Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 956: Heaven Realm

"Takasma?" The holy angel turned his head and looked at the three starry giant mouths and Diageo in doubt, "What kind of character? Why haven't I heard of it in heaven?"

"I haven't heard of it!" The dream of the soul-catcher raised his horseshoe and his long mane flew up. "After I escaped from the underworld, I traveled in various worlds and absorbed all kinds of heroes. Those famous strong I know a little bit about it, but the name Takasma ... I never seem to hear about it! It's just his cat that is being held here. How can you make you feel like this? "

"Of course you two haven't heard of Takasma's name. When he rose, you were both locked in, and you haven't seen his time ..." Diageo clenched the spear in his hand and murmured. Whimsically recalled, "According to the epoch of our world, Taka was the leader of the Third World in the Archean period. In the language of the Third World, 'Sma' means 'King of the World' and only contemporary Only the strongest can be used. In the history of the Third World, a total of nine God-sealers have been born, but only three of them have been awarded the title of "Sima". Taka is one of them, the Third World of that era. There are several god-sealers, Taka is one of the strongest among them. After he went to the kingdom of God, he set off a **** storm and slaughtered several gods. At that time, Takasma's reputation Spreading across the universe, the brilliance spread throughout the world, even the sword-setter Emperor of our second world has been instructed by him. "

"So what's his cat?" Huang Yihuan asked, holding his hands.

Diago stared at the black cat in the cell with a serious look, and said, "Takasma had an adventure when he was not a god, and he captured an angel of the forest goddess. Black cat. Taka and the black cat are inseparable and grow together. Later, the strength of the cat also increased rapidly with him. It can easily penetrate the barriers of the world and travel to any world to convey Takasma's will. The general demigod is even more powerful. Some leaders of the weak world, after seeing his black cat, kneel and salute, and dare not show any respect. The black cat in the cell, both in appearance and temperament, is very similar The black cat in Takasma's day! "

"Its owner, actually has such a big source!" Huang Yi was a little surprised, could not help but re-examine the black cat in the cell.

The third world is one of the strongest worlds in the universe, second only to the first and second worlds, Taka can become a "sma" -level figure in the third world. Its strength can be imagined.

The group of demigods just released by Huang Yi, although they were also characters in the world. For example, Storm Emperor Xuan Aolong, the leader of the Botu world in ancient times. And the Nightmare of the Soul Reaper, three worlds were destroyed in the ancient times ... but these worlds are ordinary worlds, and perhaps only one or two god-sealers have been born throughout history, not even one god-sealer. The strongest character that has ever appeared is the demigod level, which is far less than the superpowerful world like the Third World.

The strength of a world depends on the number of God-sealers. Throughout the history of the universe, many people have reached the level of demi-god. Even the second world, now lagging behind, still has several demigods. But there are very few people who can successfully seal God. Even in heaven, the number of gods is very scarce. Taka is such a character. Looking at the second world in the Archaic period, only the three god-sealers of the Sword Emperor, the Sword Emperor, and the God of Faith Johns could compare with him.

"Yeah! Taka and I are contemporaries. At that time, he hadn't sealed the gods, but his fame had already sounded through the universe. Even I can only look up!" Xingkong Jukou recalled. There was still a trace of admiration in the tone, even if it had not passed away for countless years.

"Tacasma is indeed very powerful, but it is far worse than the original owner of the cat, the forest goddess!" At this time. The storm emperor shook his head and set off a violent hurricane. "The goddess of the forest is a great and famous **** in the realm of God. As early as Taka was not born, he had already been in the realm of God. Unfortunately, she violated the law of heaven. She fell in love with the beast **** of the demon world. If they combined to give birth to offspring, it would be Nefarem who transcended the demon. That is the blood of taboo in the legend of the world. Once it grows up, It's the dusk of the gods, the end of the group of demons! The forest goddess and the beast **** were also hunted down by the joint joint deities and demons, but their whereabouts are unknown, it is estimated that they have fallen! If not, what about her black cat? Will be captured by Taka. "

"What? Goddess of the forest!" Huang Yi shuddered and cried out!

He had never known the exact identity of his mother before, only knowing that his father was the Beast God of the Demon Realm, and the Emperor of Storm just said that the Goddess of the Forest violated the law of heaven and fell in love with the Beast God!

That shows that the goddess of the forest is his mother!

