Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 981: Fat doodle pig

The target of Huang Yixuan is southwest. Alas,

However, the positions of those casters are extremely scattered, hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers apart from each other. Huang Yi has a lot of work to find a caster.

He teleported to the most southwestern city of the heroic empire, Tengpeng City. This is the deputy territory of a guild named [Stupid Pigs]. This guild ranks in the top 20 in China and is considered a very large guild. They are also in this catastrophe. They were the first to express their willingness to merge into the hero empire. One of the guilds.

As soon as he teleported, Huang Yi heard the hustle and bustle of the sky.

The city is at war, with smoke blowing everywhere, and endless demons are flying in endlessly. They descended from the sun and the earth, filling the streets and alleys of the city like floods.

These demons are extremely uniformly dressed, all wearing black robes. Everyone made a weird chanting, gathered together, so that the whole world is filled with this weird melody, into people's minds, people's mood rises inexplicably irritable, degenerate, fear, darkness All kinds of negative emotions.

These demons are the dark believers of His Majesty the Dark King!

At this time, countless players are fighting with these dark cults, fighting for every inch of the lane. The drainage ditch was full of black and red blood, and the sound of weapons cutting meat was ringing densely.

However, facing so many dark believers, these players can only retreat steadily, and they are about to retreat to the area of ​​the teleportation square.

"Be sure to hold on to the teleportation square. We have already requested reinforcements from the heroic empire, and everyone will hold on for a while!" A loud voice sounded from the players.

It was a player of the boar race. Pig head person. Strong body. Holding a huge rake in his hand and wearing a bright silver armor, he was fighting blood with the dark believers in a street leading to the transmission square.

This person is the president of the Stupid Pigs Guild, a chubby pig. Although his name sounds awkward, he is very powerful and can be ranked in the top 100 in the list of Chinese masters!

He was fiercely fighting and every rake went down. A large group of dark believers will fall down, like a thick wall, blocking the torrent of the demons.

But at this moment, a powerful demon leader in the sky quietly circled behind him, dived down suddenly, as fast as lightning!

The chubby piglet was fighting with several demons on the ground, and this attack from the sky was not found at all, and it was seen that it was about to suffer this deadly attack!

"Oh!" Suddenly, the demon leader was like a kite with a broken line. He flew upside down without any breath!

Then the chubby piglet reacted. Quickly look up!

I saw a figure fanning huge wings in the sky above him, and the wings were burning with blazing flames. Between each fanning, an endless wind and fire blade was released, and they actively shot at the demons.

The violent air stream was oppressed from the air, blowing the dust on the ground, setting the figure like a great god!

This figure is simply Huang Yi.

Just now, Huang Yi fanned the wings of freedom, and almost rushed over, knocking down the demon leader who fell from the sky, disintegrating his fatal blow.

"Kill God!" The chubby little pig looked up at Huang Yi and looked ecstatic, "Excuse me! We have been saved!"

"Piggy, what's happening here?" Huang Yi gathered her wings and fell from the sky, blocking her in front of the chubby pig.

He clenched the wrath of killing God and waved it violently. A large group of dark believers in front of him were swept away immediately, clearing a large vacant lot of land, and it was quite a manly attitude.

The chubby little pig stood behind Huang Yi and was finally able to rest for a while. He breathed a few breaths before he said in fear: "More than an hour ago, I led a group of brothers in the Sanhedrin and ventured out of the heroic empire to find out, and found a mysterious valley, where magic continued to emerge Qi. When we looked at it, we found that there was a majestic dark sacrifice, and there was a secret spell being cast there. After seeing us, he did not come out and hunt us, but released a huge black portal. , Sending out endless dark believers, chasing us all the way to here, and even this city is about to be destroyed. "

"Dark sacrifice? That's the power of the top heavens. I'm going to find it!" Huang Yi said, "Give me the coordinates of that valley, I'll kill it!"

"Okay!" The chubby little pig hurriedly sent the coordinates of that valley to Huang Yi in a message.

Huang Yi discerned the direction, his body soared into the sky like a bullet, and the death wings behind him spread out again, spread to the maximum extent, and began to fly in the direction of the valley!

His death wings covered the sky, as if the entire sky was burning, and the dark believers flying in the air were immediately lit, and fireworks fell down.

The earth below also turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the streets that were originally filled by the dark religions were instantly covered by the blazing flames. The weird chanting of those dark priests suddenly turned into screams.

Wherever Huang Yi flies, the sea of ​​fire spreads, the whole world has become doomsday purgatory, it seems to burn everything, more powerful than an army!

This is the **** class after three turns-the eternal tyrant!

The only **** class in the world!

The prototype of this divine class is the ruthless tyrant among the devil gods in the history of the demon world!

The tyrant's appearance is a twelve-wing dark demon, which has six pairs of wings.

