Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 800: Dark Stone

How much experience the demons have given to Huang Yi can't be seen now, and I won't know until after reincarnation.

However, the effect of this experience value is clearly reflected on Xiaolong's body. After gaining this huge amount of experience value, he directly improved by two levels, from 112 to 113!

It's difficult for Xiaolong to upgrade. A boss has raised it by one level. It can be seen how rich the experience gained this time.

Huang Yi quickly collected the material from the demons, dug out its magic sap, and then drilled into the water channel in the pond again, and began to hunt for prey to kill.

Five minutes later, he killed a severely wounded Demon Clan 137.

Fourteen minutes later, he killed a 171-level demons, and Xiaolong received a wealth of experience gifts, and the level was raised to 114!

Twenty-two minutes later, he killed a 122-level demons.

Thirty-seven minutes later, a top-level Sanctuary Demon in Level 192 died in his hands, and the dragon was raised to Level 116!


In this way, Huang Yi is like a messenger in the water, shuttles through the dark and narrow channels, enters the rooms of the magic hall, and quietly kills the seriously wounded demons, and gains a lot of Experience, demonic materials, magic dan.

The Desolate Demon Hall is the core of this magic land. There are countless demons in it, and some of them are top-level demons. They come and go in the halls of the magic hall, and they are lively, just like walking in their own homes. They didn't even expect that in a separate room, the seriously injured Demon Clan was being attacked by Huang Yi.

gradually. Three hours have passed.

Huang Yi has visited almost every room in this barren magic hall. Kill all the seriously injured and dying demons that can be found.

He killed more than 20 demons in total. Obtained a lot of demons. These demons mostly consist of intermediate sanctuaries and advanced sanctuaries, and only a few of the top sanctuaries. Xiaolong's level was brought to level 130, and it was more difficult to go up.

This efficiency is extremely amazing. In the desolate and desolate outside, one team can fight to kill a demon, but in his hands, it is easy to reap the life of a demon.

Next, he stopped going to those rooms. Swim in this huge magic pond, turning his eyes and searching around.

These three hours of killing made him have a doubt. The dark breath in the magic pool was continuously consumed by those demons, but there was no sign of the dark breath in the magic pool decreasing.

This shows that there must be something in the magic pool that always provides a dark breath, just like a source, ensuring that this magic water always has an effect.

He wants to find this source!

Huang Yi was swimming in this huge magic pond. It was as small as a fish in a lake. The black magic water is extremely deep, as if at the bottom of the deep sea. No one can feel hope, and can only suffocate a little.

Fortunately, he is Nefarem. He is soothing in this magical water. He hasn't felt suffocated after diving for a long time. He doesn't need to float on the surface to breathe. Not only that, he was able to absorb the dark breath of the magic water.

Gradually, he sneaked into the bottom of the magic pool, and it was difficult for his naked eyes to see things in the magic water, and he could only observe the surrounding scenes with his mind and eye ability.

"Huh? The dark breath over there seems to be very strong!" Suddenly, Huang Yi noticed a strong dark breath coming in the direction of his right. The dark breath was like the undercurrent, flushing the magic water around him. Stir slightly.

Huang Yi immediately swam over to his right, his swimming speed was extremely fast, and he could clearly feel that the dark atmosphere around him was getting stronger. Almost every inch of his pores in the body could feel the pure dark breath infused, absorbed by Nefarem's blood in his body.

After his blood awakened from Nefarem, he has been very calm, but he did not expect that after encountering the pure dark breath in this magic pool, he was going to move!

Gradually, Huang Yi's sense of darkness became stronger and stronger, swimming to the end, the richness of that dark smell almost formed the substance, making those magic waters thick like glue, and seemed to condense him here.

Finally, his mind-eye ability was discovered!

A black stone lay quietly at the bottom of the magic pond not far from him. The stone was only the size of a fist, and its surface was potty and inconspicuous, but it kept exuding an inexhaustible sense of darkness and immersed itself in the magic water around it.

The dark breath emanating from the stone is the purest dark breath he has ever seen, and it is even more pure than the dark breath he felt on the door of the demon king in the heroic abyss before!

This strange stone should be the spring eye he was looking for! Is the core of the entire Desolate Hall!

Huang Yi immediately swam over and came to the stone. At such a close distance, the dark air on the stone was more intense. The blood flow in his body suddenly accelerated, and he seemed to have a strong desire for that stone.

