Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 805: Public opinion crisis

In fact, for more than a year, people in the forum have been speculating about his identity. There are various versions, but they have not been officially confirmed.

And now, as soon as the World Federation strikes, it is a fact! Huang Yi's identity was almost confirmed!

Huang Yi already had some preparations for this, he knew that his identity could not be hidden for a long time. The World Federation is unlikely to help him hide his identity, this exposure is expected.

But now he has full wings, even if his identity is revealed, it will not cause substantial harm, but there will be some waves in public opinion.

Huang Yi knew that this was just a revenge on hand by the World Federation. The real revenge of the World Federation was much more than that.

Next, he continued to browse the rest of the posts to see what public opinion currently thinks about it.

"Killing God commits a heinous crime and is not worthy of being a leader of the hero mainland. If you are a Chinese, turn around, if not, you are not a Chinese."

"Everyone must not join the Guild of Heroes! Killing God is actually a criminal in Rose Prison, and will only lead everyone to commit crimes! Speed ​​forward this message, do not transfer the family!"

"We strongly urge the World Federation to block the killing **** and eradicate the black horse! Forward this message and get 5 Q coins!"

"Upstairs lie, I've forwarded it, why didn't I get Q coins!"


These messages flooded the entire forum. It was obvious that there were traces of the navy, and they wanted to raise public opinion and hostility to Huang Yi.

This is unlikely to be done by the World Federation, after all, as the World Federation. There is no need to deal with him this way.

Most of these were some of Huang Yi's enemies, who took the opportunity to buy the water army.

Huang Yi's enemies are too many. As large as Miyamoto Musashi, as small as the former hanged ghost, countless, he killed too many people in the second world, everyone is possible.

However, Huang Yi has already experienced too many public opinion crises. He wouldn't care too much about what outsiders say about him and how to misunderstand him. Speech on this forum. He just looked at it and wouldn't take it seriously.

Then he went online.

As soon as he was online, he received Qin Shiyu's message and asked him to go to the municipal hall of Longdu immediately. It seemed that he was looking for him to discuss the matter.

Huang Yi immediately returned from the city of roses to Longdu, and reached the top floor of the city hall.

at this time. There are already two people waiting here, it is Qin Shiyu and Puppy.

"Yi brother, do you know the news?" Qin Shiyu saw Huang Yi coming, and immediately opened the door and asked the mountain.

Huang Yi nodded: "I see. What's going on with the organization?"

Qin Shiyu said solemnly: "The organization will take some defensive measures to resist the siege of the World Federation during this time. However, the World Federation cannot take great efforts to arrest us. After all, Ni Dongde ’s trouble in West Africa is too big. With the attention of the World Federation, our pressure will be much less. "

Huang Yi calmed down and said, "That's good, we will cooperate with Ni Dongde in the second world. We can't compare the influence of the second world."

At this time. The puppet fish finally spoke, looking up at Huang Yi, saying: "Brother Yi, this time our organization has also made a counterattack against the World Federation. Since they announced our identity in the Second World, then we also announced some of their Insider! "

"Oh? What's the inside story?" Huang Yirao asked with interest.

"The elder sister Qin Shiyu assassinated the Vice President of the World Federation, Rosevi Duncan, got some valuable information. After collating, we found Rosevi Duncan and TNT, the Pope, and the Palace." Ben Musashi ’s video materials they collaborated with shows that people in the World Federation want TNT to control the entire Second World. These video materials are real evidence, not fabricated, and this will have a significant impact on the World Federation. Public opinion blows. "

"Oh? I even got the video materials, and the harvest is not small!" Huang Yi smiled suddenly. The video is much better than the text, and it is really shocking.

"Yes!" Qin Shiyu also laughed. "They should prevent TNT, Pope, and Miyamoto Musashi from fighting against the water, so they have video handles in advance. As a result, they have not been used, but they were used by us first. . "

"In addition, we also discovered a secret to be born of the heart." At this time, the puppet fisherman sent out a blockbuster message: "Before the birth of Yu Youxin, he repeatedly defeated the battle, in fact, it was not because he was not capable. , But because he was going to lose! "

Huang Yi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?"