At present, Huang Yi has condensed only four pairs of demon wings: death wings that focus on group attacks, guardian wings that focus on defense, wings of freedom that focus on movement, and wings of killing that focus on enhancing their attributes. .

The remaining two pairs of wings do not yet have fusion skills, they are usually hidden in the body and will not show up.

Soon, Huang Yi killed a sea of ​​fire from the endless Demon Ocean. Leaving the realm of heroes.

One left the hero empire. The ground below clearly began to appear rotten black. The air was filled with black magic, like a thick fog all year round. Fewer animals and plants can be seen, there are corpses everywhere, and the whole land seems to die suddenly.

Some scattered Demon races ran on the ground, and as if no one was eating the carrion on the body, as if they were in the Devil's Paradise.

But soon, they were all swallowed up by the flames on the wings of Huang Yi's death.

Huang Yi flew over the mountains and crossed the river. Passing through the forest, leaving a path of flames on the ground behind him, stretching straight towards that coordinate.

Finally, Huang Yi saw a valley far away. The valley was located between two soaring mountain peaks, and the black magic gas was flowing continuously in the valley. Looking at it from a distance, the valley seemed to be lit by flames of smoke and flames, and magical smoke plumes soared into the sky.

The concentration of magic gas in the air reached the extreme, hazy, and those magic gases even condensed into a liquid. Falling from the sky, a magic rain started. Corroded everything.

Huang Yi has Nefarem bloodline and can save magic damage. He passed directly through the heavy magic, and rushed into the depths of the valley.

The wet magic rain hit his face, wet, with a bad smell.

Huang Yi wiped his face and looked around, looking for the source of the black magic.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the deep murmur of evil, with a murmur of melancholy, which seemed to be some kind of dark sacrifice. After listening for a long time, my mind seemed to slow down, as if to be controlled by this melody.

Huang Yi shook his head, woke up for a while, and flew forward with his voice.

Soon, he saw a figure of a cricket wearing a black robe, bowing his body, holding a white bone staff with a skull at the top, and drawing a mysterious picture on the ground. pattern.

That's dark sacrifices!

When Huang Yi was in the sky garden before, he saw the dark sacrifice from the projection released by the dean, and he came with the dark high priest Shixu.

Except for the Dark High Priest, each Dark Rite is at least the top heavenly level above 275!

They are like moving portals. With their hands raised, they can easily summon endless dark believers. The dark saints who have just attacked the city are summoned by this dark sacrifice.

"Huh? Kill God!" The dark sacrifice noticed the arrival of Huang Yi, immediately stopped the depiction on the ground and looked up at him.

The bone-bone staff in his hand also turned in the direction, and the skull inserted at the top of the staff was directly facing Huang Yi. In the empty eyes, he seemed to shoot invisible eyes, and locked him firmly.

Huang Yi controlled the Death Wings behind him, and slammed in the direction of dark sacrifice!

"Hoo ~" The dense blaze of fire and fire suddenly flew from the wings of death, bursting the thick and dense magic, densely rushing towards the dark sacrifice, and drowned it instantly!

When all the blades of fire had dispersed, the dark sacrifice reappeared. He was still standing still, holding the white-bone staff, his face was calm and unscathed, not even the black robe on his body was burned.

Huang Yi's unfavorable death wing had little effect on this dark sacrifice!

However, through this attack, Huang Yi also learned the level information of this dark sacrifice, which is as high as 285!

This is the strongest existence that Huang Yi has ever dealt with alone!

He had previously dealt with the 290 level fallen generals with the blade and the sword, but was unable to win. Later, he copied a temporary level-up skill, temporarily upgraded to a full level of level 300, and finally killed the fallen general.

But now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Both the blade and the sword are not around, and he has no way to rise to the 300 level temporarily, and can only use ordinary means to fight.

This will be a battle to test his true strength!


The chubby pig is one of the most rewarded book friends in this book. More than a year ago, almost during the period of my hospitalization, he offered more than 300,000 starting coins in one go. Adding more for him, but at that time I was in the stage of emotional depression. Not only did I not add, but I broke it. I was always guilty and very sorry. Now that this long time has passed, this book lover may have not read this book for a long time. It is a bit of gratitude to write him in here.

At the same time, readers who are still reading this book are also welcome to play the dragon role in the registration book. This type of online game is destined to require a lot of dragon sets. Instead of thinking about the names of these dragon sets temporarily, I'd rather use everyone's names. Friends who are interested in signing up can log in to the computer version of the starting point network (remember the computer version of the starting point network) and find the book review area of ​​the "Heroes of Prison". There is a top post on it called "Longtao Collection Post", which is published in Reply to registration. It's best to just name it, just keep it simple and easy to remember. It's the most convenient to use. (To be continued.) U

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