Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 940: Holy dragon's tooth

With that indifferent voice falling, a figure suddenly flew from the far sky!

A golden-colored dragon spirit circled around the figure's body. The dragon was alive, with clear scale claws, and constantly flying, and all the situations where it passed were automatically separated to both sides to make way for him.

This man, dressed in a golden dragon robe, looked like a distinguished emperor. His bare skin, covered with layers of fine gold scales, did not look like a human, but rather a humanoid dragon!

"The Dragon Emperor is also here!" On Sun Island, the group of knowledgeable reporters immediately recognized this person's identity!

Come, it is the dragon thorn, one of the five super-first-class masters in China, and the dragon of the golden holy dragon family!

Dragon thorns fly very fast, like a golden shooting star across the dim sky. He landed directly on the ancient **** ship of Thor, standing side by side with the four on board!

The sea breeze blows their five hairs, and the cloak hunts behind them, everyone has their own temperament and style!

At this point, all five super-first-class masters in China have come together!

Blade, sharp sword, killing god, thunder god, dragon thorn!

They are all capable of reversing the existence of Qiankun with their own strengths. They are super-class masters familiar to players all over the world. They are the five Optimus Primes in China's two billion players, which support the hope of this country. A random one can cause shocking waves, but now all appear here in one breath.

Countless reporters quickly cut off this picture. This is the first time that China's five super-class masters have fought side by side! For the first time, the five superb masters of Shenlong did not see the end, and had a group photo.

"Xiaolong, your blood is going to come in handy!" At this time, Huang Yi patted Xiaolong's head again and turned to look at the dragon's spine. He had promised to provide the blood of the Golden Holy Dragon when Dragoon stabbed into the Legion of Heroes.

Dragon thorn is a dragon of the Golden Holy Dragon family, and the small dragon is also a Golden Holy Dragon. After it is promoted to the level of heaven, the blood in the body is sublimated. As long as Dragon Spike gets such dragon blood, its strength will soar!

Xiao Long nodded obediently, and there was a drop of glittering blood in the bright golden scales on his body. Fly to Dragon Spike. This drop of golden blood is very round and condensed into a drop, which is not easy to melt, like a golden bead.

"Thank you!" Long Tiao smiled rarely and reached out to catch the dripping golden blood. In the palm of his hand. Suddenly there was a strong suction that directly sucked the golden blood into the body!

At that moment, there was a huge and powerful dragon force in his body, and the whole body was faintly emitting golden light. He couldn't help but open his mouth and made a loud dragon groan!

The dragon yelled through the world! As the Lord of all things, let all sentient beings can only stand in front of him.

The corner of the dragon's thorn's mouth, at the speed visible to the naked eye, quickly grew two glittering dragon teeth. The dragon's teeth are beautifully curved, and it doesn't look like hesitant, but looks like two pieces of art. Full of noble temperament.

At this moment, the dragon thorn extended his hand, held a long dragon tooth in his mouth, and pressed it hard to pin down the dragon tooth!

Later, he used the same method to pinch another dragon tooth in his mouth.

He immediately put together the two dragon teeth in his hand, and those two dragon teeth exuded a golden brilliance, and they were like candles, but they gradually merged together. Formed a bizarre golden dagger with a strange shape!

The dragon's thorn's hand is held in the middle of the dagger. Both ends of the dagger have sharp blades, which form a slight arc of "S" shape. Both sides can hurt people.

The sharp sword moved, looking at the bizarre double-pointed dagger, and a light flashed in his eyes, saying: "This should be one of the three major gods of the dragon family in the ancient times-the golden holy dragon. Let ’s have two dragon teeth! It is rumored that these two dragon teeth were made into a two-pointed short weapon artifact by him, which is the legendary holy dragon tooth. I did not expect it to fall into your hands! "

Dragon thorn nodded, without denying. He had obtained this artifact long ago, but it was different from the broken artifact of the blade and the sword. This artifact was the two teeth of the god-sealer of the year. To improve their quality, so he has not used it for a long time.

At the Royal Academy of Oskan, after he learned to refining in the body, he refined the two dragon teeth into his own body and turned them into two teeth. He nurtured them day and night with the power of the dragon. Increase their power. He just absorbed the dragon's blood of Tianyu Dragon, which not only promoted his own dragon-human body, but also restored the ancient style with these two dragon teeth, and once again showed the glory of the artifact, compared to the blade He Lijian's broken artifact is not bad at all.

