Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 946: Godsend

The announcement of this sound system is the sound of an era!

An ancient legend such as the Queen of Pain, the ultimate evil that has raged for countless years in the Second World, was actually killed by five players with one clone!

This is simply impossible! In the past, such myths could only be heard in historical documents and legends of bards, but now they actually happen to them!

But the announcement sounded so real and clear that it deafened and made people have to believe it!

On Sun Island, journalists from various countries just looked up and looked up at the black hole in the sky. Behind their sights were countless audiences watching live broadcasts around the world.

Everyone was quiet, as if he had not calmed down from that announcement.

They did not see clearly what happened inside the black hole from the beginning to the end, but they could fully imagine how hard and furious the five soldiers in the black hole had gone through and how hard they fought before they finally killed the pain. Such an outrageous enemy as the Queen!

This is by far the strongest existence ever killed by billions of gods in the world!

The group of players has finally reached this final stage step by step, and can compete with the final one!

This feat has completely changed the trajectory of the world and will be eternally loaded into the history of the second world!

If there were no swords to kill the five dragons and come forward to turn the tide, the consequences would be devastating. She will go to the depths of the universe and kill the dean of the Royal Academy of Oscar jointly with the fallen king and the greedy king. At that time, the second generation will be no less than breaking Optimus Prime, and there is no power to stop the seven devil. Hundreds of millions of colorful races, splendid civilizations that have evolved over many years, a legendary epic circulated by a great hero ... everything will come to an end and be erased by the seven demon kings.

And this terrible consequence, at this moment, was successfully rewritten by Huang Yi five!

Just then, a solemn announcement sounded again in the heavens and the earth—

"[System Announcement]: The Second World successfully achieved [Achievements of the Age]-[Reverse the Sky! Slaughter the Queen of Pain!] And rewrite history. [King of the Sword], [King of the Sword], [Killing God], [Thunder God], [ Dragon Emperor] The five people killed the Queen of Pain, which was defined as the event of the era and named [Five Gods Slaughter Demons.] [City of the Age] ended, and the second world entered the [Ancestral Gods]-some world rules rewritten .All attributes of God-Chan are + 20%; a large number of relics, treasure troves, dungeons, inheritance and other adventures are waiting for the fate; the death of the Queen of Pain, which has seriously demoralized the demons, all demons are permanently Decrease attributes by 20% until the end of the era. "

That announcement. And startled the whole world again!

Before the Second World, there were only six eras, namely the ancient, ancient, ancient, ancient, modern, and urban era! Each era has its unique appearance, unique era events, and unique history. Since entering the second world, players have always been in the era of urban governance, and no one has ever thought about changing the times. Unexpectedly now, after the five people of Huang Yi completed this "five gods slaughter demons" era event, they actually kicked off the next era!

This will be a new era of more intense competition, and a lot of information can be seen from the brief introduction of the announcement-the rewriting of world rules, the enhancement of God-given people, and the weakening of the demons. At the same time, there are a large number of relics, treasure troves, underground cities, inheritance and other adventures, which will definitely give birth to a large number of new masters! Everyone is eligible for this grand feast!

After a short while. The world is boiling!

No matter what country the player is, whether it is a master or a novice, it is difficult to suppress the excitement!

Each of them has got real benefits. Maybe someone will find ancient ruins tomorrow. Maybe someone will get the heritage of Taikoo next week. Maybe they walked away and accidentally fell off the cliff. A treasure can be found. In this crazy era, only a few people's adventures existed. right now……

"Oh! God! It's so exciting! Audience friends, this is a carnival that belongs to each of us, and we have entered a new era! All this is killing God. The five of them have exchanged their lives. They are The heroes of all of us! It is at this critical moment that the seven devil kings are about to rule the second world. They come forward and gain a chance for our world. Although the seven devil kings still occupy an overwhelming advantage, The outcome of the Second World of Enslavement will not change, but we can at least die with more dignity than yesterday! "The reporters excitedly explained, looking up at the black hole in the space with reverence. As if looking at the five people inside Huang Yi.

Central continent.

Marksman. Ika and Headwind both showed ecstatic smiles, and even if they were tall demigods, they couldn't help but be excited by the news.

