Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 942: Ugly body under beautiful appearance

This sneak attack of Dragon Spike is also the first time in the Second World that has been open for several years. For the first time, players have injured the ultimate seven monsters!

This is an epic attack, enough to load into the annals!

The back of the Queen of Pain gave out a "zizi" sound like a barbecue. The holy dragon's teeth of the dragon thorns contained the surging sacred power. After encountering the demon of the Queen of Pain, there was a fierce reaction.

The painful queen of the Queen of Pain twitched, and the backhand holding the Blade of Pain was a wave.

But the dragon thorn was faster, and his figure quickly disappeared into the air again, like a dragon returning to the sea. He could no longer see the slightest bit, he didn't know where to hide, and escaped the blow of the painful blade.

The dragon stabbed for a lot of time, Huang Yi, the blade, and the sword were about to rush to the Queen of Pain. The space around each of them shook slightly, and could not bear the power of their mighty shore!

On the ancient Godship, Thor made a big move and retracted the pillar of Poseidon, which was Optimus Prime, shrunk it back to the size of a stick, and rushed towards the Queen of Pain!

Although the Pillar of Poseidon was recovered, the Poseidon realm still exists, isolating space and void. The Queen of Pain still can't hide in the void dimension any longer, but can only forcibly fight against them!

The sword kills five Shenlong, and the finished artifact of Shanghai God's Pillar has the power to kill her!

"That being the case, then I will show you my true face!" The Queen of Pain said coldly, immediately reaching out her hand, and tore apart her clothes rudely!

"Wow!" Queen Pain's clothes were quickly torn open, exposing her wonderful body to the public at large!

This was supposed to be a fantasy scene of countless men, with beautiful women **** and revealing seductive bodies ...

But the next moment, everyone's face turned into a liver color, and some weak-willed people even vomited on the spot.

Under the beautiful appearance of the Queen of Pain, there was a body that was extremely disgusting.

Queen Pain's body was covered with abscesses, and white pus was flowing out. There were even tapeworms in and out of the abscess. It looked like a beautiful woman who had been dead for many days, and her body was stink.

A glance at this kind of scene can cause a great shock to the spirit and cause goose bumps. Leave a shadow of a lifetime.

No one had thought that under the beautiful skin of the Queen of Pain, there was such an incredible ugliness!

Even Huang Yi, the blade, and the sharp sword stagnated slightly, and his face twitched slightly. Do not want to get close to the disgusting body of the Queen of Pain.

"How is it? Is my body very seductive?" The Queen of Pain looked around at Huang Yi and others. The charming voice was still crisp and beautiful, and the beautiful and delicate face with a lazy smile.

As she spoke diligently, she reached out and touched a swollen pustule in her chest, plucked out several creeping tapeworms in the abscess, and threw them at Huang Yi!

The maggots grew in the wind, quickly expanded, and instantly turned into a few black rotten dragons, dancing their teeth. Powerful, smelly!

Huang Yi clenched the wrath of killing God, the blue tendons violently, struggling to make a head start!

"Hoo!" A golden streamer was drawn in the air, and the vast breath of divine power burst out, sinking into the mouth of a rotten dragon! The rotten dragon's mouth was torn open to the tail, and the whole body was divided into two and fell down weakly.

The blade, sharp sword, and Thor were also quick to counterattack. Wield their respective weapons and solve the Rotten Dragons flying to you in three or two attempts!

But this is just the beginning. The Queen of Pain dances a magic dance, and the endless black magic is pouring out from her. Devil flurry. Her skin trembled violently, like the dense maggots crawling on her belly dancing, and the snowflakes shook down suddenly, swelling quickly and turning into rotten dragons. Fly forward towards several people in Huang Yi! Endless!

From the perspective of the reporters below the Sun Island, the Queen of Pain has now turned into a hive, and the dense maggots flew out of her like a bee, fighting for the queen!

The figure of the Queen of Pain dancing in the sky is so graceful, her waist is soft, and her arms are slender like a lotus root. This is also the dance performed by the most beautiful dancer in the world. However, her dance has caused her to be so enchanting, that the two ambivalences of graceful and disgusting dances are mixed in her body.

The rotten dragonfly turned into a rotten dragon, tirelessly impacted several people at Huang Yi, a steady stream, like a tidal torrent in the sky, and more than just a gallop!

Several people from Huang Yi were struggling forward, such as walking against the wind and sand, and Wei An's body was shocked and bent. However, their forward figures are still persistent, and they will never retreat amidst the impact of Wanlong Pentium, leaving the world a few firm silhouettes.

They clenched their arms, tried their best to chop, and slashed the rotten dragons into pieces, struggling to open a way to approach the Queen of Pain.

Finally, relying on the artifact, Thunder God swept across the vast rotten dragon group in front of him, and rushed to the Queen of Pain first!

