Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 131 The Creation God Meeting

In a dark room.

It was so silent that you could hear a needle drop.

The atmosphere was solemn to the extreme, and the terrifying sense of oppression made people feel suffocating.

This sense of oppression didn't just engulf the room.

Outside the room, it was also affected by it. Even if there was not even one out of ten, it was still unbearable by ordinary people.

Two burly men tensed their hearts and stood on both sides of the door. Judging from the old and new scars on their hands, it was not difficult to tell that they had experienced many battles.

However, at this moment, they felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, their hands could not stop shaking, and dense beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

As for the top, it had long been soaked with sweat and was steaming slightly, making him look like a man in water.

However, no one can laugh at their timidity, just because this kind of meeting happened last time.

Overnight, a once-prosperous family was uprooted and collapsed overnight, never to be seen again.

These twelve people are not only symbols of the Divine Summer Alliance, but also peerless experts who can guard one side...

"Events in the Underworld are becoming more and more frequent. It won't be long before they are exposed to the eyes of the world."

In the room, the figure on the main seat broke the silence, spoke calmly, and spoke slowly.

"At that time, rituals and music will collapse, and there will no longer be any order in the world. Humanity will destroy itself if it does not attack."

"Everyone, is there anything you can do..."

Open your mouth and you will explode.

The current order is drawn up based on the current rules. Once the rules change, all order will be out of the question.

Everyone was silent for a while, lost in thought.

There is no doubt that this is the most urgent and unsolvable problem at the moment.

Because, no one can stop Mingxu from breaking the seal.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand words.

Even if the problem of the underworld is solved, the existence of the heroic soul is definitely another unsolvable problem. The existence of breaking the original rules is also difficult for the world to accept...

There was silence for a long time, at a loss of what to do.

At this time, a cold female voice sounded, "The general trend is general, there is no way to resolve this matter..."

After a pause, she spoke again, "However, we can minimize this loss."

As soon as these words came out, everyone unanimously looked at the chair in the middle and behind.

"Ha, sister Huangfu, what can you do?" the man nicknamed Big Stupid Cow asked.

Huangfuyue glanced at him and said calmly, "Guide the subconscious of the world, cultivate a new concept, and let them accept it all by themselves."


Mr. Wang sighed and said, "After all, it's not a long-term solution. Once they experience the Mingxu incident, they will still be in chaos..."

"However, there is no better way, right?" Huangfuyue said indifferently.

On the side, Xuying nodded and agreed, "They will know sooner or later, and there is nothing we can do about it."

Mr. Wang sighed helplessly, "That's all we can do..."

The rest of the people nodded slightly. If there is no solution, it is better than nothing.

"So what exactly should we do?"

‘Big Stupid Cow’ scratched his head and asked in confusion.

As if aware of everyone's attention, he smiled sheepishly, "You all know that I'm really not very good at using my brain..."

"Haha, of course we know, otherwise we wouldn't call you a stupid cow." The young man taunted ruthlessly. He hit the knife in time and stabbed it in the forehead, which really hurt.

The 'big stupid cow' stood up suddenly, looked at the young man with anger, and swore directly.

"Tmd, Hou Qingyuan, don't run away after the meeting if you dare, I will hang you up and beat you!"

"Luanluoluo, if you tell me not to run, I won't run. I will run directly in front of you..."

Suddenly, a majestic figure slammed the table and shouted in a cold voice, "You two, that's enough! If you have any questions, you can resolve them privately after the meeting."

Hou Qingyuan shrank his head, shut up immediately, and finally glanced at the 'big stupid cow', full of provocation.

'Big Stupid Cow' was so angry that veins appeared on his face, but he couldn't get angry easily, so he had to sit down full of anger.

Out of sight, out of mind, he tried his best to turn his head to the side, trying not to look at the other person.

Seeing this, the man spoke, "Huangfuyue, please continue."

"Yes." Huangfuyue waved her hand, a flash of light flashed, and projections appeared in front of everyone.

"It's not difficult to guide their subconscious. It can be solved by taking corresponding measures according to their living habits, specifically in the two aspects of entertainment and culture."

Immediately, pictures skipped one after another, all kinds of pictures, flickering, and finally stopped precisely on a novel.

"The beginning awakens the ancestor Cheng Yaojin and reaches the peak of life"

At the end, there are five big characters, written by the beautiful man in the starry sky.

And this is the novel that Cheng Yong found a writer to customize specifically for him, and the response has been pretty good.

It's a good thing that he didn't know that his masterpiece appeared in front of a group of big guys, otherwise, he would have been bragging about it everywhere, and he would be able to brag about it for a lifetime.

At this moment, everyone was confused and speechless for a moment, looking at the projection in front of them with strange eyes.

It's a good name, I'll forget it next time...


Mr. Wang, who was sitting on the seat, smiled helplessly, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, which was refreshing.

That little guy is pretty good...

On the main seat, Xuying looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, do you have any questions?"

The rest of the people either shook their heads, or were silent, and the same thing was that they didn't make a sound.

This method is not very good, and is even a bit bad, but it is also the last resort.

I understand everything, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here, except of course the ‘big stupid cow’.

How can this be solved in just one novel?

What novel is so powerful?

Doubts remain doubts, but on the surface he still pretends to be calm and suddenly realizes, so as not to be laughed at by others, especially the little brat Hou Qingyuan.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but glare at Hou Qingyuan, making him look confused.

Seeing that no one said anything at the main seat, Xuying said again, "Since there is no doubt, then Huangfu Yue will be responsible for this matter."

He looked at Huangfuyue, "What do you think?"

"I have no problem," Huangfuyue said calmly.

"Okay", Xuying nodded slightly, his eyes narrowed, and then he asked a second question.

"What do you think about the Creation God Society..."


If the first question is about Wang Zha, then if this question is not as good as it is, then it is not far behind.

The Creation God Meeting.

The super powerful forces that appeared not long ago suddenly emerged. In a few years of secret development, their strength has become second only to the three strongest forces in China, and they are still developing rapidly.

However, unlike other forces, they not only awakened heroic souls, but also signed contracts with some evil spirits in the Nether Ruins.

This was unprecedented before.

You must know that the essential difference between heroic souls and evil souls is that they contain different origins.

The origin of the heroic soul contains a large amount of pure life energy.

The origin of the evil spirit is full of cold evil energy. As the evil energy accumulates, it will continue to affect their sanity and eventually turn into a monster that only knows how to devour life.

When monsters run rampant, the world will usher in destruction and everything will return to its original state. In their view, this happens to be another kind of rebirth.

Create another civilization.


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