Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 979: 1 step to the sky

"Now, we have got 14 experience dans!" Li Jian collected all the dans from all the dans, put them in the palm of his hand, placed them in front of his nose like a breath, and took a deep sip of the rich medicine. Fragrant. Alas,

Later, he turned around and looked at Huang Yi, and handed over 10 experience Dans, and said happily: "Kill God, you take 10 experience Dans first! Ascend to the top level 275 of Heaven Level. It ’s also easier to clear the 270th floor. It ’s not too late to give me the experience you have gained afterwards. "

"Thank you so much!" Huang Yi nodded, took the 10 experience dan, and swallowed it on the spot.

Suddenly, a warm current emerged from his body, and an escalation of light erupted, and the level soared crazy!

After flashing five times in a row, his level stopped at level 275!

At that moment, Huang Yi felt that the power in his body seemed to reach a limit and entered a mysterious field!

"[System Tip]: You have been promoted to the top-level level of 275 in level. As your [Wu Sheng] title has increased to a status level, you have now reached the special status of 'One Step Ascension!'"

Receiving this system prompt, Huang Yi took a moment's notice!

Step into the sky!

A new term actually appeared!

He quickly checked the detailed introduction of the term and finally understood the meaning of the word--

From the beginning of the demigod, it was called the level of the divine realm, and began to contact the mysterious power of divine power, which was another piece of sky, which was too difficult to reach. So the 300-level goal is as distant as zenith. Whether it's a player or not. Once you reach level 290 or higher. It is regarded as breaking into the pinnacle of mortal power and opening the final "road to heaven"!

There are ten steps in the "Road to the Sky", that is, 291 to 300. These ten levels will be the most difficult journey. Every step is difficult to get to the sky.

But with each step, you can qualitatively change the strength in your body, greatly improving your strength by one step! Each step is equivalent to a status level!

That is. Compared with the 291 and 290 levels, although only one step was taken, the gap in strength is as obvious as the gap between the primary sky domain and the intermediate sky domain!

The strong at this level are generally referred to by their steps. For example, level 291 is a strong one. Level 292 is the strongest of the two-step ascent. By analogy, level 299 is the strongest of "nine steps to heaven".

When the ten steps have been completed, a trace of truly own divine power will condense in the body and be promoted to the level of demigod!

Now, Huang Yi has raised a status level, looking at status alone. Already comparable to the 291-level "One Step" Ascendant!

This is the last forbidden ground to reach the power of mortals, and began to climb the ultimate zenith!

in history. Countless shocked and powerful men can never climb these last ten steps in their lifetime, and finally die on this road to death!

The central continents, those famous ethnic holy places, and even more powerful forces, their supreme leaders are also at this stage of ascension!

In a sense, embarking on the road to heaven is the limit that a mortal can reach!

Huang Yi looked at the palm of his hand with satisfaction, feeling the majestic strength in his body, looking forward to it: "I am now greatly strengthened, can't wait to find some strangers to try my skills! Blade, Thor, you go to the 270th floor I just broke the last record. "

"Good!" Blade and Thor nodded, staggering their times, and teleported to the 270th floor.

Huang Yi waited patiently for a while, leaving enough time for Blade and Thor before passing to the 270th floor and starting the customs clearance.

The scene on this level is a huge ancient battlefield. There are broken and rusty swords everywhere on the ground, and dense undead soldiers wander back and forth among them.

The ancient battlefield has complex terrain, trenches, and residual fortifications. If you kill the undead soldiers one by one, you do n’t know how much time to waste.

Huang Yi reached out and released his strongest immortal imitation, letting it fight on the ground.

He himself fanned the wings of death behind him, soared into the sky, the huge wings suddenly spread out, covering the sky, casting a huge shadow, covering a large area of ​​the ancient battlefield.

After being promoted to the status of "one step up to the sky", the burning flames on his wings became more fierce, setting him up like a god, and the vast breath oppressed the entire land!

"Huh!" Huang Yi began to fly to the depths of the ancient battlefield. Every time the Fan of Death fluttered, it would shoot countless burning wind blades, swallowing the earth below.

Those humble fortifications could not stop such an attack at all, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the high tongue of fire rose to the sky.

Countless undead soldiers were burned wildly, and soon they cut wheat, fell down piece by piece, and turned into ashes! Even if there are still a few elite monsters who can survive, they are all made up for by the barbarian gods on the ground.

Huang Yi flew all the way, leaving a sea of ​​fire behind him. The ground was filled with screams, the sizzling sounds of barbecues, and the sound of bones bursting into a wonderful sound of death.