Heading back against the wind, staring blankly at the direction of the hero's continent, the eyes seemed to penetrate through many distances, crossing the ocean to Haiti, connecting the black hole above the Sun Island, saying: "I didn't expect to kill God, they actually killed the pain Queen! The last time this happened, it was more than thirty years ago when you killed the Dark Lord's clone. "

Ika shook his head, "The avatar I killed the Lord of Darkness more than thirty years ago is just a weak avatar, which is not as good as this queen of Pain Queen today. Killing five of them The miracles created have completely surpassed me. The future of the second world belongs to those god-given people, and we are slowly unable to keep up with the times. "

"Huh!" Not far away, the clone of the Lord of Desolation snorted, the temperature around it seemed to drop, and a pair of magic eyes burned the burning fire of destruction. The demigod masters counted in, but they missed the group of ants that killed God. They even dared to kill the queen of pain, and have committed an unforgivable sin! Today you are lucky, you can hurry up and prepare In hindsight, we will meet again in three days. By then, the world will not be like it is now! "

In the end, the voice of the Lord of Destruction was almost squeezed out of the teeth, and the magical energy covering the sky and the sky broke out from him, instantly sweeping the whole world.

Subsequently. Its figure disappeared, I don't know where to go.

Marksman. Ika and Upwind breathed a sigh of relief, looking down at a messy central continent below. Fortunately, the creatures in this world were given a short breath.

Deep in the universe.

The fallen king and the greedy king's avatars had left the Dean far away, staring at him coldly.

The powers of the seven demon kings are faintly connected and affect each other, just like the formation method. As soon as the Queen of Pain died, the strength of the Seven Demon Kings also declined. The two Demon Kings had a tie with the Dean, but now they are not the Dean's opponent. Their assassination operation today has failed!

The greedy king licked his lips and stared straight at the Dean, saying, "Master Dean, I didn't expect to kill God today. They saved your life in disguise, and if you deserve it, we will let You live a few more days. When the King of Hell returns from the Oroas world, it will be the death of your second world! "

After all, the King of Greed and the King of Corruption disappeared between the stars, as if never before. There was nothing but the Dean who was panting, and the planet fragments that had just burst from the battle.

"Kill them, they have grown to such a level! It's really comforting!" The dean wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and calmed his mood. The old and wise eyes stared at the direction of the second world remotely, expecting slightly With a smile, the figure rushed forward at the speed of light.

He has to race against time to return to the Second World to host the overall situation!


The world of Oroas has basically been abolished, there is a void flowing everywhere, there are many fissures in the space, countless cities have become ruins, and countless creatures have become corpses. The sky is no longer complete. Looking up, you can only see the cracks in space, cutting the sky into countless pieces.

In the rest with the most cracks, the King of Hell's avatar stepped into the void, looked at the hunting blade that was rushing away, and took a step forward without hesitation.

The next moment, his figure disappeared, and then he suddenly appeared in front of the hunting blade of the flight, blocking the way.

Under the black robe of the king of hell, a snow-white hand was stretched out unhurriedly, holding the hunting blade's neck again, and lifting the chick generally raised him.

A stream of black gas spewed out of his hand, fell into the body of the hunting blade, and quickly destroyed his vitality.

Hunting Blade bulged his eyes, his throat made a fuzzy voice, and his body struggled weakly.

The King of Hell raised his hat, and facing the hunting blade, a dark, empty hat came out with an unhurried voice: "You can't escape, now, use your life to commemorate the death of the Queen of Pain You do n’t have to be sad, because after three days, the second world will also enter your footsteps ~ www.readwn.com ~ Say, his white palms have blue tendons, white bones, and increase sharply Awesome!

"Kacha!" Hunting Blade's neck was severed, and the old skull flew out. The neck of the neck was constantly spitting "Zizi" black smoke, which quickly corroded his last vitality.

"Grumbling!" Hunting Blade grew his mouth and wanted to make a sound, but in the end nothing came out.

Soon, the vitality in his eyes faded quickly, like a flower quickly withered and withered, and eventually motionless and completely lost its light.

The oldest demigod in the second world, completely dead!

The next moment, the avatar of the king of **** soared into the sky, submerged into the dazzling starry sky.

He was galloping in the universe all the time, his black cloak fluttered backwards, dragging out a long trail of magic air, corroding all the stars along the way into dregs, unstoppable.

His direction until the second world! (To be continued.)

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