Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 947: Mysterious world

In the vast universe, the lords of the three devil kings, the king of hell, the greedy king, and the fallen king, are like three comets, dragging a long anger, through the bright galaxies, and galloping towards the second world. Rush over

In the space of the Seven Demon Kings, three great figures soared into the sky from the three demon temples, and disappeared into the vast sky with anger. This is another avatar of the King of Cursing, the King of Darkness, and the Queen of Pain.

In the outer space of the Second World, the King of Destruction's clone stretched out his hand, releasing a majestic black magic, wrapping the huge planet below, like a black prison cage, locking the Second World. He then waited patiently with his hands on his back.


In the second world, all sentient beings are immersed in the joy of the coming of the God-given era. The world is carnival, people high five and hug each other, the air is full of vitality.

The world raged by the Seven Demon Kings, for the first time, had a brief peace.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the entire second world, and the world quickly dimmed.

At the same time, bursts of lamentation sounded from the void, the melody was heavy, exuding a sadness.

The sound of celebration suddenly stagnated, and everyone looked up, staring blankly at the shadow cast in the sky.

The next moment, a heavy announcement sounded between heaven and earth—

System announcement]: One of the four demigods of the Second World [Hunting Blade] fell and was killed by [King of Hell]. The number of demigods in the Second World was reduced to three. "

The smiles of all sentient beings were completely stiff, and the hands that originally wanted to high five were stopped in the air. Can't shoot anymore.

The entire second world. There are only four demigods. It was like four mainstays that propped up the entire second world. All beings have become accustomed to living a stable life under their protection. I did not expect that at this moment, such a great existence would fall completely.

The five people Huang Yi killed a clone of the Queen of Pain arduously, the sentient beings already felt very difficult! However, the revenge of the demons actually killed a demigod in the second world, killing it lightly. There are no signs.

The comparison of the strengths of the two parties suddenly appeared, and the demons were completely showing their crushing strength!

All beings suddenly felt a sense of weakness from the bottom of their hearts, and the joy of the new era was washed away.

But this is not over, and soon another announcement sounded between heaven and earth—

"[System Announcement]: [The Queen of Pain] 's avatar falls, causing the Demon Thunder to become angry. [King of Hell], [King of Destruction], [King of Degradation], [King of Greed], [King of Darkness], [King of Cursing] and [Queen of Pain] The seven devil kings are determined to reunite and come together to the second world, the **** heroic continent. It is expected to arrive in 72 hours, the countdown begins! "

"It's over! Ten killing gods can't stop it together!" A reporter muttered to himself, and spread it to millions of households through live broadcast.


Five people from Huang Yi paid their lives and finally killed the Queen of Pain. But they themselves have all died and entered the dead space.

After the player dies in the wild. Will enter such a dark space. It's extremely special here. It's so dark that even with strong dark vision, you can't see anything, representing the darkness and despair of death. At the same time, no messages were received from anyone here, and communication with the outside world was not possible. The only sound you can hear is the announcement of the system coming in.

Here, time seems to be eternal still, no color, no life, no one will be willing to stay for an additional moment, players will usually choose to choose resurrection or reincarnation, and leave here early.

Huang Yi is no stranger to this place either. He has experienced many deaths before and has come to this dark space many times.

But this time, he did not choose to resurrect for a long time!

At this moment, he's all stunned!

From the moment he entered the dead space, he was completely stunned!

Even the announcement of the Queen of Pain and the announcement of the opening of the Divine Age did not let him be relieved from shock!

Because he saw something!

He saw something in the dark and dead space!

To be precise, it was his left eye that saw something, but his right eye was still dark.

In front of his left eye is a black and white world.

At this moment, he was in the sky, with a gray sky above, a vast ocean below, and a few islands above it, which is the landform of Sun Island! The two are almost exactly the same, as if they were a second version of the second world.

However, the Sun Island here does not have the artificial buildings and facilities built by the Sun Guild, which is a bit like the original Sun Island that had not been developed at the beginning of the Second World a few years ago.

