Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 980: Women's prison

Next, Huang Yi teleported, reset the mystery, and broke the record again.

The thunder **** and the blade also broke the world record of 270 layers each.

The experience Dan they will receive, all supply the sword.

At this point, Huang Yi's previous ideas were all realized. In the shortest time, all five of them have improved some strength.

And the four demigod guardians sent out earlier also resisted the four demon demigods on the periphery of the hero empire, and the entire empire was temporarily safe.

After fighting for so long, all five were a little tired. They agreed to take a two-hour rest together, eat something, and then go back online to fight.

At this time, the long night has passed and a new day has come.

There was a tumult in the rose prison. Everyone got up to wash, and then went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Xi Huangyi came to the window, stretched out a lazy waist, and exhaled a white gas in the cold air. It seemed to snow last night, and the ground outside the window was covered with white snowflakes, and the wind blew. The rising sun in winter is slowly rising, but it brings no warmth.

看 Looking out from this window, you can vaguely see a large building on the other side of the island, that is, the women's prison!

Huang Huangyi's area is only the male prison part of Rose Prison, while the female prison is on the other side. The two sides are completely separated, and Huang Yi's criminals' activity space is limited to this small place in the prison building. It is impossible to investigate the situation of women's prisons.

As for the names of those criminals in women's prisons in the Second World, he is also unclear and has never heard of this.

I guessed that the women's prison should have entered the Second World in an organized way. And uniformly concealed identity. Otherwise, some wind will leak out.

In addition, Huang Yi and Thor's actual identities have been made public. Everyone in the world knows that they are the two recidivists of the World Federation-Huang Yi and Lei Shen. But those in women's prisons have still not come to contact them, apparently with their own plans.

But there are very few criminals in women's prisons, far less than men's prisons. The influence is very limited, and Huang Yi is not very concerned.

Next, he hurriedly took a cold shower and stroked his wet hair before leaving the cell and going to the cafeteria.

"Yi brother is good!"

"Good morning, Yi Yi!"

The inmates along the way greeted him warmly.

Xi Huangyi nodded, took a simple breakfast, and found a place to sit down.

After a while. Several brothers such as Wang Zhi, Tang Yunfei, Overlord, Zhang Yujian also sat over and talked as they ate.

"Brother Yi, Ni Dongde has moved again, and after a while preparing for military operations in Southeast Asia." At this time, Zhang Yujian looked at Huang Yidao.

He is Ni Dongde, the ace wanted criminal, who is responsible for cooperating with Huang Yilei, but now that Thor is out of prison, he only needs to report to Huang Yi.

"Okay. Thor is out of jail now, and should go to contact him. Then they may act together. In the second world, I will arrange [Ying Lin] their player leaders in several Southeast Asian countries to cooperate with you , Eradicating those guild forces controlled by the world's federal government and destroying their virtual economic industries there. "Huang Yi nodded.

"I envy Brother Lei! We finally left this **** prison. We are still here to eat this unpleasant breakfast and sleep in a cold and wet cell. Covered with moldy quilts, there is no hot water in the winter, I can only take a cold shower, I have n’t taken a bath in two months, and I am sticky. I do n’t know when the weather will be warmer. ”Wang only sighed, and drank the porridge.

"If I'm out of prison, I'll go first and let it go. I haven't even touched a woman during these years in prison. It's really broken!" Tang Yunfei looked at the sky outside the window and said expectantly.

"Then come on well! At the beginning, we had nothing. Later, Ayi gave us the opportunity to enter the second world, and then connected to Ni Dongde's line. Now Thor is out of prison. The situation is in one step One step better, those of us who have been persecuted by the World Federation will one day be released from prison! "The overlord encouraged with a voice, full of confidence in his tone.

In the past year, the world federation has been shaken more and more, and many countries in the world have begun to resist. Ni Dongde is one of the biggest flags! If it goes well, Huang Yi and their criminals, there is really hope that they can be released from prison!