At this time, Huang Yi became a messenger of death, and he took death wherever he flew.

One step ascends the strength, it is shocking!

And he has great potential. He is only 275 now, and there is still a lot of room for improvement from 291. When he rises to 291, he will be able to increase his rank again, which is comparable to the two-step ascendant. Already.

"Who is killing my soldiers?" Just then, a majestic voice came from afar.

A cricket bone dragon flapped its broken wings and flew over from the sky. On it stood an undead general, wearing armor and holding a sword, with a strong breath!

This is the first one. Before anyone else comes, he raises the sword first and slams in the direction of Huang Yi. A huge blade of air suddenly burst into the air!

"Guardian wings!" Huang Yi fanned his second pair of demon wings. Quickly gather in front of you. The armor-like wings protected the body firmly.

"Ding ~" a clear voice sounded, the huge knife air split on the guardian wings, as if on the copper wall and iron wall, did not cause a little damage!

Huang Yi fanned the wings of freedom as thin as cicadas, drawing a beautiful arc, hidden in the air.

"Oh!" The next moment, the chest armor was severely dented. Under a violent attack, even the bone dragons under his control could not control his body, and flew up violently.

But nothing appeared in the air, empty, and no object could be found even if you wanted to fight back.

After Huang Yi's wings of freedom fanned, she had an absolute invisibility for 20 seconds, and her attack was not visible.

The next battle turned to one side, completely beaten from beginning to end, and the blood volume fell down one by one.

"Oh!" Only twenty seconds had passed, and this powerful one had no vitality. Turned into a corpse and fell from the sky!

Huang Yi's invisibility time also ended synchronously and appeared from the air. The wrath of the **** in his hand slowly dripped blood.

This battle was too easy. His strength ascending to the sky was completely crushing, no suspense.

Next, Huang Yi let the savage **** absorb this soul, strengthen its acupoints, and then continue to advance.


After an hour and a half.

"Ah ~!" The last one screamed screamingly and was cut off by Huang Yi.

At this point, the 270th floor has been cleared, breaking the world record smoothly!

The Savage God took the initiative to step forward, pressed his palm on the corpse, and began to absorb its soul.

Huang Yi's gaze was placed on a delicate and gorgeous treasure chest in front, which was a record-breaking reward.

He immediately stepped forward and opened the treasure chest to reveal the contents.

The first three are very common rewards, namely an experience dan, an A-level energy stone, and a mysterious soul spar, which are exactly the same as the previous 260-layer record reward.

There are many pieces of soul spar, Huang Yi, but until now it hasn't figured out its role. It can only be stored in a storage ring, waiting to be cracked.

The last item left in the treasure chest was a magic bottle containing a pale yellow liquid.

[Pet Catalyst] (Class A, Magic Item-Elixir)

Contains a potion of vitality. After use, it can accelerate the catalysis of pets that have not hatched, and shorten the hatching time.

Huang Yi's eyes brightened, this medicine was just right!

Three days ago, Xiaolong absorbed the essence of life of the Queen of Pain, and formed a big cocoon. Since then, there has been no movement, and I do not know when it will hatch.

This bottle of medicine can greatly accelerate the catalytic process and let Xiaolong break out of the cocoon early!

Xiaolong is a big help for Huang Yi, this time it hatched out, it is likely to step from adulthood to adulthood!

Adulthood is the most powerful life stage of the Golden Holy Dragon. All aspects of physiological functions have matured, and it will completely show the strength of top-level creatures!

If Xiaolong reaches adulthood, then Huang Yi's strength will soar, and it may even compete with Thor, who has a finished artifact, to compete for the position of the world's number one master!

Huang Yi immediately used this bottle of pet catalyst!

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ A strange energy directly penetrated into his pet space and fell into the huge cocoon that Xiaolong produced.

The cocoon had not been moving before, but now after being stimulated by this energy, it immediately shook violently and seemed to be greatly catalyzed.

But after a while, the cocoon went silent again, it seemed that a bottle of catalyst was not enough to let it hatch out.

Huang Yi could only continue to wait patiently.


A bug appeared in the previous chapter. The 240-layer world record was created by Huang Yi before, so Dragonstab and Sword can only break the record of this layer, and cannot create the first record. The starting net has been corrected Over here, it will not affect the later. If you find any bugs, you can tell me at any time, and I will correct them when I see them. My qq is 398115791, and everyone can add me a message. Thank you. (To be continued.) U

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