Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 65 Tianxing Project

In the simple room, a table and a few stools were placed randomly. There were also a few stacks of documents on the table, but nothing else.

Meng Tianxing stood in front of the window, looking at something unknown.

Qin Ye stood aside slightly embarrassed. He couldn't say that he didn't know this captain, he could only say that he was not familiar with him at all. He had only met him a few times in total.

At this time, Meng Tianxing said, "Do you know why I asked you to come?"

Qin Ye thought for a moment and couldn't figure out why, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

"In recent years, the seals of Mingxu have become weaker and weaker. It won't be long before they are broken one by one..."

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into silence again.

For a long time, Meng Tianxing turned his head and stared at Qin Ye with his cold eyes.

"Before the Mingxu completely breaks the seal, the Shenxia Alliance will gather new talents from all over the country for short-term special training. This plan is called the Tianxing Project."

"Project Tianxing?" Qin Ye asked doubtfully.

Meng Tianxing nodded and slowly said, "I have reported your and that boy's names..."

Qin Ye's heart sank and he asked, "Where is the special training place?"

"The City of Gods..."

On the way back, Qin Ye had a stern look on his face, still not calming down. Is the situation already so serious now?

At the same time, in the stronghold.

Chen Xuan covered his buttocks and complained, "Vice Captain, you hit me too hard."

"I can practice faster than you even if I sleep, but you still have the nerve to say it without being embarrassed," Zhang Zhanguo cursed, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

I can kill two of these little bastards with one hand.

Of course Chen Xuan was furious, and pointed at Tang Yushi who was watching the drama on the side, "What about her? It's still the early stage of Candlelight."

Tang Yushi took off her headphones and looked at the two of them blankly, "Did you just call me?"

Looking at Tang Yushi's cute look, Zhang Zhanguo kicked half of Chen Xuan's side, "Why don't you compare yourself with my little brother? You still have a sense of superiority. Besides, you have Yu Shi's influence." ?"

In the distance, Cheng Yong, who was showing off his skills in driving a sports car with one hand, sneezed fiercely, rubbed his nose, and said with a silly smile.

"I don't know which little girl misses me. It might be Yan Fei. That's right, it must be Yan Fei..."

Yunqiu didn't care about so many things in the car. He closed his eyes and felt the breeze blowing gently, with a look of enjoyment on his face.


Cheng Yong looked a little confused. Is the wind so light? Try opening the car window halfway.

Buzzing and rumbling——

The wind was blowing all over my face, and my face was blown out of shape...

Over here, in the stronghold.

With a creak, the door opened.

As soon as Qin Ye came in, he saw Zhang Zhanguo beating Chen Xuan. Qin Ye smiled at the familiar scene and sat directly on the sofa.

"What does the captain want from you?"

Zhang Zhanguo turned around and asked, his hand movements without any delay, looking extremely funny.

Qin Ye had no choice but to tell him about the Tianxing Project.

"Damn it! That's a good thing."

Zhang Zhanguo suddenly stirred up his spirit and unconsciously exerted a little more force on his hand. Chen Xuan, who was already used to it, immediately screamed and cursed in his heart.

You are so excited, why do you want to release your excitement on me...

"When?" Zhang Zhanguo asked, not noticing Chen Xuan's expression at this moment.

Sure enough, love will not disappear, it will only transfer...

"next week."

"Aren't there only a few days left?"

Zhang Zhanguo said in shock, no, no, we have to prepare immediately.

For a moment, Zhang Zhanguo transformed into an old woman and started doing this and that, and started talking in the room, "quilt, toothbrush, towel, clothes..."

"Vice Captain, you're too low-key. Didn't Qin Ye say there will be arrangements inside? Besides, you can buy these things over there," Tang Yushi pouted and complained.

"Yes," Chen Xuan echoed from the side.

"Fuck, do you have the right to speak?" Zhang Zhanguo kicked Chen Xuan aside again, more or less with a personal grudge.

"Ahem, since there is nothing to prepare, let's have a meal together and celebrate in advance," Zhang Zhanguo said, clearing his throat.

"But Sister Mengting is not here," Tang Yushi said quickly.

"They're not here, let's celebrate first and do it together when they come back..."

"Fat man...he's not here either..." Qin Ye said weakly from the side.

"Fuck, what a waste of a celebration..."

In the capital of gods, a medium-sized underworld ruins.

The several-meter-high city wall spans across the Ming Ruins, enclosing an open space of dozens of miles. In the open space, several simple modern buildings stand.

There were sounds of conversation coming from one room.

I saw a burly man lying on the sofa. His short hair and explosive muscles gave him a unique appearance. This man was the person in charge of the "Tianxing Project", Zhao Wenlong.

Next to him, there was a middle-aged man sitting with a cup of steaming tea. The fragrance of the tea filled the whole room. After a careful sip, the man showed an expression of aftertaste.

"Old Zhao, what do you think of this 'Tianxing Project'?" the man said.

"How else can I watch? Just sit and watch," came Zhao Wenlong's rough voice.

"Old Zhao, it's time to change your temper," the man said slowly, and then took a slow sip of tea.

"Bah! If it weren't for those sons of bitches who only know how to fight in the den, the underworld and so on, they would have been solved by now, and there would be no such thing."

Zhao Wenlong cursed, and then continued, "If you ask me, just lead the Spirit-Suppressing Army, push all those sons of bitches flat, and then seal all the Mingxu..."

"That's what they say, but it's not the truth." The man smiled helplessly.

"Then please explain..."

Dong dong dong...

At this time, the door in the room suddenly rang, and then a soldier holding documents walked in, saluted the two of them, and said, "Report to the two chiefs."

Then he put the document in front of Zhao Wenlong, "The list of the 'Tianxing Project' published above has arrived."

"Okay, I understand. You can go down first." Zhao Wenlong waved his hand and picked up the document with the word "Top Secret" printed on it.

Opening the file, Zhao Wenlong just glanced at it and couldn't sit still. He stood up quickly, his face full of horror.

The man on the side raised his eyebrows slightly, but still looked calm and calm, and took a sip of tea.

"Stop drinking, Lao Feng, do you know how perverted the newcomer is this time?"

Zhao Wenlong said excitedly, "Six epics, the rest are all brave level, there are more than twenty people in total..."


The tea in the man's mouth couldn't hold back for a moment, and all of it spurted out. He was no longer as calm as before. He looked at Zhao Wenlong in shock, as if he was confirming the authenticity of the matter.

However, he forgot that the old man in front of him couldn't lie at all.

In other words, so many geniuses have appeared in less than a year...

After a long time, he calmed down and looked out the window quietly, with a trace of worry on his face.

In troubled times, heroes emerge...

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