Heroes Prison

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Chapter 625 ~ Chapter 640

Huang Yi speculated that Qin Shiyu was in Muyi City and immediately sent the body to rescue. ☆ → Top ☆ → Point ☆ → Small ☆ → said, but this just hit the trap of Miyamoto Musashi. Huang Yi was soon chased after entering the city, trapped inside, facing the power of an entire city alone. At the critical moment, an unexpected person came out to help Huang Yi. This person is the sister of Miyamoto Musashi, and also the first beauty master in Japan-Oda City! After the contest, she had already expressed affection for Huang Yi. She was worried about Huang Yi's safety. She deliberately became a hostage and let Huang Yi catch it. Huang Yi exchanged Qin Shiyu with her.

In the heart of Oda City, I hope that I will always be held hostage by Huang Yi, it is best to take her back to the hero continent, so that I can stay with him forever. But Huang Yi's heart already belongs to Qin Shiyu, and they are destined to have no fate.

Miyamoto Musashi disagreed with Qin Shiyu in exchange for Oda City, and was only willing to release another hostage, Huang Yi reluctantly agreed. However, through this hostage exchange, Huang Yi incarnation found the place where the other hostages were hidden in Beihai City, and immediately organized the troops to successfully rescue the hostages.

Miyamoto Musashi was so anxious that he immediately summoned the masters of the East Tibet to intercept. Huang Yi fought a battle with Miyamoto Musashi's men and horses in order to protect the hostages. Curse, you ca n’t clean the sin value after killing, once it dies, it will drop to level 1, and all equipment will burst out! At a critical moment, China's sixth superb master gentleman suddenly arrived, helping everyone to dissolve the crisis. Miyamoto Musashi knew that the situation had gone, and had to sacrifice Huang Yi a curse of samsara at the expense of himself. After Huang Yi's death, he must reincarnate.

Huang Yi and others returned to the beach. Take the thunder ship and return to the hero continent. But Qin Shiyu was not rescued, and at this time Miyamoto Musashi was organizing a warship to hunt them down. At this moment of decision, Huang Yi resolutely returned from the Godship to the East Continent, destroying the Godship of Miyamoto Musashi, and let the Thunder God and others escape. However, Huang Yi was also left in the East Continent. He will face the Japanese masters alone. He also has the curse of killing released by the cursed king and the curse of samsara released by Miyamoto Musashi. Almost reached a dead end!

Chapter 641 ~ 643

For the safety of Huang Yi, Raytheon organized his brothers in the Rose Prison to create a force for Huang Yi, and exerted pressure on Miyamoto Musashi through the power of public opinion. The public opinion anger worldwide was successfully mobilized. Numerous people have accused Miyamoto Musashi of asking him to release Qin Shiyu.

However, Miyamoto Musashi was extremely obsessed with not swearing to kill Huang Yi and publicly announced his ultimatum. Three days later, Qin Shiyu will be executed in the central square of Beihai City to lure Huang Yi to go. Also. They also found that Huang Yi had never dared to kill anyone after he came to the east continent. There seemed to be some scruples, which made it easier for them to act.

At this critical moment, the number 2 in the organization behind Huang Yi made people give Huang Yi a heart of love for God, as long as this heart of love for love was embedded in an epic equipment, it would lead to heaven. Loves to host the wedding, and has a couple skills to protect his partner, this skill is very suitable for rescue Qin Shiyu.

Chapters 644 ~ 648:

Huang Yiming knew that Beihai City had deployed the Tian Luo Di network, but he went to rescue Qin Shiyu. Countless reporters from all over the world rushed to Beihai City to broadcast this unprecedented rescue live. After Huang Yi entered Beihai City, she was really provoked by a group of masters of the Martial Arts Association. They thought that Huang Yi did not dare to kill anyone, so she deliberately enticed Huang Yi to take the lead and humiliate him by all means, but what they did not expect was that Huang Yi He actually shot, and once he shot, he declared war on Japan as a whole!

Huang Yi no longer estimates the cursing of the cursed king, releasing all the anger in these hearts, and slaughtering in the entire Beihai City! His killing curse allows him to double his attributes when facing players. Few people in Beihai City were his opponents. Thousands of martial arts players died in his hands, turning them into his experience and national merit.

