Heroes Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 806: grandmaster

On the side of Huang Yi, they didn't have the brains to release all the videos, but broke the news bit by bit, allowing the public opinion to have time to digest the news.

They are currently releasing video messages of talks between World Federation Vice President Rossi Duncan, TNT, Miyamoto Musashi, Pope and others.

In the video, Rosive Duncan suits and shoes, with a high attitude, requires TNT and others to control the second world.

These contents in the video immediately caused the anger of countless viewers. They used to think that TNT and others just wanted to invade the hero continent, but after seeing this video, they knew the truth. It turned out that TNT and others wanted to invade every continent!

When the hero continent is finished, it is the turn of the next continent!

These videos immediately ruined the image of the World Federation. TNT, Miyamoto Musashi, and the Pope were also attacked by a large number of Internet users.

Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu ’s true identity was exposed to the impact of public opinion, which was immediately overwhelmed by this new wave of public opinion. Many people also supported Qin Shiyu ’s assassination of the Vice President of the World Federation.


At this time, in the Hero Continent, one of the cities occupied by the Divine Kingdom Army-Hongtu City, TNT and other high-level officials are meeting in the conference room.

"Damn! Why is this!" A brave man patted the table and roared angrily, "Now countless reporters and Internet users are scolding us! The World Federation has secretly left behind video materials, they are really a bunch of waste , Leaving such a big handle! Now it's OK. We are all exposed! "

A woman with a dignified face in a black robe put on her eyelids: "I didn't approve of cooperating with the World Federation at the beginning. Otherwise, there will not be this situation."

"But without cooperating with them, without the resources they provided, we would not be able to develop to the heights we have today." TNT touched his bald head, and those blue eyes looked deep out the window, Youyou said.

"So what do we do now? Do we want to give up our cooperation with the World Federation?" A blond teenager tapped his finger on the desktop and analyzed: "Now Kid is also against us, we have too many enemies, it is better to give up invading heroes now Mainland. Lurk for a while, and come out after the storm of public opinion has passed. "

"Give up? Why give up?" TNT turned back and looked at the young man, Shen said: "Since it has been exposed, it simply shows that it is cooperating with the world federation. Even if the public opinion is cursed harder, what will it do to us? Substantial shock? Those people shouted so hard that they dared to come out and fight me? "

Talking. TNT pressed his finger joints and made a "cracking" sound, with a sense of completeness: "Now, we still have the advantage. When the Pope and Miyamoto Musashi return, the heroic continent is ours. Killing God is just an incarnation . Plus a gentleman, how can the two of them stop us? Killing God, Sword, Dragon Spike, Blade, Thor, none of these five leaders are there, what are we afraid of? Since this time, killing God They just use some tactics to defeat us. They never dare to play against us head on. They have no superb masters who can stop us! This is a fatal flaw that they cannot avoid! "

Talking. TNT flashed in his eyes, saying: "We not only cannot withdraw, but also immediately fight a great victory to solidify our military hearts! We will send a message to the desire immediately, and we will start a cooperation tomorrow, let us Fight a beautiful victory. Tomorrow will let Qi Sheng kill more people, it's time to push him up! "

"Qi Sheng? Is he finally going to reuse him?" The woman in the black robe suddenly stunned and said quietly, "When Miyamoto Musashi left, he specially asked Qi Sheng to follow us. I didn't expect to use this now. People. "

TNT nodded, carrying his hands on his back, looking out the window, saying, "Next, it's their time."


At the same time, Yu Shengxin and Zheng Wen were discussing at the top level of the City Hall of the City of Desire.

"Brother, now there are news about their cooperation with the World Federation and TNT. This should be released by the free organization behind God Killer. Do you say that they have information about our cooperation with the World Federation?" Zheng Wen, Vice Chairman Frowning, said a little worried.

"It doesn't matter if you get it!" Yuxin shook her head with a smile on her face: "Our cooperation with the World Federation is purely a personal grudge against God. It doesn't matter if it is exposed. As long as we and TNT they If our cooperation is not revealed, then we will be fine. "

Speaking, Yu Shengsheng patted Zheng Wen's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry! We and TNT cooperated with them, even the second brother Xueyi didn't know. He thought we were the first time They cooperated with TNT. He never thought about it. We had cooperated with them since the beginning of the national war. How can the free organization behind the gods know what my good brothers don't know? "

"But I'm still a bit worried. We betrayed the interests of the hero mainland and deliberately lost to TNT in the national war. Once this kind of thing came out, we couldn't confuse ..." Zheng Wen still didn't completely relax, his face There is always a hover of worry on it.

