Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 76 Atmosphere Destroyer


In the darkness, a man clapped his hands and walked out slowly, with gloomy eyes and a curved corner of his mouth, "Your Excellency is really good at it. He killed so many people without changing his expression. Yang is deeply impressed."

"No, you killed him..." Yun Qiu waved his hand to disperse the magic circle, jumped under the tree, and smiled softly.

"Hahahaha", the man's eyes flashed, he laughed loudly, pointed to several sources floating on the side, and said, "Then, are you satisfied with this gift I'm sending you?"

In the eyes of men, the dead people cannot be regarded as human beings at all, and they are just deceived by men with a little trick.

Test Yunqiu's chess pieces.

Yunqiu's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's of no use to me, but since it's a gift from you, I'll accept it."

Touching his hand gently, those origins floated towards Yunqiu, wrapped in a layer of faint golden light, and disappeared directly into the palm of his hand.

Then Yun Qiu opened his eyes and said, "After receiving your gift, I must return the gift. I must not lose my courtesy."

The man was slightly happy. Before he could speak, he saw two magic circles appearing around him. The majestic energy brewed out and exploded instantly.

After a loud noise, a man appeared dozens of meters behind the explosion.

Seeing a large pit appearing in front of him, the man couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. If he hadn't escaped in time, he might have ended up here.

He looked at Yun Qiu coldly and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, are you being too unethical?"

"You and I know it well..." Yun Qiu said lightly.

If Yun Qiu was not strong, Yun Qiu might have been killed by the man when the chess piece fell just now, and there would not have been so many words at all.


A loud shout came, and the deputy captain of Shendu Lingying Team appeared in the sky seriously wearing a black robe.

Yun Qiu was stunned and smiled helplessly. He had dealt with Zheng Zheng once and roughly understood some of this person's temperament. It was difficult to deal with...

In order to reduce some unnecessary trouble, a magic circle appeared at Yunqiu's feet, and then the whole person disappeared into the ground beneath his feet.

Sensing the remaining spiritual energy around him and the strong smell of blood, his serious face darkened on the spot. Unfortunately, Yun Qiu had already run away, so he could only point his finger at the man.

"who are you!"

He asked seriously, condensing all his spiritual power, always ready to take down the opponent.

The man's face darkened.

People from the Shenxia Alliance?

The one that should not be provoked the most now is the Shenxia Alliance.

The man's eyes condensed, and countless sharp blades surged out from his body with great force. The wind of blades was directed at the seriousness, but he took advantage of this opportunity and quickly fled backwards.

With a serious snort, he drew out a long knife and swept it out, wiping out all the sharp blades.

Then he ejected and shot out, forming a circular air wave behind him. He held a long knife and chased after him.

At the peak of Serious Candlelight, it is really not too easy to chase a man in the late Candlelight stage. In just a few seconds, the man appeared in Serious' sight.

The long sword is ready and the sword is unsheathed.

The sword light appeared instantly and cut through the night sky.

Only a scream was heard. The man running in front was unable to dodge. One of his arms instantly exploded into blood clots. He used his physical body to receive the charged blow from Candlelight Peak, and his body was hit heavily in the woods in the distance.

In the woods, seriousness followed closely. Just when he was about to speak, a sharp arrow suddenly struck from behind, and the candlelight peaked.

There was a "swish" sound, and a few drops of blood dripped.

He groaned solemnly and covered his shoulders. If he hadn't dodged in time, he might have died here.

But now, the situation is not very good. The blood that should have been bright red at the wound has turned dark red at this moment. The resentment of the netherworld is corroding his flesh and blood, causing drops of sweat to fall on his face.

"Jiejiejiejiejie, good evening, Vice Captain Yan." A man with a black aura around him walked out, with a ferocious face and a perverted smile, staring straight at Seriousness.

"Mingxu..." Yan Yan said coldly, holding back his injuries.

"Jiejie, I guessed it correctly, but there is no reward." The man raised his long bow and drew it to the full moon. At the arrowhead, black air wrapped around him, and an icy aura shrouded it, pointing directly at the serious eyebrows.

"Xuanxiu", a cold voice came, calling the man.

"Jie Jie, I got it." The man chuckled ferociously, put away his long bow, and turned around to leave.

At this time, Zhen Zhen raised his long sword to gather momentum, gathered all his spiritual power, and shouted loudly, "This is the city I protect, and I don't allow it..."


Before he finished speaking, a severed arm flew across, blood splattered, Zhen Zhen's vision went dark, and he fell straight down.


Xuanxiu looked seriously, then looked into the darkness not far away, licked his lower lips, and then turned into a stream of light and left...

In the woods, a magic circle appeared, and countless golden auras, like stars, poured into the serious wounds...


In the palace, the curtains were hung lightly, lanterns and crowns were arranged, two tables and tables were arranged on both sides, and the prince sat cross-legged and knelt in colorful clothes.

In the center, the red sleeves are flying, the beauty is dancing lightly, the jade feet are touching the ground, the jade fingers are lightly twisting, and the smile is touching.

A different Tang Palace night banquet.

After the song ended and the beauty left, everyone was still immersed in it and could not come back to their senses for a long time.


"Old Qin, I know why so many people want to be the emperor. I want it too," Cheng Yong said with a silly smile, recalling the scene just now.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Really, if you look at it one more time, it will explode.

Qin Ye just smiled and said nothing, but the shallow smile in his eyes betrayed his true emotions.

I wonder which man would not be moved after seeing such a scene, unless of course he is not interested in beauty and beauty.

Chu Weiyu glanced at the two of them with disdain. Sure enough, men are all big pigs.

But, having said that, it does look pretty good.

Walking through the red staircase and climbing to the tower, you can see the bustling city at a glance.

"It's so beautiful..." Chu Weiyu lay on the Goulan, supporting her face with her hands, smiling sweetly.

The eyes are gently closed, and the hair is dancing in the breeze, as a beautiful woman should be.

"Yes, it is indeed... quite beautiful." Qin Ye looked at Chu Weiyu's side face and couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, Chu Weiyu opened her eyes.

Their eyes met, and both of them had a slight blush on their faces.

Qin Ye's heart was pounding and he stuttered, "Wei, Weiyu..."

"Hmm..." Chu Weiyu hummed softly, like a mosquito, with a soft and waxy voice that seemed to melt people's hearts.

However, at this moment, an untimely voice sounded. Cheng Yong waved his hands not far away and shouted loudly, "Old Qin! You two, hurry up and follow."

As soon as the words came to my lips, the atmosphere suddenly disappeared...

The two looked at each other, smiled slightly, and understood each other tacitly. Neither of them spoke again, and walked towards Cheng Yong, the atmosphere destroyer...

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