Miyamoto Musashi saw that Huang Yi was such a powerful killer that he could not help but invite all the masters in Japan, including the horses and horses of the Heavenly Emperor. One of the heavenly men brought the last **** fighting part of Emperor Somret. Huang Yi killed this person and successfully obtained this part. Now, all five parts of the **** battle are in his hands. As long as a piece of legendary equipment is burned and the power of the last part is activated, this weapon will be promoted to a super epic level!

Chapter 649 ~ Chapter 655

At this moment, Miyamoto Musashi once again held Qin Shiyu with Huang Yi, and Huang Yi had to go to the central square to rescue Qin Shiyu. Musashi Miyamoto tried his best to insult Huang Yi, and asked him to kneel in order to be loyal to him. Huang Yi really kneeled. This move was immediately transmitted to the whole world through the live broadcast of countless reporters. Countless people swear that Huang Yi is a cartilage, and actually kneeling at Miyamoto Musashi, this is a shame and shame for Chinese players. After Huang Yi knelt down, he immediately took out the crown of the cursed king and burned it off, activating the last part of the **** battle, making this piece of equipment instantly promoted to epic, a blue pillar of light soared into the sky, this world The vision shocked countless people.

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly merged the love of God into the **** battle at the epic level, and then launched a marriage proposal to Qin Shiyu. People then knew that Huang Yi did not kneel to Miyamoto Musashi. It was Xiang Qin Shiyu kneeling. Miyamoto Musashi understood that he had been tricked, and suddenly burst into anger, and directly wanted to kill Qin Shiyu. At this moment of life and death, the **** of love in heaven suddenly came down, preventing the attack of Miyamoto Musashi, and for Huang Yihe Qin Shiyu held a wedding.

At this moment of world attention, in this most dangerous East Rim continent, surrounded by endless enemies, Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu became husband and wife, and they kissed together. Among the endless crowd of people in the square, Oda City secretly hid in it, and wept, she could only watch her favorite person marry another person.

After the wedding, the protection of Eros has disappeared, but Huang Yi used the skills of the couple to protect Qin Shiyu and made her escape. Musashi Miyamoto lost his hostage. Can only choose hard battle Huang Yi. But Huang Yi's curse of killing made him double the player's attributes. No player is his opponent. And his level is too high, one of his killing god-named attributes has a very powerful attribute-"After the enemy's level 30 is exceeded, the enemy's attack is invalid for him, and his attack cannot be resisted by the enemy." Many masters have a level lower than him by 30, and can't even hurt him with injuries, and every shot he takes will cause thousands of deaths.

Audiences from all over the world watched Huang Yi in such a horrible manner that he killed seven in and seven out. Without a match, Miyamoto Musashi, the original creator, could not escape Huang Yi. Under the eyes of all, Huang Yi was sentenced to the void battlefield, and he was about to die. However, Miyamoto Musashi is indeed a super-class master. He actually used a bottle of attribute calling potion and exchanged attributes with Huang Yi. Now Huang Yi is in absolute weakness and will be killed by Miyamoto Musashi. Huang Yi had to dodge and tried to delay time. People all over the world think that Huang Yi will always be a turtle. Midnight finally arrived, and the date became June 1. There is an attribute in the name given by Huang Yi's God of Killing—one level is automatically upgraded on the 1st of every month. The reason why he delayed the time is to upgrade the level. After this level is increased, his level exceeds With Miyamoto Musashi level 30, you can ignore any attack from the opponent, Huang Yi finally killed Miyamoto Musashi!

Chapters 660 ~ 667:

Through this crazy killing, Huang Yi's rank and military ranks soared rapidly, and Vietnam became more brave, almost an invincible person. Miyamoto Musashi finally understood that he was not attracting wolves to the city by closing dogs, but by attracting wolves. He had to spend a huge amount of guild contribution value, summon a super npc guardian to hunt down Huang Yi.

This time, Huang Yi was facing a life and death crisis again. He forcibly snatched a siege crossbow from Beihai City and shot and killed a 165-level guardian, but soon came a stronger 175-level guardian. This is already a top sacred powerhouse. Huang Yi is not an opponent at all. He was beaten with almost no fighting power. At the moment of death, Xiaolong experienced this fierce battle and was finally promoted from childhood to success. For a long time, the strength of the top dragons has begun to play out!