"Because every time he loses, he will get a lot of benefits!" Qin Shiyu snorted coldly, and there was a deep disdain in his eyes. "In order to be born from the heart, in fact, he and the Pope, Musashi, TNT have already had Secret cooperation, wanting to be led by Xinsheng to pretend to lead the entire hero continent to resist, in fact, to make it easier for TNT to invade them. The benefits of TNT will be given to the desire to be born by the heart, so the desire to lose by the heart again and again If you lose it, you will get more benefits every time. "

Huang Yi pondered for a while and continued to ask, "Then want to know by heart, do you know that TNT is working with the World Federation?"

The puppet fish shook his head and said, "I don't know, Yu Shengxin always thought that TNT were innocent and had nothing to do with the World Federation. TNT's cooperation with Yu Xinsheng was also deliberately hiding from the World Federation. They have their own abacus. But the world's federal intelligence network is too strong to know the secret. "

Huang Yi touched his chin and groaned: "That is to say, they are not an iron plate at all, but they have their own ghosts, and the news is not shared. The three parties conceal each other, apparently only cooperating with one party, but actually they are Working quietly with the other party, wanting to maximize the benefits? "

"Yes! That's it!" The puppet nodded. "Only the World Federation knows all the intelligence. Their intelligence network is too strong, but they have not taken action for the time being."

Huang Yi smiled suddenly and said, "That being the case, then we can indeed have a public opinion offensive! Disturb the relationship between the three parties, and these video evidences are enough to cause great turmoil in public opinion! The reputation of our organization was originally recognized by people around the world. Scolded, but the world federation, TNT, want to be born from their heart, they still think of themselves as bright, they are afraid of the wave of public opinion, these solid evidence is enough to pull them down. Just to see them torn apart After the talk, can't we talk about it? If we don't talk about it, then their cooperation will fall apart, and if we talk about it, they will not sound good in reputation. "

"Yes! The organization thinks so too. Since they want to announce our identity and create a crisis of public opinion for us, then we will give them a bigger crisis of public opinion." Qin Shiyu also laughed.

Huang Yi came to the window, looked at the sky outside the window, and said with anticipation: "I am looking forward to the following forum public opinion. These secrets will be exposed and I do n’t know how much shock they will cause. Their three-party cooperation, I do n’t know how it will proceed? "


At this moment, Huang Yi's negative news is spreading everywhere in the forum.

Various naval forces participated in it, stirring up waves of public opinion, pouring buckets of dirty water into Huang Yi.

Various television stations are also reporting this incident, and God of Killing was originally a hot character in the second world. And Huang Yi's assassination of the President of the World Federation a few years ago shocked the entire world.

How big is the shock caused by the combination of these two identities?

For a time, Huang Yi almost left only negative comments, and many hero continent players will have some prejudices.

But soon, the men and women on Huang Yi's side began to secretly operate. They took out the video materials transmitted by Qin Shiyu and began to reverse the crisis of public opinion.

A black teenager is walking in an alley in Mexico City.

Suddenly, his palm light brain trembled and received a video.

The teenager immediately uploaded the video to a popular forum. Later, he immediately threw the palm of his hand into the sewer on the side of the road, and quickly turned away.

That palm light brain was suddenly submerged in sewage, I don't know where it was washed.

But the video uploaded by this handheld optical brain has remained in the vast and vast online world. At this point, the video was drowning in a flood of news, which may seem unremarkable, just the most common post in the forum.

But soon, this video will cause a sensation in the entire online world!

The same thing happened in many countries and regions around the world.

The free organization behind Huang Yi has peripheral members in various places around the world. These members are all connected in a single line. Their status is ordinary citizens. It may be a hawker who is setting up a street, a passerby walking on the street, or a student coming home from school ...

Their concealment is extremely strong, and they do not know that they are actually working for free organizations. Even if the World Federation wants to start from them ~ www.readwn.com ~, they can find no useful information.

Soon, the videos posted by these people began to be discovered by Internet users, causing a personal shock!

These people began to forward automatically, even if there was no external factor such as "not forwarding the whole family" and "forwarding Q coins", they would spread the news willingly. The truth is often the most shocking!

Gradually, more and more people saw these videos, and some media keenly smelled the news value of the incident and quickly began to report. The videos Qin Shiyu took back began to appear in every TV station , Spread at an unimaginable speed throughout the world.

A public opinion counterattack opened the prelude. The dirty water splashed on Huang Yi's body would be drunk by those who splashed it. Those instigators of public opinion must be swollen by the truth!


This is the third change, a bit late, sorry. Ask for a referral ticket and a monthly pass! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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