Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 941: Poseidon Realm

Seeing such a powerful team, audiences around the world immediately raised hope. "≤,

The Second World shrouded by the Seven Demon Kings seems to have cleared the clouds again and was able to see a hint of sunlight!

How powerful is this kind of combat power when the five masters who have been the world's first are united?

"Queen of Pain, now we can fight a battle!" Huang Yi clenched the wrath of killing God and said a long distance towards the Queen of Pain.

This time, his voice was full of confidence, full of confidence, and swept away by the agony of the painful queen.

The Queen of Pain narrowed her eyes, and still said enchantedly: "The five of you are really strong, and even I feel a little tricky! But it ’s only fun to play like this. When it comes to fight, you have to be fragrant and precious! It's not like you guys.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's see the real chapter under the sword!" The blade glared in anger, yelled, and rushed towards the Queen of Pain with the golden sword.

He was wearing a golden battle armor, holding a golden sword, and drew a dazzling golden light in the air. He went forward, surrounded by a fierce golden sword, cutting through the sky!

Huang Yi and Li Jian also followed closely, carrying their respective weapons into two artillery shells, and rushed up!

The dragon thorn was hidden in the air, using his stealth means as a god-level assassin, waiting for opportunity!

On the ancient **** ship, only Thor was left. He held up the Pillar of Poseidon, looking up at the sky, with a solemn look, with a word in his mouth, as if he was singing a spell!

Seeing Huang Yi and others coming menacingly. The Queen of Pain looked dignified. Figure fluttered. Suddenly disappeared into the air, hidden into the dimension of the void, and no one can see it!

The next moment, Huang Yi, Blade, and Sharp Sword's powerful attacks finally came over. The colorful Guanghua concentrated on this, and the surging force raged! The strong wind blew the cloak of everyone.

"Kacha!" That small space, under unimaginable high pressure, couldn't bear it at all. Suddenly there were cracks visible to the naked eye, and a blast of void blasted from the inside!

Space is broken!

But this wave of super attacks, all hit the air, did not cause a little damage to the Queen of Pain. She is hidden into the void dimension, which can isolate the harm, just like Huang Yi's Sniffing Cat skills have nothingness.

Of the five, only Huang Yi reached the level of demigod, and his figure swiftly flickered into the void dimension.

The void is a parallel space. There are no colorful colors, only a dead gray. After Huang Yi disappeared into the void. Suddenly, there was a gray figure not far away. It was the Queen of Pain!

at this time. She was swiftly rushing towards the blade, and the projection of the painful sharp blade in her hand turned rich black gas, apparently a super attack!

Huang Yi flicked her wrist, quickly slashed the wrath of the **** of killing in her hand, radiated a red energy, and killed the Queen of Pain!

"啾 ~" This red spirit is full of the breath of divine power. It makes a harsh sound of void in the void dimension, and even the void is rippling with ripples!

This artifact embryo blessed the Dragon thorn artifact array, and after connecting it with the other four artifacts, the power soared so much that even the void shook!

The Queen of Pain noticed Huang Yi's attack, her face changed slightly, her body quickly dodged, and she was forced to give up the idea of ​​attacking the blade, and rushed towards Huang Yi.

Huang Yi did not fear, bravely met the Queen of Pain, and did a hard job! The wrath of the **** of killing and the blade of pain slammed together, and a huge wave broke out in the void dimension!

At this time, outsiders could not see the dimension of the void, and could not see the figures of Huang Yi and Queen of Pain. There was a calmness in the air, and the fierce battle in the void dimension formed the extreme contrast.

"Boom!" At this moment, a violent explosion sounded suddenly in the calm air!

Later, Huang Yi's figure flew out of the void, like a disconnected kite, bounced away.

The Queen of Pain also appeared in the air, her body shaking violently, but she did not fly out.

This fight, the verdict was high, although Huang Yi's strength has increased greatly, but still not the Queen of Pain's opponent! At best, she can only temporarily knock her out of the void dimension, but it can no longer cause more serious consequences!

"I can't help it!" The Queen of Pain smiled at Huang Yi's voice as she flew out. The enchanting body was again hidden into the void dimension, leaving only her lazy voice in the air.

Quiet once again around, no one knows where the Queen of Pain went and when.

The sharp sword and the blade are unconsciously back to back, staring left and right, staring vigilantly to prevent the Queen of Pain from suddenly shooting out of the void.