With the promotion of Xiaolong, Huang Yi finally turned defeat and defeated the Guardian of Level 175! And this is already the strongest guardian of Miyamoto Musashi! At this point, the entire Beihai City has become Huang Yi's back garden. No one is his opponent. He can kill anyone. Just as audiences around the world were preparing to watch Miyamoto Musashi's jokes, Miyamoto Musashi was despondent, exhausted all the guild contributions, and summoned a 185-level guardian! Not only that, in order to be able to kill Huang Yi, he actually wasted a huge amount of funds to repeat the construction of the guild, in order to raise the guild contribution value, used to summon the 195-level guardian, this is nothing more than burnt money! But he is a few extremely obsessed and crazy people. He will kill Huang Yi once, no matter what he pays. Huang Yi has the curse of reincarnation. As long as he dies once, he will have reincarnation, and he will be completely fallen and he will no longer be his opponent.

Chapters 668 ~ 692:

Huang Yi is not an opponent of the Level 185 Guardian, but he awakened a Nefarem skill at Level 150, which can seal this Guardian for a day. He used this day to destroy Beihai City's magic tower, weakening the sky curtain enchantment. An ocean airship of the Heroes Guild took the opportunity to break into Beihai City and took Qin Shiyu, but Huang Yi tried to cover them. Can leave.

Huang Yi decided to improve his strength. He broke the world record of the 160th layer of the Tower of the Gods in the single player mode, obtained an epic pearl, raised his legendary pants to an epic level, and his strength soared. Then he began the second round of trials and teleported to a weird town called "Blood Town". This town was the home of the last god-setter-Ascendant. Bloodhoof.

Through careful observation, Huang Yi found that the rest of the people in the trial had become ghouls, but the mother of the blood hoof had some sages. She protected the blood hoof with great maternal love and let him hide in a cellar. in. Huang Yi has been watching all this, and finally helped the Bloodhoof escape from this purgatory town, successfully completed the trial, became the first player in the world to turn around, and gained a little national honor again!

This time, Huang Yi's strength is even more invincible! In just one day, his king returned, and he even slashed the 165, 175, and 185 guardians of Beihai City. He was slaughtered by the entire Beihai city!

In addition, he also broke the world record in the single-player mode of the 170th floor of the Tower of Gods by taking advantage of his super powers, and obtained a super reward-Hero Order, which can reduce the difficulty of hero trials and complete heroes. After trial, you can directly upgrade to level 20.

After this upgrade, Huang Yi's strength value finally reached the conditions, and the seal of the pretty storage ring can be lifted. Since he killed the Celestial Strongman of the Orc Holy Land some days ago, he obtained this storage ring, and now he can finally open it. All the possessions of the Celestial Strongman, the endless treasure, are all Fell into his hands.

Chapters 693 ~ 701:

Miyamoto Musashi finally released the strongest Level 195 guardian!

The guardian is called the Lone Star Emperor, and his strength is only a distant line from the sky. Huang Yi finally encountered the strongest enemy who came to the east continent! He and the Lone Star Emperor come and go, and each time they push each other to a dead end, and then the other side performs a shocking reversal and forces the other side to reach a dead end. The two have alternated this way five or six times, shocking the audience all over the world heart. In the end, Huang Yi relied on the baby in the pretty sky storage ring ~ www.readwn.com ~ to kill the 195-level lone star emperor! Proclaim to the world that he is invincible and no one is his opponent!

But his moment of fighting alone didn't last long, and Miyamoto Musashi made his last move-he bombed the entire Beihai City!

Yes! He only killed Huang Yi once at the cost of destroying Beihai City, a city built with huge wealth. Miyamoto Musashi's madness finally came true, Huang Yi finally died, and the curse of samsara came into play.

However, Huang Yi's reincarnation has just reached the "breaking and standing" condition of God-level career, and Huang Yi has been promoted to an unprecedented God-level career! The system announced again that Huang Yi won the ninth national honor value. The results of the national war also came out simultaneously. The mainland of Japan did not win by killing Huang Yi, but was judged as a draw!

Huang Yi used his own strength to draw a country!

Musashi Miyamoto's face was so pale that he lost so simply!

Everyone understands that after Huang Yi's reincarnation, he will return as a stronger god-level professional king! (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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