Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 957: Takasma's Cat

"Since this black cat is so powerful, let's communicate with its soul and see if it wants to be the guardian of the heroic empire!" At this time, the soul grabber. Nightmare volunteered. ● ⌒,

It opened the eyes of the horses, focused, and stared motionlessly at the black cat in the cell, as if opening the window of the soul, communicating in a special way.

The soul grabber is a master of the soul, and the communication between the souls can cross the language barriers of different worlds, races and forms, directly convey the meaning of the heart, and be faster.

Soon, Nightmare. Nightmare turned to look at Huang Yi, raised his hoof, and hissed: "It has agreed to become the Guardian of the Heroic Empire!"

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded, took out the national flag of the hero empire, and raised his head toward the black cat in the cell.

"Meow ~" The black cat finally screamed, and glanced at the national flag in Huang Yi's hand casually.

On that national flag, a black shadow suddenly appeared, which is exactly the image of the black cat, lifelike, hairs are clearly visible, and the green eyes are bright and lively.

This means that it has officially become the guardian of the heroic empire!

"Well, from now on, you will be free in the territory of the heroic empire." Huang Yi stole the national flag, glanced at the black cat in the cell, reached out and removed the seal of the cell.

"Meow ~" The black cat shouted lazily, stood up gracefully, lay his front paws on the ground, stretched his waist, and then hurriedly walked the cat out of the cell and came to Huang Yi In front of him.

Suddenly, the black cat shivered. Raised his head suddenly. Staring straight at Huang Yi!

In its green eyes. Suddenly there was a look of horror, as if something strange had been encountered, but he was not sure.

After a while, its high-cold temperament suddenly dissipated, crooked his head, shook his tail, and kissed Huang Yi's legs affectionately, like a pet coquettling with its owner.

that moment. Huang Yi clearly felt that the black cat showed his intimacy to him, and seemed to regard him as his master.

Could it have realized that it had the breath of a forest goddess?

Huang Yi could not help squatting down, and touched the head of the black cat. The black cat closed his eyes immediately and actively catered to Huang Yi's palm, a very enjoyable look.

The demigods aside, all looked at the black cat carefully. Although their figures are mighty and aggressive, they are not afraid to do anything in front of this little black cat. Although they were looking down, their eyes were full of admiration.

But after seeing the black cat spoiling Huang Yi. A group of demigods were stunned again and did not respond.

"It's so cute!" After a while, Commander of the Navy. Grief Moon finally couldn't help it, and gave birth to the female's natural motherly love. Cat.

"Crack ~" When she touched the black cat with her finger, a black lightning burst suddenly and hit her hand severely.

"Ah!" Grief Moon screamed and retracted her hand lightningly, but a blood hole had appeared on her finger, and the bone was deeply visible.

"Although his breath is full of affinity now, don't think you can really get close to it!" The knight of the sky. Gu Tianyun quickly opened the month of sorrow, still staring vigilantly at the black cat. Divine static electricity shows that it has stepped into the legendary level of virtual gods, and its strength is far beyond us! "

"Xu Shen?" Huang Yi heard the word, and his heart moved, and he quickly asked: "What does Xun Shen mean?"

He remembered the broken godhead of the doomsday messenger. When he completely absorbed the broken godhead, he would have the virtual **** body, but he did not know what the virtual **** body was, and until now he heard it again.

"The level of virtual god, this is a level that several of our demigods are pursuing!" Diager stared enviously at the black cat and clenched the spear in his hand. "Level 100 is called the sanctuary, 200 The level is called the Heaven Realm, and the level 300 is called the Divine Realm, but the Divine Realm is more difficult than the previous two levels. After reaching the semi-god level, you must start to work hard to consolidate the divine power until you replace all the power in the body with divine power. Then it began to smash God. This is an extremely long and difficult process that countless people ca n’t complete in their lifetime. All of our demigods are in this process. Only a part of the power in the body is divine power. I do n’t know what year The moon can be completely replaced. Once it can be completely replaced, the body is completely divine, the body has completely become a divine body, and it has many wonderful abilities, such as the cat ’s divine static electricity, which automatically moves when a foreign object approaches Released to hurt the enemy, you do n’t need to do it yourself, the enemy ca n’t get close to each other. Anyone who can reach this step is the top demigod, they are honored by the image. 'Xu Shen'. Xun Shen can begin to condense all the divine power in the body into a godhead. Once successful, it will seal the god! The seven demon kings are so powerful because they have surpassed Xuan Shen as early as ancient times, and united. The godhead may be difficult for other virtual gods, but for them, it is a question of will. As long as they are willing, they can condense the godhead at any time. If they want to seal the god, they will seal the god! Fortunately, they are out of order to make a mess, otherwise We do n’t even have a fight! "