Huang Yi obeyed this desire and immediately reached out and touched the stone!

The next moment, he touched the stone!

Suddenly, the majestic dark breath in the stone seemed to find a vent, and rushed towards Huang Yi's hand, forced into his body, and sucked into his blood!

His Nefarem blood was like a bottomless pit at this time, fully absorbing these dark breaths. His palm even produced a huge suction, forcibly extracting the dark breath from the stone.

This stone originally only exudes a dark atmosphere normally, but now it seems to have been forcibly plundered by Huang Yi. The dark atmosphere inside emerged at a speed more than a hundred times a thousand times earlier, all absorbed by Huang Yi into Nefarem's blood.

And his blood flowed faster and faster, as if a flood of Pentium, raging in his body. Huang Yiqing violently started, and the blood vessels under the skin were squirming, just like earthworms, and his complexion began to turn black.

After he became Nefarem, this was the first time this happened!

After a while, Huang Yi felt that the dark breath he absorbed seemed to be saturated, and the blood flow speed returned to normal. After all, he only has more than 120 grades. Even if his absorptive ability is strong, there is a limit after all.

"[System Tip]: Your Nefarem blood veins have absorbed a large amount of dark breath, the blood veins have been advanced, and the talent [Devil's Body] has been improved."

After receiving this reminder, Huang Yi suddenly remembered the scene where Xiaolong absorbed the blood of the Doomsday A few days ago. At that time, Xiaolong also became stronger and his talent was improved!

And now he himself has gotten such an adventure!

He couldn't help but look at his Neferem bloodline data.

Sure enough, his first blood talent—the body of the demon god—was improved!

Prior to this, one of the stats of this talent was to have 20% of the Dark damage dealt to his normal attacks. But now that ratio has increased to 40%, doubled!

As if he did not use skills, using ordinary attacks alone can add 40% of Dark damage, which is an additional bonus!

He just got to touch this stone and got such great benefits. What exactly is this stone? Huang Yi could not help being more curious.

The stone had just been absorbed by him in a frenzy, but the darkness contained in it still did not decrease. He couldn't help picking up the stone from its place and checking its properties-

[Dark Stone] (Special Item)

The stones in Ukal's body contain a dark and smoky atmosphere. Inside the stones, there is a drop of blood of the Dark King.

This stone is actually the stone in the King of Darkness!

The King of Darkness is one of the seven demon kings. Even if there is only a stone in his body, he cannot be underestimated. If placed in this demon pool, he can provide dark breath to thousands of demons.

The strength of the seven demon kings can be seen from here!

But Huang Yi paid more attention to the last sentence of this dark stone. Inside the stone, there was a drop of blood of the dark king!


These two words have great attraction to Huang Yi. His racial evolution requires a drop of blood to carry out!

This is the blood of the Seven Devil Kings. As long as it is absorbed, it can evolve into a powerful existence like the Seven Devil Kings. How powerful is this significance?

There is no need to join the seven devil kings, and no contract is required. Become a demon king directly through evolution!

In this world, he has not heard of anyone who owns the blood of the demon king, not even the Royal Academy of Oskan. Over the years, the seven devil kings have only sent out rioters to make chaos, there is no real corpse material, no real blood ~ www.readwn.com ~ it disappears after being killed. Like the clone of the cursed king Nirvana that Huang Yi encountered in the dragon tomb last time, he did not get any blood.

The corpse is actually a mass of life. This is the case of the hero prison prisoners previously released by Huang Yi. After the criminals died, the corpse could not decompose the materials and blood, and it would be quickly wiped away. After the enemy kills those avatars, let alone corpse materials, even the experience value will not be obtained.

If you want to get the blood of the Seven Demon Kings, you have to enter the nest of the Seven Demon Kings in person and collect them on the body of the Seven Demon Kings, but that is no different from sending them to death.

The value of this stone is inestimable!

Huang Yi immediately put the stone into the storage ring.

Suddenly, he could feel the source of the dark breath in this magic pool. It won't be long before the demons who heal in various rooms will find that the effects of those magic waters are getting worse and worse, and in the end they can no longer be used to heal.

The top priority is to leave here quickly, otherwise we will face the anger of the entire barren magic land, and even attract the attention of those big figures in the Devil Space. (To be continued ...)

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