"But our situation in the second world is not very optimistic!" Wang only frowned. "The invading forces have basically occupied the heroic continent with the power of the demons, and there are dozens more. Hours, the national war period is about to end. We must rush to send troops out to fight, take back our territory, do not let them occupy more than half of the area, or we will undoubtedly lose. "

Huang Yi shook his head and calmly said, "Don't be distracted by the invading army. In the face of so many masters of the demons, we send troops to fight the invaders to kill them. We have to concentrate on resisting the demons first. An enemy that can threaten our lives. "

"But I'm still not willing! Can I just watch the defeat of the National War?" Wang bit his lips unwillingly.

Xi Huangyi stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a gaze: "As long as it is not the last moment, the outcome is unknown, try to do your own thing, don't care about success or failure."

Uh ...

After eating breakfast, Huang Yi returned to his cell, went to the toilet, and simply moved his bones and muscles before entering the second world.

After Gou went online, he spread his wings directly and flew to the top of the sky garden, where they agreed to meet.

At this time, the four people, Thor, Blade, Sharp Sword, and Dragon Spike, have gathered here.

The projection of Dean Wu is still there. His old body stood at the highest point of Longdu, and his robes were blasted by the wind, and it seemed to have a compassionate temperament.

But at this moment, their faces were all tense, and there was a dignified atmosphere in the air.

"Kill God, there are new changes in the battle situation!" The Dean saw Huang Yi coming and said Shen Sheng, "Your four demi-god guardians, although blocking the demons of the deities from the hero empire, but Those demons and demigods changed their strategies. They led a large number of top demons in the demons, surrounded the entire hero empire, and jointly formed a wide-ranging 'world of extinction'. Refine the entire empire. Our guardians cannot leave the territory to stop them! "

After he finished speaking, the dean waved his hand, the air suddenly changed, and a picture appeared.

The picture is from the extremely high outer space, overlooking the entire hero continent. It can be clearly seen that most of the hero continent has become black. Only the area where the hero empire is located has not yet fallen. However, on the periphery of the hero empire, there are dozens of very obvious black spots, four of which are particularly huge, and are arranged in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northwest. These black spots range from hundreds of kilometers to thousands of kilometers away from each other. They form a mysterious array, enveloping the hero empire in the middle, releasing a steady stream of black gas.

"This is the World Extinction?" Huang Yi asked, frowning at the black spots in the picture.

"Yes! This is a top-level formation of the Demons!" The dean narrowed his eyes and exudes the light of wisdom. "The Demons do not only use brute force, they also have a subtle inheritance of knowledge. The large array is one of their most powerful knowledge achievements. The 'annihilation of the world' requires seventy-two Demon strongmen to work together in a fixed position. The stronger these casters are, the more they can be refined The bigger the goal is. If it is the 72 demigods to perform this formation, then the entire second world can be refined. Now, of these 72 strong men, except the four in the southeast and northwest, Except for the demigods, the rest are all top-level demons masters. The power of formation is much weaker, but it is enough to refine the entire hero empire. "

"Is there any way to deal with that?" Blade asked with arms around him.

"Of course, as long as they continue to interfere with the casters and prevent them from focusing on maintaining the formation ~ www.readwn.com ~, the formation will stagnate," said the dean, adding, "if you can kill part of the cast This is even better. But you can only fight on your own. These guardians of your heroic empire cannot leave the heroic empire. "

Huang Yi touched his chin, pondered for a while, and turned around to look at the four thunder gods again, saying: "Now, the hero empire can go out to fight with the top-level Celestial Demons, only five of us, let's go on horses! It ’s better to act separately, so that you can deal with more goals. It can also prevent being wiped out by those demon masters at the demigod level. "

"You don't need to worry!" The dean appeased. "Every caster of the World Extinction Array can only stay in its own fixed area. Those demigods can only stay in their area. If they come to deal with you, the formation will not last. As long as you don't take the initiative to challenge them, you don't have to worry about being killed by them. "

"It shouldn't be too late, let's hurry!" Thunder God clenched his pillar of Poseidon and said savagely, "I'm going to deal with the demons caster in the northern ocean! I am a marine race and can only play in the ocean Out of the strongest. "

"Then I'll go to the south of the mainland!" The blade held up its sword and guided straight to the side with firm eyes.

Uh ...

Soon, the five of them chose their respective directions, teleported to the nearest city, and began to deal with the caster of the World War. [Unfinished To be continued This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波]

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