Thunder Guardian, the Lightning Conductor, so that he was wrapped in the Thunder, and the enemy could not perceive his existence. In addition, his movement speed can soar tenfold, and the speed almost became a shadow of thunder, and he hurried forward in the canal.

Soon, he came to the exit of the canal and looked towards the small pond outside.

This is another room, and a demon is immersed in the pool in this room. Its breath is very strong and the injury is not too serious.

Huang Yi dispelled the idea of ​​killing it, returned to the huge magic pool from the small water channel again, and got into another small water channel.

In this way, he relied on the ultra-fast speed of the lightning conductor to investigate each room, and the effect was very high.

Finally, in the seventh investigation, Huang Yi finally found a suitable target!

The demons were seriously injured, wounds were everywhere, both arms had been broken, and there were several huge blood holes in the chest. It lay motionless in the pool, and seemed to be in a coma. It should have been carried back.

Huang Yi immediately changed into an adult form and summoned Xiaolong!

He did not dare to summon the dragon before, because the dragon is a golden holy dragon, with a strong sacred breath on his body, and a dark breath is a natural opponent. It appears in this desolate magic hall, and it will be as dazzling as the sun, and will be easily perceived by those demons.

But now, a layer of thunder and lightning emerges from Xiaolong's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wrap it firmly inside, the sacred atmosphere is isolated, and those demons can't perceive its existence.

The skill of lightning conductors can be effective even with contract partners!

Huang Yi then took out the **** battle, aggressively smashed a heavy sentence towards that demons!

"Oh!" The demon flesh flew, it was in a state of serious injury and dying, and it did not wake up.

After attacking for a while, Huang Yi finally killed this demons.

This demon is a leader at level 174, which is the same as the level before Huang Yi's reincarnation. If Huang Yi came to kill it by reincarnation, the experience value will not be added. But now, he can enjoy the extra bonus of dozens of levels.

In addition, his head gear was upgraded to an epic level a while ago, and an additional passive skill for experience gift-after killing his own level 30, the experience value doubled, and the contract partner can be Also get the same experience value. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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