At this moment, Yuxinsheng suddenly received the news of TNT. He opened the news and looked at it, and immediately showed a happy smile.

Later, he turned to look at Zheng Wen and said, "Don't worry about these things. Just TNT sent me a message. I will attack Yeyu Donglai Guild tomorrow, and there will be a lot of money to be credited. You will arrange it immediately. This thing. This time, send some more guilds to die. They seem to be cultivating one person and need us to send a lot of people. "

"Okay!" Zheng Wen nodded, forcibly suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and turned to leave the room.

"That's right!" At this moment, Yu Xinsheng turned back suddenly, stopped Zheng Wen who was about to leave, pursed his lips, and said, "Take out some of our guild resources and send them to the second brother of Xueyi Let ’s go! Last time, he has been slumped since he lost the Sky Medical Association. I do n’t have many brothers. He is one of them. I ca n’t let him suffer. What he lacks, try to send him over! Don't let him get involved with their cooperation with TNT anymore. Even if one day we really happen, we won't affect him. "

"Huh!" Zheng Wen nodded before leaving.


Gradually, a long day passed.

The next day, Huang Yi went online early after eating breakfast, and went to the forum to take a look.

On this day, the focus of public opinion really focused on the cooperation between the World Federation and TNT.

The voice of condemning Huang Yi has been reduced a lot, and only some people who have resentment against him continue to scold him.

Huang Yi has killed countless people. Many people are ordinary players. Not to mention revenge, there is no chance to connect with Huang Yi. All they can do is to make a rumor about Huang Yi on the forum, forward his unfavorable news, and take some trivial retaliation measures.

Huang Yi glanced at these news and went back online. The ontology took classes at the Royal Academy of Oskan, while the incarnation still appeared on the top floor of the city hall.

At this time, the puppet fish was dealing with the guild affairs here. When he saw Huang Yi going online, he immediately put down the matter at hand, saying: "Brother Yi, there is a latest news, TNT and Ganges, suddenly led the army to Ye Yu The Donglai Guild started the attack. They wanted to lead a large number of troops to prevent it, but they were defeated. They should be cooperating again. "

"Huh?" Huang Yi suddenly smelled an unusual meaning, and said, "TNT is now on the cusp of the storm, and he still has the intention to launch a large-scale war, which is strange!"

The puppet nodded and said, "Yes! I noticed this too. I asked the spies to pay close attention to this war. Just now, they sent back an unusual piece of information. Although TNT and Ganga are leaders, But it was not them who performed best in this war, but a player named Qi Sheng. He killed the most people, as if TNT and Ganges deliberately let him kill more people. "

Speaking of this, the puppet fish gave out the information of Qi Sheng, saying: "The Qi Sheng is originally an ordinary player master of the martial arts guild, the level is 97, the world ranking is 57th, and it is the rank of the invading army. The most advanced one. TNT and Ganges, they should be trying to make Qi Sheng hit the level 200 heaven level, so they cooperate with Yusheng again, and let them give head to Qi Sheng to kill ~ www .readwn.com ~ Huang Yi groaned: "In this way, TNT and Ganges should be trying to kill Qi Sheng by hitting 200 levels. "

"But that doesn't make sense!" The puppet fish shook his head immediately. "The chess sage is only 197. He ca n’t rise to level 200 if he does n’t kill for two days and two nights, especially when level 199 rises to level 200. Level 1 is the most difficult. If you want to be born from your heart, even if you have the intention to cooperate with him, there are not so many people who will kill him. After the player is dead, you have to go to the resurrection point to resurrect it, and then you can run out of battle again. The wasted time is too long Now, even if there is a priest, there can only be one reunion. The resumption cooling time is too long. And if it is too obvious, it will reveal that he and TNT have collusion. I can't figure it out. "

Huang Yi touched his chin and couldn't help but open the leaderboard and take a look.

At this time, in the world ranking list, Chess Master has risen to the 52nd place, and in front of him, all 198 players.

At this moment, Huang Yi's eyes flickered and the leaderboard jumped suddenly! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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