Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 132 Old Friend

"Humph! They are just a bunch of lunatics!"

A shadow cursed angrily, "In my opinion, we should unite all forces and annihilate them directly."


As soon as he finished speaking, someone objected, "The Ming Ruins are about to be destroyed, so we should first solve the current problems of the world."

"Moreover, we still don't know the strength of the other party and how many forces there are. Attacking rashly will not lead to any results."

At this time, a figure looked beside him, "Mr. Wang, you are the most senior, what do you think?"

Mr. Wang took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

"I think what the Heavenly Army said is absolutely true. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. The situation is very unfavorable to us. It's better to investigate first."

"Besides, by colluding with Mingxu, they are completely on the opposite side of all forces. They naturally know this. They will not make any big moves until Mingxu completely breaks out."

"Today, the most important thing is public opinion and the Tianxing Project. After all, the future still has to be left in their hands."

"Well, that's true."

The man nodded, and then, as if he remembered something, he asked excitedly, "Mr. Wang, I heard that there is a destiny among the stars?"

Mr. Wang laughed twice and said nothing.

Seeing this, the man was immediately convinced, "Haha, now we also have a destiny."

Hou Qingyuan's expression was bright, he put his feet up on the chair and complained, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, take this, there will be five destiny in total, this world is really weird..."

"No, it's four," Huangfuyue said calmly.


"That's not right," Hou Qingyuan said doubtfully, and started counting with his hands, "Two from the West, one for Sakura, plus two from China, wouldn't there be five?"

"A month ago, a destiny in the west died," a shadow explained.

Hou Qingyuan's smile froze and he was speechless.

Destiny will die too! !

"The West is more complicated than we thought..."

"If we hadn't blocked the news, I'm afraid we would have been in chaos long ago," Huangfu Yue said in a deep voice.

"It's such a troublesome time..."

Tang Tianjun sighed with emotion, "By the way, a Dazhu Kingdom has appeared in the Tianxing Trial Ground."

"Dazhu Kingdom? The one from the Western Wei Dynasty?"


"Kill him. Keeping him will be a disaster."

"Hehe", the 'Big Stupid Cow' became interested immediately upon hearing this. Fight? I'm good at it, I'm very good at it.

Volunteered, "Let me go."

"No", Mr. Wang stopped him.

"That Nether Ruins is very close to a large Nether Ruins, and there are many powerful evil spirits in it. If they collude, it will be troublesome."

"At this point, one move can affect the whole body. We really can't make any more mistakes."

"Well, actually I feel the same way..."

'Big Stupid Cow' comforted himself, but no one else listened to his sophistry, so he had no choice but to sit in his seat silently, picking his fingers out of boredom.

"If you don't kill, it's also a hidden danger," one of them pointed out.

"Don't worry about this, I will pay attention to the movements in the Mingxu. If he dares to take action, I will kill him directly." Tang Tianjun said lightly, without any change on his face, as if it was a trivial matter. .

However, this is indeed the case for them. They are just ants, so they don't need to take it to heart at all.

"Well, that's fine..."

A few people chatted casually for a few more words, but to them, most of them were insignificant matters.

In the end, Mr. Wang cut off contact first because he couldn't leave for too long, and the rest of the people also left one by one.

The huge room was empty again, empty and deserted, as if nothing had ever happened.

With the departure of the guards outside the door, everything that happened here will be covered up...

As for the impact…

it goes without saying.

City of Gods, a small ruins of the underworld.

Yunqiu's whole body was shimmering with golden light, and he was sitting cross-legged in a large hall. As he vomited and inhaled, his spiritual energy wandered, and an inexplicable Taoist charm spread from the inside to the outside.

Beside him, there were more than a dozen powerful evil spirits surrounding him, their eyes greedy but also filled with fear, ready to move.

"Huh... Candlelight is late."

Yun Qiu let out a breath, looked around, and smiled slightly, acting like an innocent boy.

However, just this smile made the evil spirits around him tremble with fear, as if they were frightened out of their wits, they fled in a hurry without even turning their heads.

Yun Qiu stood up slowly and said, "Am I that scary?"

There was silence, no response.

He shook his head helplessly, walked out of the hall, looked up, there was nothing, only the thick clouds, no stars or moon.

He smiled and asked pointedly, "Sir, is the night sky okay tonight?"

In my mind, a voice came and said with a smile, "The stars are bright, very good..."

"Haha, sir, you are really joking..."

He didn't say anything more, just took a few steps and wandered through the streets without asking where he was.

However, after walking a few steps, a figure shrouded in black robes appeared at the end of the street, like a ghost, soundless.

Yun Qiu's expression changed slightly, then he smiled, condensed a golden light feather fan, and looked at the other party quietly.

And, that person is the same.

The cold wind was blowing, and the two looked at each other from a distance.

On both sides of the street, in the shadows of the houses in the alleys, countless flashing green pupils were watching all this, fearing something, but also looking forward to something.

"There is an aura about you that I don't like very much..."

The man opposite him stared at him and spoke first, his voice hoarse and his tone cold.

Yun Qiu smiled, waved his feather fan gently, and said slowly, "Same..."

After the words fell, the man seemed to be sure of something, sneered and stopped hesitating.

He took a step forward, held his hands empty, and a fiery red aura emerged, and he waved forward with all his strength.


The flames shot up into the sky, howling and roaring. In just a moment, the raging fire enveloped the entire long street, turning into a sea of ​​fire and rushing toward Yunqiu.

The red flames sprinkled every corner of the street. Under the heat of the flames, the evil spirits hidden on both sides were unbearable and kept making low roars.

On the long street, facing the blazing flames, Yunqiu smiled without a trace of panic. He slowly lifted the feather fan in his hand and held it by his side.

A flash of inspiration occurred and a strong wind arose.

Lu Fan leaned forward and slashed out with his hand.

In an instant, a terrifying wind blade appeared, and with a "swish" sound, it penetrated the entire sea of ​​fire.

In the flaming red wave, that touch of blue stood out, and then, only a whisper was heard.


Before he finished speaking, the wind blade exploded into pieces, and then thousands of storms rose up, carrying the monstrous flames and rushing towards both sides like wild beasts.

In the house, before the evil spirits could even react, the deadly flames were already close to them, and the spiritual fire spread all over their bodies instantly.

who I am? Where am I?

What just happened?

The Fatal Three Company, before they could speak, they turned into balls of charcoal and were buried in the long streets and alleys along with the wooden houses that were also burning.

The road to heaven appears, and the sea of ​​fire is divided into two. So close to the end of the world, one thought is life, the other thought is death.

At the end of the street, the man seemed to be unsurprised, staring straight at Yun Qiu without saying a word.

The cold wind was miserable and the fire was blazing. For a moment, people didn't know whether it should be cold or hot. They truly experienced the joy of the two worlds of ice and fire.

After a long time, the young man sighed and said, "After all these years, you are still the same as before, you haven't changed at all."

The tone of voice was emotional, as if it had gone through endless years, the vicissitudes of life were desolate, and it was completely different from before.


"You have changed a lot," Yun Qiu said with a smile.

"Is there...maybe..."

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