Huang Yi turned his head and looked around. There were some grayish white spirits everywhere, filling the whole space. Some of them float high in the air, others follow the waves in the sea, or move slowly around the island. Their bodies are translucent, their bodies are stiff, their faces dull, and they look unconscious.

Huang Yi looked down at himself. At this time, he was also in this translucent form, without substance and without consciousness. It's like looking at your own shadow in your daily life. Although you know you are yourself, you can't feel yourself.

This weird scene suddenly made him all creepy!

Who can guess that there is such a world hidden in the dead space?

The Second World has been open for several years. Basically every player has died and has been here, but I have never heard of anyone who has seen such a scene in the dead space-a colorless, almost a replica Second world.

Just then, Huang Yi looked back behind her, and her pupils suddenly shrank!

Behind him, stood a huge transparent figure!

This huge figure had an upper body, muscles knotted, and a long hair scattered casually, exuding a primitive human temperament.

This figure is very familiar, it is a fallen general who was killed by Huang Yi before!

I didn't expect to see it here again!

Huang Yi exploded almost instinctively, preparing to face another war.

But soon, he found that the fallen general was dull and wandering aimlessly, without any intention to attack him.

This is just the soul of the fallen general, and has long been unconscious!

Huang Yi then relaxed and turned to look around again.

Soon, he found four more familiar figures!

The first man was twenty years old, with a handsome face and a right face, wearing a soldier's offensive armor and holding two long swords in his hand.

The second was a young swordsman, with a proud face, about the same age as Huang Yi, holding a long sword in his hand.

The third person looks ordinary, but wears a dragon robe with a fang-shaped dagger in his hand!

The last person was a middle-aged man, wearing a heavy knight armor, holding a long stick in his hand, with a shining light flowing on it.

These four are impressively Huang Yi's teammates—Blade, Sharp Sword, Dragon Spike, and Thor—the weapons in their hands are artifact quality, unique and cannot be faked.

The body of the four of them is also translucent and has no substance, like the heroes around them. But their expressions are not lifeless, but live, emotional, and in stark contrast to the dim, rigid spirits around them.

At this time, the announcement of Queen Pain's killing just happened to drop. After listening to the announcement, they all appeared grateful and relieved.

"..." Huang Yi opened his mouth reflexively, trying to call their names, but couldn't make any sound.

Then he reacted. This was a silent world. All the floating spirits were like this, unable to make any sound.

Huang Yi shut his mouth and had to give up!

At this moment, the blade saw himself and smiled, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the air, and he could no longer see the slightest.

The dragon thorn also breathed a long breath, and the figure disappeared into the air.

Raytheon yawned and turned his head unconsciously, glancing across Huang Yi. But there was no pause in this gaze, no emotion was revealed, no meaning to say hello, as if he had not seen him, and then disappeared into the air.

Huang Yi stared at where they disappeared, thinking.

It can be seen from the scene just now that Thor should have no visual ability, just like in a normal death space. So even if they stand in front of them, they can't feel it. In their eyes, there was nothing but dark space all around.

With the resurrection of a few people leaving, there was only one sharp sword left in place.

Just then ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Jian suddenly turned his head and stared at Huang Yi!

Two eyes are opposite each other!

At that moment, Huang Yi felt a palpitation suddenly.

Li Jian's gaze seemed slightly different from that of Thor before.

Huang Yi instinctively maintained his look without revealing any unusual emotions. His eyes quickly lost focus, leaving his eyes untargeted, as if he were normally in a dead space. His head shook casually, showing an unconsciously relaxed look.

At this moment, Li Jian smiled slightly and walked directly toward Huang Yi, his eyes locked on Huang Yi's body motionlessly.

Soon, Li Jian came directly to Huang Yi, and those sharp eyes almost faced Huang Yi, and the aggressive momentum reached the extreme.

Huang Yi looked at Li Jian's close and aggressive sharp eyes. He could even see his reflection on the pupil, and raised his throat with a heart! (To be continued ...)

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