Heroes Prison

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So far, more than 600 chapters have been reviewed, and there are probably a few more that can be reviewed. ≧ Vertex Novel,

Chapters 548 ~ 554:

After the contest, the rewards library was opened. Huang Yi performed well in the contest and obtained a large number of exchange stones. He redeemed a god-level professional scroll in the rewards library. As long as he meets the requirement of "break and stand", he can be promoted to a god-level career, but he does not know what "break and stand" specifically means. Huang Yi also exchanged a compass for the spirit of thunder and lightning. The target location is deep in the ocean and temporarily unavailable.

Huang Yi once again went to the treasure site of the golden holy dragon, met the King of Sand Pirates, and used a special method to enter the 200-level treasure room, which contained one of the three top dragons' gold. The dragon eggs of the holy dragon need to absorb the dragon's power to hatch. Huang Yi released many criminals with dragon blood from the heroic prison, killed them to support the dragon egg, and dropped his Nefarem blood on the dragon egg. The dragon egg mutated.

In order to get closer to the dragon egg after he hatched, Huang Yi decided to use the blood of Hailong Emperor to deeply evolve the dragon family form. In this way, he had two dragon family identities, white dragon and sea dragon. Second identity, you can take a brand new name, as your second identity, looks like another player. Huang Yi named "Big Bad Guy" for the second status

Soon, the dragon egg was hatched, and a cute mutant golden holy dragon was born, named the dragon. After the dragon was born, he first saw a dog and learned how to bark. Looks nondescript. Extremely confusing.

Chapters 555 ~ 567:

The guardian of the main guild of heroes is the Necromancer. Its strength is only one line away from the level 200 heaven level. Huang Yi gave it a drop of the blood of the golden sacred dragon of the dragon. After absorbing the top dragon family blood, the Necromancer finally broke through to the level of heaven, triggering The vision of heaven and earth caught the attention of the whole continent. The Oscar Royal Academy has noticed the changes here and has added the Heroes Guild to the list of the world's top powers. Hero Continent will have 3 days of carnival time, during which all players' attributes will increase by 10%.

Take advantage of this carnival time of all attribute promotion. Huang Yi went to the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods, and swiped the first boss of the war, and wanted to take the world's first kill alone. Huang Yi has many legendary equipment, but also possesses the attributes of giving God a name and the title of Wu Sheng. The level has also reached more than 120 levels. Under all kinds of advantages, he can barely go on with a single brush. He failed again and again. The boss's health hit to a lower level. This single brush progress has shocked the world.

On the other side, Miyamoto Musashi and Oda City were defeated by Huang Yi at the contest. He has been thinking about him forever. Miyamoto Musashi hated Huang Yi, but Oda had a secret feeling for Huang Yi. The news of Huang Yidan's challenge to the Lord of the War came to their ears. Miyamoto Musashi decided to compete. He ordered a search for a special power stone among the Japanese players. As long as he got a special power stone, Oda City can make it Out of the "corpse fusion" skills, breakthrough to the level of the heavens, easily **** the boss of the boss of the world's first kill.

At this critical moment, Tendo's team obtained a special energy stone. Several senior executives wanted to sell this special energy stone to Miyamoto Musashi, but Tiandao disagrees. He and Miyamoto Musashi have been competing for the top master in Japan. He can't make Miyamoto Musashi stronger. Eventually they concealed the news of this special energy stone.

The master of Huang Yi's single brush war has reached the last moment. It is difficult for him to continue with his own strength. He called for the help of the League of Legends and finally won the world's first kill of the boss. His personal contribution exceeded 80%. , Triggered a system announcement, obtained the seventh national honor value, Ciming got a **** level, Ciming will be accompanied by a new skill, the name of this skill is the same as Huang Yi, called Spike, and you can directly kill a player after use. In addition, the Lord of War also exploded the **** battle pieces of Emperor Somret, and the remaining bosses each had a piece that could be assembled into an epic weapon.

Chapters 568 ~ 584:

Huang Yi first broke the world record on the 120th floor of the Tower of the Gods and obtained a mysterious dragon skin roll. This dragon skin roll records a dragon tomb of the golden holy dragon, located in the mountains of Warcraft. Huang Yi speculated that this tomb should be the tomb of Xiaolong's mother.

Huang Yi used his second identity—Big Bad Guy, and went to the City of Warcraft. He learned that a ruin of Emperor Somret was found nearby. He and countless players entered into it to explore. In this ruin, he first met The gentleman who suddenly emerged from the contest of the competition a while ago. The gentleman is hailed as China's sixth superb master after the blade, dragon thorn, sharp sword, killing god, and thunder god. The gentleman had a female companion, and both of them wore a fight, one black and one white, and looked very mysterious. In the ruins, Huang Yi relied on the ability to sniff the treasure and found a piece of legendary equipment. Unexpectedly, the gentleman also had the ability to sniff the treasure and rushed to that legendary equipment. The gentleman could have taken the robbery, but he gave Huang Yi a mysterious look, and then he left the ruins with his female companion. He did not continue to search, and gave up the baby to Huang Yi. This made Huang Yi be puzzled. He had no friendship with the gentleman. This was the first time he met, and Huang Yi used the new identity of the big bad guy. What the gentleman did became a mystery in his mind.

Later, Huang Yi got the ultimate treasure of this ruin, but was also chased by several earth snake gangs in World of Warcraft. Huang Yi directly flew away from everyone and rode the dragon to the depths of the World of Warcraft Mountains to search for the dragon tomb.