"It turns out that this is the tooth of the holy dragon!" Thunder God was also a bit surprised. This artifact is not as famous as the other artifacts. This is an item from ancient times. It was the oldest age, much older than the Pillar of Poseidon in his hands. The materials left by this artifact are very scarce. Even in the ancient documents of the elves, there are only descriptions in words.

At this time, the dragon stabbed his wrist and turned the holy dragon's tooth flexibly. He turned his head and looked at the weapons of Huang Yi, and reached out and waved!

In a flash of time, a red light flew from his fingertips, and suddenly took the holy dragon's teeth in his hands, and Huang Yi's wrath of the god, the blade of the sword, and the sword of the sword. The pillars of Thor's Poseidon are connected!

On each weapon, a red aperture emerged, which was connected in series by that red light! Invisibility becomes a whole!

Among them, the red aperture of Thor's finished artifact is significantly larger and dominates. The red aperture of the remaining four weapons is one point smaller. They surround the aperture of Thor's artifact, like the stars and moons.

The next moment, the five of them felt that the weapons in their hands seemed to be much stronger at once, their spirits were surging and irresistible. The palms of their hands seemed to be held on a hot iron block, and they actually had a hot feeling. Compared with the previous ones, they have changed dramatically!

On Sun Island, a journalist with glasses saw the scene, and suddenly his body trembled, his mouth grew, and he was shocked and said, "That's the legendary artifact array! It's the top array of Oscar Royal Academy. Law! I did not expect Dragon Spike to learn it! "

Artifact array, this is exactly the name of the Dragon Spike just now!

Dragon Spike traveled to the Central Continent much earlier than Huang Yi. He was the first character to pass the heroic trial and was the first hero among 10 billion players in the world. In addition, he also won a first place in the Central Continent, that is, the first student of the Royal Academy of Oskar who graduated from the law formation class. The matrix method course is the most difficult course, specializing in various subtle matrix methods. In the national battle some time ago, the formation of the Dragon Spurs has already shined. By combining several super-class masters, it successfully countered the super-class masters who were twice as much as their own, and became a great weight on the hero continent.

Now this artifact array is his first use, because the conditions of this array are too harsh-it requires five pieces of equipment with artifact quality to cast, and the array of eyes needs to be set on a real finished artifact. Usually even a broken artifact is rare to see, this array method has no place to use, and now the five super-class masters, each with exactly one artifact quality equipment!

The sword emperor's blade, sword emperor's blade, and holy dragon's tooth are all three artifacts. They are artifacts left by the god-sealer. Now they have been restored a lot, and there is divine power in them.

Huang Yi's wrath for killing gods is an artifact embryo that he obtained. After absorbing the **** battle and the sickle of the doomsday, he was promoted to the second-stage artifact embryo, which also has divine power.

And Thor's Pillar of Poseidon is a finished artifact, completely restored the ancient style!

The weapons of the five of them are just in line with the opening conditions of the artifact array. The dragon stab was used out, and immediately the five of them's artifact greatly enhanced the power!

At this time, the dragon thorn extended a wave again, and released a new light, connecting the five of them to form a whole.

This is the Wumang array released by the Dragon Spurs on the battlefield a while ago, which can greatly enhance the five players in the formation. The biggest feature of this formation method is to set the formation eyes on the strongest body. The stronger the formation eyes, the greater the power of the formation method.

In the past few days, when the Dragonstab set up the formation, it changed four times in total, and this change happened to change with the change of the first place in the world's battle list.

At the beginning of this battle, the dragon's eyes stabbed himself, at that time he was the first in the world's combat power list.

Later ~ www.readwn.com ~ the world's first became a sharp sword, the dragon thorn put the array of eyes on the sword again.

Later, the blade merged with the gentleman's fetus, and was promoted to the number one in the world.

Later, Huang Yi's strong reincarnation ended and he reached the top of the world again, and Dragon Spike set his eyes on him again.

And this time, Dragon Spike placed the eyes on Thor's body!

At this point, Thor has surpassed Huang Yi and became the new master of the world. The finished artifact of Poseidon's Pillar is too great to enhance his strength. Even if Huang Yi is in a state of violent status at this moment, reaching a level of demigod, he is not his opponent at all.

An artifact is enough to reverse the sky! Enough to ignore the gap between heaven and demigod!

This time, the five-man squad in the formation has become the strongest five-man squad that has appeared in the Second World's opening for several years-

Everyone in the team has been the number one in the world!

Sword to kill the dragon! (To be continued.) 88 reading

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