"It's a pity!" Saint Angel. San Sheng also fluttered his wings, feeling with emotion, "I was born from the realm of God. Once born, I am at the level of heaven. An ordinary demigod. The Takasma you are talking about is so strong that even his cat has reached the level of virtual gods! It is a pity that I couldn't witness his time!

Huang Yi smiled thoughtfully and became more confident in the path after Divine Land. He had the broken godhead of the Doomsday messenger, and the speed of progress in the future would surely exceed that of ordinary demigods.

"From now on, this cat is no longer a cat of Takasma, but a cat that kills gods, and I will be its third owner!" Huang Yi said, reaching out and holding the black The cat, holding it in his arms, said to the demigods, "Okay, let's go out!"

Next, Huang Yi teleported out of the heroic prison. The demigods behind the mighty shores also teleported along with him and appeared in the sky garden of Longdu.

At this time, it was already dawn at dawn, the golden morning light shone on the ground, the sky garden was bathed in warm light, and the dragon's head was covered with a touch of golden light, looking down at the entire dragon capital.

Huang Yi led a group of demigods, standing at the highest point of the dragon capital. The body of the demigod Weigan covered the golden morning light, as if a **** came, cast a huge shadow, covering the dragon capital. Streets!

All of a sudden, the streets, gardens, and squares of Longdu ... countless people all noticed the change, all stopped and looked up at the top of the sky garden!

At that moment, the whole dragon seemed to stagnate, and then the whole city was boiling!

"The crowds are so strong, they look like suns, and I feel breathless across this far!"

"That must be the peerless giant released by the killing **** from the heroic prison. I don't know what kind of strength can he have such a strong momentum."

"The woman next to the **** of death, wearing a seawater-like cloak, holding a water polo in my hand ... I seem to have seen such a description in" Ancient Demigod ", the man seems to be the naval commander of the Opley Empire in ancient times ... "

"The black horse seems to be a demon horse in the ancient mythology, 'Nightmare', and the body is also burning with black flames ..."

"What is that huge mouth? How could there be such an ugly creature?"

"Are these people ... are they demigods? God! How is this possible! There are only four demigods at the Royal Academy of Oskan! And there is another who has been killed by the king of hell!"

For a moment, the streets and alleys of the city were filled with exclamation sounds, pointing in the direction of the sky garden.

No one thought that Huang Yi could release a group of demigod guardians in one breath!

What kind of character is a demigod? That is the tide of the times, the top character of the pyramid, and the existence of the gods second only to the gods! Looking at the entire second world, there are only four demigods, one of whom was just killed by the clone of the King of Hell!

Now, the hero empire actually has ten demigod guardians!

In this respect, the heroic empire has become the strongest force in the second world, and even the Royal Academy of Oskan is overshadowed! Not to mention the other forces in the Central Continent.

But compared to those forces, the heroic empire has another fatal weakness. No matter how strong these demigods are, they are just guardians. They cannot leave the range of the heroic empire and are trapped inside.

And those forces in the central continent are free. Their masters can go anywhere, and they can even actively invade other forces.

In this respect, the heroic empire is very weak and can only shrink into its sphere of influence.

"Kill God ~ www.readwn.com ~ How can there be so many demigod masters ?!" At this moment, a mighty voice suddenly sounded in the air, a man wearing a golden dragon robe wearing a crown appeared, Amazingly Sommeret the Great.

Just now, he originally visited the empire's frontiers to stop the invasion of the Demon Army, but suddenly realized that the dragons had a great breath of a group of demigods, and hurried over to check it out.

Huang Yi reached out and pointed at the demigods behind him, and touched the black cat in his arms, and said, "Somret, these demigods are your comrades from now on. They are all heroic empires. The guardians, including this little black cat, are more powerful than you. "


Takasma ’s cat, this is also the reader ’s name. When a new role appears, I will give priority to see if there is any suitable role for the reader to sign up. If not, select it in the reader list and use the reader ’s directly. first name.

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