Huang Yi suddenly thought that in his Beastmaster race, there were exactly two talents named "King of Beasts" and "King of Forests".

The talent of "King of Beasts" is obviously inherited from his father, Beast God.

The talent of "king of the forest" should be inherited from his mother, the forest goddess.

In addition, before the black cat was captured by Taka, he was an emissary of the forest goddess, and his mother's image was exactly a cat. He and his sister also had cat forms, which is also worthy of number!

Huang Yi can be 100% sure that his mother is the goddess of the forest!

From this point of view, it is no wonder that the forest goddess will come together with the beast god, because the forest and the beast are inherently compatible, just like the relationship between fish and water. Classes such as druids and hunters have both forest and wild animal abilities, which complement each other.

"Kill God, it seems you admire the goddess of the forest, you are so excited!" Saint Angel turned to look at Huang Yi, fanned the three white angel wings behind the fan, and said to himself, "Also No wonder! The goddess of the forest is a big figure in our divine world! At that time, her followers spread across countless worlds, and her temples spread throughout the universe! She is a deity believed by all druids and hunter professions. In addition, most elven races also believe The forest goddess, sowing her glory everywhere, healing the forest, saving all things. When I was still in the **** world, even my master fighting God, did not dare to provoke the forest goddess! Unfortunately, such a great god, Later, they were jointly hunted down by the deities and demons. "

The Saint Angel shivered and swallowed his throat: "It was a war that subverted the heavens. To this day I have been shuddering. The gods led endless angels, and the hordes of demons made the tide-like demons. From the various kingdoms and demon realms, they came out of the nest to fight the forest goddess. The forest goddess dominated all the ancient war trees, wild hunters, the spirit of nature, the gods and beasts, forest sacrifices, the lord of the woods, the jungle. Guards, hunting envoys, healing physicians, saints of flower fairy ... become rebellious, and the beast **** also sent a continuous army of warcraft to fight side by side! The power of the beast **** and the forest goddess is extremely powerful. Their couple killed 12 gods together. , Shattered the goddess of the 28 demon gods, forcing them to fall into the realm of the world and become false gods! As for the gods who died in battle, the guards were even more numerous. "

The Saint Angel said, the tone became extremely tragic: "Later, this war spread to the whole heaven, more and more gods and demon masters were involved, they fought against each other, and eventually lost control. The beast **** and the forest goddess The whereabouts of the two original figurines were also unknown. A demigod like me was only a small character in that melee. At that time, I was ordered to fight God and go to the world of Roya to destroy a group of death gods. As a result, they were arrested. The heroic prison ... The war was a pain that could not be healed in the heavens, and countless **** kingdoms and demons were turned into ruins. The highest sacred mountain in the gods was filled with the bodies of angels, and the broken white feathers were scattered around; The abyss of the bottom is filled with the blood of demons, converging into a black river of blood; the barriers of the heavens are broken, and the violent divine power is raging everywhere; the world of the world has also been affected, billions of Demon believers fought against each other, and one world was destroyed as a result. Thousands of religions cut off the heritage. Broken idols scattered around. Burning Bibles covered the sky ... For so many years, the forest God's former staff, it is estimated that they are almost dead! Even if they can survive, it is estimated that this black cat is like ~ www.readwn.com ~ Conquered by others! The gorgeous forest temple is estimated to have been rotten The leaves have been buried and become ruins of a long history! "

Hearing the words of the Saint Angel, Huang Yi suddenly felt a little heartache. His parents were such a great figure in the past, but in the end they were still unable to compete with the whole heaven. His mother, the goddess of the forest, even gave up her divine power, hid in the second world of the world, and gave birth to him and her sister.

I do n’t know how their parents are now. After they returned to Heaven, did they continue to be hunted down by gods and demons? Has the mother's divine power recovered?

Huang Yi is even more eager to become stronger. Although he is now a world-class powerhouse, he can start to go through the worlds, but this is far from enough. Divine realm and demon realm are not comparable to these mortal worlds. Any random demon can easily kill him. He had to find a way to seal God as soon as possible, and then he could go to Heaven to find his parents and protect them.

With his Nefarem bloodline, he will be able to meet God and kill God, and meet demons and kill demons!

The monsters will chase down his parents, and he will set foot on the demon world!

If the gods want to hurt his family, he will kill all the gods! (To be continued.)

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