He raised his arm high, raised the pillar of Poseidon, and smashed down towards the Queen of Pain!

At that moment, the sky seemed to fall, and the pillar of Poseidon formed by the endless sea water, crushing the Queen of Pain severely with half the world's oceanic coercion.

Above her fragile body is the stick figure of the pillar of the sea **** covering the sky, there is no escape!

The stick, which is the first weapon learned in the long evolutionary history of mankind, is the first tool learned by primitive people, and is the ancestor of weapons. It is simple and crude, but often the most effective!

The Queen of Pain is still dancing, and her graceful posture rotates a half circle. The black painful blade projection draws a semicircle with her rotation, blocking the pillar of Thor's Poseidon.

Space annihilates instantly! The point where the two weapons confronted directly turned into nothingness!

Thor and Queen of Pain each took two steps back, and they were evenly matched!

Thor is worthy of being the world's number one master. With an artifact, he and the Queen of Pain are finally tied!

At this moment, relying on the strength of demigods, Huang Yi also broke through the attack of the rotten dragon group and severely cracked the golden wrath of the **** of death to the Queen of Pain!

The breath of divine power forms an air hood on the blade of the wrath of the god, easily splitting the space and falling towards the Queen of Pain!

The Queen of Pain once again quickly lifted the Blade of Pain and blocked herself. Stopped the golden wrath of God!

"Boom!" Space shattered again!

Huang Yibei's huge impact force slightly retreated by two steps, and the Queen of Pain stepped back slightly!

In the area of ​​Poseidon, the strength of Queen of Pain is greatly discounted, this time fighting. Huang Yi wasn't beaten out like before, so he had a battle!

After Thor and Huang overflowed, the blades and swords finally broke through the rot dragon group, and they waved their broken artifacts, hitting the Queen of Pain almost at the same time!

The Queen of Pain struggled to resist. The magic dance jumped faster and faster, and the figure was so fast that it could not see the movement. The blade of pain was fluttered up and down by her, and the speed became faster and faster, and gradually became a spherical knife net, covering her with no water, and resisting the attack of the blade and the sharp sword.

At the same time, the dense maggots still turned into rotten dragons and rushed out, forming another layer of protection, surrounding her like an iron bucket.

The Queen of Pain made a perfect defensive stance. Instead of actively attacking Huang Yi's five people, he focused on protecting himself and just maintained a balance.

Huang Yi, Thor, Blade, and Sword attacked in succession, and various sword lightsabers greeted the Queen of Pain's sword curtain, attacking her defense again and again. Even the dragon thorns appeared from the air, no longer hidden, and attacked together. But the queen of pain at this time was like a turtle shell, inaccessible!

Not only that, the breath of the Queen of Pain is getting more and more terrifying, and the power of her avatar has become stronger and stronger!

The maggots that flew from her turned into rotten dragons. It is getting harder and harder to resist, and the impact is getting stronger and stronger. The five people of Huang Yi are almost unable to carry it, and they are backed by the impact!

"Not good. Her avatar is borrowing the power of the body and getting stronger! My Poseidon can't stop her!" At this moment, Thor's face changed, staring nervously at the Queen of Pain.

"That's right, I can actually detect that I'm borrowing the power of the body." The Queen of Pain smiled and said with confidence. "What else can you do? Hurry up now! Otherwise, when I borrow the power of the ontology to a certain extent, you will never have any chance again!"

The Seven Devil Kings are simply invincible. Even in the environment of the Poseidon realm, they can still be invincible!

Five of the world's top masters and five artifact-quality equipment together can't break the queen of pain!

Huang Yi looked at the duration of his skills. His level of violent state was about to end soon. At that time, his level would fall from 300 to 260, losing the power of demigod, and it would be more difficult to defeat pain. queen!

After all this, the Queen of Pain can kill them!

"It can't be dragged on anymore, we have to come up with the ability to press the bottom of the box! Kill her avatar as soon as possible, and you can no longer let her borrow the power of the body!" Huang Yi said, turning to look at the other four people, serious Said: "Let's make all our ultimate moves!"

"Okay!" Thor nodded his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ lifted the pillar of Poseidon with a solemn look!

The blade took a deep breath, and crossed the golden double blades to his chest!

The sharp sword cloak flung, holding up the long sword and pointing at the sky!

The dragon thorn closed his eyes, and the dragon scales on the skin shone brightly!

The next moment, five people made five epic tricks at the same time!

These five tricks represent the strongest strength of the five strongest masters in the world——

"Poseidon is coming!"

"King of the sword!"

"The Sword Emperor is born again!"

"The Dragon God Returns!"

"Devil's Wings-Death, Guardianship, Freedom, Killing, All Open! Wings of Killing Increases Tenfold All Properties!"

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