Chapters 585 ~ 597:

Huang Yi riding a dragon on the way to the World of Warcraft Mountains, relying on the ability to sniff treasure, found a lot of spirit grass, Xiaolong ate some scales on his body after eating. On the way, Huang Yi found a thatched house on a mountain peak. The owner of the thatched house was called Ye Ye, from the world of Oroas, and was a superb alchemist. Huang Yi helped the other side to kill a World of Warcraft, and occupied the mountain as a secondary territory. A group of criminals, including alchemists, pharmacists, poisonists, etc., were released in the hero prison. Let them form a team of scientific experts. Research and development of various super potions.

Chapters 598 ~ 607:

Huang Yi finally came to the dragon tomb with a small dragon. There was something strange in the dragon tomb. There was a huge pit inside it, filled with countless World of Warcraft mountains. The corpse of Warcraft was still alive, and Huang Yi gave them alive. Filled the last knife, obtained a large amount of experience points, the level increased rapidly. He found that all the blood of Warcraft was flowing to the same place. There is a huge black cocoon in that place, which is absorbing the blood energy of countless Warcraft, and seems to be hatching. Huang Yi used Nefarem's bloodline skills to create a blood **** imitation. The blood **** absorbed the blood, so that the black cocoon could no longer hatch. Later, the cocoon opened and a black phoenix was exposed inside. The identity of the black phoenix is ​​actually one of the seven demon kings-a clone of the cursed king! It is nirvana here, but now it is destroyed by Huang Yi.

The cursed king gave Huang Yi a curse of killing. Forcing him to kill, let Huang Yi have double attributes when facing the player. However, the crime value cannot be eliminated after killing. Only by killing one million people or joining the Seven Demon Kings can the curse be lifted. The Cursed King also gave Huang Yi a piece of equipment, the Crown of the Cursed King. This piece of equipment is currently legendary, but as long as Huang Yi joins the Seven Demon Kings, he can be directly promoted to epic equipment.

Facing the intimidation and temptation of the cursed king, Huang Yi did not hesitate, and eventually this avatar of the cursed king died and became a huge essence of life. At this time, the remnant soul of the golden holy dragon grave appeared, and she was indeed the mother of the dragon. She delivered the essence of life of the damned king's avatar and all her dragon power to the dragon's body. Xiaolong was so hugely supplemented, all the scales grew out, and the feathers of the black phoenix appeared, turning into an unprecedented mutant gold holy dragon, which has more potential than any gold holy dragon in history.

Chapters 608 ~ 617:

After a period of scramble, all bosses on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Gods were all killed for the first time. Among them, the heroic team got two first kills, the Sun Regiment and the Yanhuang Legion each got one, and they both dropped their respective bosses. The falling **** fighting parts gave Huang Yi. After Huang Yi fused the four components, the attributes of the **** battle became super strong. As long as he got the last component, he could be promoted to an epic weapon. But the last component was taken down by the team of Tiandao.

Huang Yi, who has greatly increased in strength, went to the treasure site of the Golden Holy Dragon and killed the sand thief king who has been trapped for a long time. This king who has been in the desert for many years has come to an end. Huang Yi obtained the semi-epic equipment of the King of Pirates, the dream of King of Pirates, and also the jade seal of King of Pirates of the Kingdom. As long as the desolation of the country is established, that half of the epic equipment can be promoted to a complete epic .

Huang Yi had already acquired religious tokens a long time ago. These heroes ’guilds have been preparing. This day is Huang Yi ’s birthday. Qin Shiyu took Huang Yi to a temple building in Longdu. Countless players kneeled on one leg in the direction of Huang Yi, and announced conversion to heroism. Huang Yi created his own religion in this way. After joining the hero religion, players will enjoy some attribute bonuses and some new skills.

Chapters 618 ~ 619:

After the religious establishment ceremony ended, Huang Yi quietly left from the back door of the temple. When he came to an alley, he met a mysterious player who wore a straw hat and a fishing rod and seemed to be fishing. Weng, he is falling out of the spirit of the underworld.

This man made a special trip here to wait for Huang Yi. It turned out that he was the same as Huang Yi's ace wanted criminal-Ni Dongde. In the World Federation ’s poker wanted order, he and Huang Yi were the only two ace cards. Huang Yi has been arrested, while Ni Dongde is still outside the world federation.

Ni Dongde knows Huang Yi and Thor's true identities in reality, and fancy their influence in the second world, and wants to cooperate with them ~ www.readwn.com ~ to jointly resist the world federation. Huang Yi agreed, and in order to facilitate cooperation, Ni Dongde let the red peach a in the poker wanted order, Zhang Yujian, surrendered himself and entered the Rose Prison to cope with Huang Yilei.

Chapters 620 ~ 624:

After the contest, Miyamoto Musashi has been preparing to invade the hero continent and seek revenge on Huang Yi. Now that he is finally ready, he has developed a brand-new potion and brought a group of secret masters to the heroic continent. They captured the high-level of the major consortiums of the heroic continent as hostages, including the heroic guild Qin Shiyu. Wait for a group of seniors. Originally, these people could commit suicide and return to the point of resurrection to be free, but Miyamoto Musashi used a potion that increased the probability of reincarnation. Once suicide is likely to reincarnate, no one dared to take this risk and had to be taken by Miyamoto. Musashi hijacked to the east continent.

This incident caused a sensation throughout the world, and countless people were blaming Miyamoto Musashi, but Miyamoto Musashi broke the jar and broke, and he didn't care. The Chinese guilds who were killed urgently organized a meeting and decided to send some experts to the East China mainland to save the hostages. Among them, Huang Yi, Thor, and the current president of the Xuanyuan Guild, Yun Sihai, were the leaders, and the rest listened to their orders. Everyone took the ancient **** ship of Thor and quickly rushed to the east continent. A upheaval is about to happen. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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