"What's wrong? You look unhappy."

The red door opened, a gentle voice came, and Yun Qiu walked out slowly in a light blue robe.

The delicate face, tied up hair, and elegant temperament once made Cheng Yong doubt his own eyes. Could he be a woman?

"Brother Qiu...you..."

Cheng Yong stared straight at Yun Qiu, his mouth slightly open, but he quickly recovered and cursed in his heart, "Fuck, what the hell am I thinking, it's all that Huangmao's fault, if I meet him again, I have to beat him He cannot take care of himself."

"Brother Qiu, I plan to go back to the divine capital. Do you want to come with me?"

"The City of Gods..."

There was a hint of nostalgia in Yun Qiu's eyes, and she slowly said, "Okay..."

Cheng Yong put on his exclusive sunglasses and sat down in the driver's seat. The entire sports car sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Putting down the car window, Cheng Yong said, "Old Qin, are you really not going?"

"You go ahead, I'm afraid the deputy captain and the others will be too busy," Qin Ye said with a smile.

"Hey, if that's the case, I'll go find Wei Yu secretly," Cheng Yong joked with a grimace.

"Fuck you."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After laughing, the sports car ejected directly and disappeared in a flash.

Chu Weiyu's image flashed through his mind. Qin Ye shook his head with a smile and took a taxi. He hadn't been home for a long time...

In front of the door, when he heard the sound of chopping vegetables coming from the house, Qin Ye felt warm and took out the key to open the door.

Sensing the movement outside the house, Shen Hong turned her head, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on her face, and tears flashed in the corners of her eyes.

"Xiaoye! Why are you back..."

"I'll come back and take a look."

Qin Ye smiled and said, no matter how the outside world changes, home has always been a place of warmth, both when I was a child and when I grew up.

Qin Ye glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a bandage on Shen Hong's hand. He asked worriedly, "Aunt Shen, what's wrong with your hand?"

"Hey, it's okay. I accidentally hurt myself while cutting vegetables. It's okay." Shen Hong explained quickly and subconsciously put her hands behind her back.

Qin Ye sighed, "Aunt Shen, have you forgotten what I do?"

After saying that, he walked directly to Shen Hong and took her hand. A ball of blue light appeared and poured into the other person's fingers.

After more than ten seconds, Qin Ye gently removed the bandage. When he saw that there was only a shallow scar on his finger, he felt relieved, took over the kitchen work, and used his skillful cooking skills to stir-fry a few dishes. .

In a small room, there is a table and two chairs, a few plates of steaming food, laughter, and a simple and unpretentious life. If there is no awakening, then it is just fine...

Shen Hong took out a tissue, wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth, and said with a satisfied look, "Xiaoye, your cooking skills are getting better and better."

"I learned it all from Aunt Shen," Qin Ye said with a smile and gave Shen Hong a thumbs up.

Shen Hong covered her mouth and laughed happily. After chatting for a while, she put her bag on her back and got ready to go to work.

When she reached the door, Shen Hong suddenly stopped and turned her back to Qin Ye. Tears kept rolling in her eyes, "Xiaoye, I'm proud of you..."

"Aunt Shen..." Looking at Shen Hong's back, Qin Ye's eyes turned red and he murmured.

After Shen Hong left, Qin Ye smiled helplessly and finished all the food on the table. The food was a bit salty...

At this moment, the badge in his pocket suddenly flashed with light.


After tidying up the house, I glanced at this very familiar house, turned around silently, and left.

After one hour.

Qin Ye looked at the large base in front of him and fell into deep thought. Was there a place like this before? Desolate and dilapidated, does anyone really live here?

After repeatedly comparing the positions in the badge, Qin Ye dared to believe that those people were really here. He looked around and saw that there were not even half a person in the area for several miles. It was indeed a good base for the Zhenling Army...

While Qin Ye was stunned, a man in military uniform walked out of the base.

"Are you Qin Ye?"

The voice is deep and powerful.

Qin Ye nodded dully and glanced at the person who came. He was tall and strong, with straight facial features. He was considered to be of average appearance. The only drawback was that there was a scar on his face that was not obvious.

"Let's go, follow me," he said, taking Qin Ye to the base.

The moment he stepped into the base, Qin Ye felt a flash of power. It must have been something like a large formation. Qin Ye didn't care too much and followed him inside.

In the base, there are several models of aircraft and tanks placed in a large open area. A national flag stand stands in the center. The red flag, symbolizing hope, is fluttering in the wind high in the sky.

Under the national flag, dozens of figures in military uniforms were training. Qin Ye just glanced at them and realized that they were not ordinary people. They were exuding vague spiritual power during the training, and most of them seemed to be at the peak of potential.

Passing through a flat building and continuing to walk deeper, not long after, a small attic with the appearance of an ancient building appeared in front of us. Several soldiers were guarding both sides of the attic. The overall look was particularly abrupt.

In front of the attic, the man stopped and Qin Ye had no choice but to walk in alone. Suddenly, a twisted space appeared in front of him, with majestic power flowing in it.

Qin Ye swallowed unconsciously. He had only experienced this kind of momentum at the pagoda Mingxu last time, but it was not as powerful as last time. He suppressed the fear in his heart and stepped in.

There was a feeling of weightlessness, and when he reappeared, he was already in the underworld.

The familiar dark wind, the familiar... city wall?

Wait, what the hell is a city wall...

Before Qin Ye was stunned, an attack came towards Qin Ye. Qin Ye quickly dodged it. Unexpectedly, several more attacks came, all of them containing the power of the peak of the latent spirit.

Qin Ye instantly transformed into a spiritual sword, and swung the sword to shoot out several rays of sword light, annihilating all the incoming attacks. At this moment, a purple thunder struck.

"Is it the early stage of candlelight..."

Qin Ye grinned and said, "It's not enough..."

Gather momentum and accumulate strength.

A ray of blue sword light shot out in an instant and slammed into Thunder. Only a bang was heard, and both attacks dissipated.

Just when Qin Ye thought the matter was over, a thunderbolt transformed into a giant bird and came through the sky. The pressure of mid-candlelight clearly appeared on the thunderbird.

Seeing this, Qin Ye quickly mobilized all his spiritual energy. The spiritual energy around his body surged and a dazzling light emerged. He shouted loudly and swung out a huge slash.


There was a loud noise, and huge air waves were set off around him, carrying the dust on the ground and flying around.

Qin Ye breathed heavily, with a smile on his lips. However, there was another sharp thunder in the sky, and a thunderbird several times more powerful than before rushed towards him.

The middle stage of the brave-level candlelight...

Qin Ye quickly swung his sword and used all his strength to resist.

On the city wall, Meng Tianxing looked at all this indifferently, and then said without any emotion, "Why do you want to join the Shenxia Alliance?"

Veins popped up on Qin Ye's face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "To become stronger!"

"Not enough..." Meng Tianxing said slowly.

"To protect the people around him," Qin Ye spat out every word.

"It's still not enough..."

"To protect...home!"

Qin Ye roared, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and a majestic power burst out.

The long sword clanged, and the thunderbird was instantly chopped open, and two thunderous explosions sounded behind him.

Qin Ye staggered and used his long sword to support his body. Sweat dripped down his face. He gasped for air and said weakly, "Is that enough..."

A smile appeared on Meng Tianxing's lips and he said, "That's enough..."

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