In the Sun Island below, the first-class masters such as Yun Sihai and Lin Yiqin of Xuanyuan's Guild are looking nervously at high altitude. But they could n’t find the Queen of Pain, and they were anxious: “No, Brother Blade is too passive to enter the dimension of the demigod ’s void. Even if it ’s killing gods, it ’s only temporarily based on the level of violentness. Reached the demigod, and after his duration expires, he will no longer be able to hide into the void dimension! By then the Queen of Pain will be invincible! "

Viewers around the world are also nervous. Although the five people from Huang Yi were united through the formation method, each of them was holding artifact-quality equipment, and the power was so powerful that it was simply invincible. But now that they have nowhere to go, there is a powerful force in the air, but they can't hit the Queen of Pain, what's the use?

"Queen of Pain, speed comes to the Nether Universe, and kills the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan with us!" At this moment, a domineering voice suddenly sounded over the second world, echoing between heaven and earth, Ringing in the ears of billions of souls, bringing endless pressure.

This is the voice of the devil! Only masters at this level can make such a shocking announcement to the entire world!

It seems that the war in the void universe has reached a critical moment, and the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskans is likely to be in deep crisis. Once the Queen of Pain also rushes over and joins up with the two previous Demon Kings, it is likely that the Dean will be killed, and then the second world will really be over!

Soon, in the void of Sun Island, the voice of the Queen of Pain came: "Sorry, for a while, you play slowly, wait for me to kill the dean, and then come back with his head With you. "

Her voice was getting smaller and smaller, and she seemed to be getting farther and farther away from here. With the horror speed of the devil, she will soon leave the world and go to the universe.

"No! We must not let her go! We must hold her back! Give the dean time!" The blade screamed, his eyes were a little eager, and the sword in his hand was waving again and again. , Want to force the Queen of Pain out of the void dimension.

But it was useless. Although his attack was so powerful that he shrouded the entire sky under thousands of swords, he could not reach the dimension of the void, and he could not threaten the Queen of Pain at all.

Everyone immediately felt a kind of weakness from the bottom of their hearts. How could there be no way to stop the Seven Demon Kings by increasing the combat effectiveness?

"Poseidon Realm" At this moment, on the ancient **** ship in the ocean, Thor finally stopped chanting and slammed the pillar of Poseidon into the sky!

"Boom!" In time, the pillar of Poseidon quickly grew, just like Sun Wukong's golden hoop, all of a sudden rose up to the sky and propped up the sky!

A circle of water blue ripples spread out in all directions, forming a circle of translucent ripples, enclosing a square circle of space.

This space seems to have been cut off from the second world. The edge area has a clear boundary with the second world. From a distance, it looks like a blue bubble inlaid between heaven and earth.

In the blisters, a woman's figure suddenly emerged from the void, and she was the Queen of Pain.

She was actually forced out of the void dimension by Thor!

"Poseidon Realm!" The Queen of Pain watched as she was trapped in the blisters, and immediately frowned, spit out four words solemnly, and stopped trying to leave.

It's hard for her to leave!

Poseidon realm, this is a skill of the artifact of the Poseidon Pillar, which can pull out a circle of a circle to form an independent small world and isolate it from the outside world.

This skill is a bit similar to Huang Yi's sentencing, but it is more advanced. Huang Yi's sentencing skills can only isolate the space, not the void dimension. The Queen of Pain can still hide in the void and avoid their attacks.

In this area of ​​Poseidon, not only the space is isolated, but even the void dimension will be isolated. The Queen of Pain can only face the battle.

"Queen of Pain ~ www.readwn.com ~ Today you will stay here as an avatar!" Thor looked up at the Queen of Pain in the sky, smiled slightly, and rushed up with the pillar of Poseidon!

Huang Yi, the blade, and the sword have already breathed a sigh of relief, galloping towards the Queen of Pain from all directions!

The four peerless powerhouses draw four bright streamers in the huge water bubbles, and the dazzling rays of the four artifacts flashed the eyes of audiences all over the world.

"Oh!" At this moment, the Queen of Pain suddenly shot a golden light behind her, hitting her with lightning.

This attack came so suddenly that there were no signs!

Then, in the air behind the Queen of Pain, a dragon thorn appeared! He had been invisible before, and never appeared, and he didn't know where to hide. Now finally seizing the opportunity, he suddenly attacked the Queen of Pain.

For countless years, she was injured for the first time! (To be continued ...)

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