Tianfu Tower.

Beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery...

"We haven't played together for a long time," Chu Weiyu said with longing eyes and a sigh in her tone.

"Yes, remember the last time?" Cheng Yong replied with a smile.

"Listening to your words is like listening to your words," Qin Yeban joked.

"Hahaha", Chu Weiyu covered her mouth happily and laughed. As expected, the two of them were still the same as before...

At this time, there was a "buzz" sound, and a light flashed in the pocket of her dress. Chu Weiyu frowned slightly and took out the flashing badge.

An urgent message rang in his mind.

"Something happened to the vice-captain..."

Shendu Detective Agency, underground.

In a small room, three figures kept walking back and forth with worried expressions. Without exception, they were all looking at one place, the hospital bed.

On the hospital bed, lies the unconscious Serenity. If you look closely, you will find that his left arm has long disappeared, leaving only layers of white gauze tightly wrapping the broken arm.

A man had a gloomy face, and he was the captain of this team, Zhang Hongsheng in the early stage of Saint Star.

Zhang Hongsheng took a deep look at the serious man lying on the bed, then walked out of the room, came to the hall, and asked Yunqiu sitting on the sofa, "Can you tell me about the scene at that time."

When Zhang Hongsheng found them, he only saw Yun Qiu who was being treated seriously at the side. As for what happened at that time, he had no idea at all.

At this moment, Yunqiu's face was expressionless. In this situation, a smile was really not very appropriate. As for sadness, that might be a bit fake. After all, they had only met once, so it would be better to have an expressionless face.

Yun Qiu looked at Zhang Hongsheng and slowly explained the situation at that time.

"In other words, Ming Xu did this thing," Zhang Hongsheng said coldly.

"Not entirely. There is also a man named Yang. He should be in collusion with Mingxu."

Yun Qiu recalled the scene at that time, thinking slowly in his head, "With his strength, although he cannot defeat Vice Captain Yan, it is not completely impossible to fight.

But the moment he saw Deputy Captain Yan, he ran away immediately and had one of his arms chopped off by Deputy Captain Yan, so..."

"He knows Zheng Zheng, or he is a native of Shendu, and there is probably some power behind him," Zhang Hongsheng continued.

"It's very possible." Yunqiu narrowed his eyes.


The door opened and Chu Weiyu ran in eagerly, followed by Qin Ye and Cheng Yong.

"Captain, how is the vice-captain?" Chu Weiyu asked worriedly.

"It's not life-threatening, but..." Zhang Hongsheng shook his head helplessly.

Chu Weiyu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the person was still alive, but she still felt a little worried and hurriedly walked to the room.

"Brother Qiu? Why are you here?" Cheng Yong was a little surprised. Could this matter be related to Brother Qiu?

But Yunqiu just shrugged and didn't say much. He was not a talkative person in the first place, so it was naturally impossible for him to explain a long story twice in a row within half an hour.

In the room, Chu Weiyu was slightly shocked when she saw the serious arm, and asked quickly, "Xiaoxiao, the deputy captain's arm..."

Xiao Xiaoxiao shook his head silently. The black energy eroded the large areas of flesh and blood. The broken arm had lost its activity. Even if Hua Tuo came, he might not be able to reconnect it.

Hearing this, Chu Weiyu fell into silence. She usually complained, but the team was still very united. Naturally, she felt a little sad when something like this happened.

"Weiyu, don't be too sad, the vice-captain will definitely get better," said a not very old boy, team member Guo Chun.


In the hall, Qin Ye and his two men felt their hearts sinking when they heard Zhang Hongsheng's story.

It’s someone who colludes with Mingxu again, the ghost last time, the mysterious cultivator this time, who will it be next time...

There was silence for a while, and after a while, Qin Ye and others left.

After Qin Ye and others left, Zhang Hongsheng immediately came to the room.

Seeing the serious and unconscious appearance, Zhang Hongsheng felt a chill in his heart and said in a deep voice, "Xiaoxiao, check what Yang forces are in the gods. This account cannot be settled..."

The sun rises in the east.

Early the next morning, Zhang Hongsheng took Guo Chun to the city center.

On the way, Guo Chun kept explaining, "Captain, the target this time is a man named Yang Yongxing. On the surface, this man is the president of a listed company, but secretly he is the head of a family. He is in the middle of candlelight. He is greedy for money and lustful..."

In a private villa, a pot-bellied man poured a cup of tea for the two of them flatteringly, "Captain Zhang, brother Guo, drink tea, drink tea..."

Zhang Hongsheng and Guo Chun looked at each other, stood up, and turned to leave.

Information may be falsified, but temperament is difficult to falsify. For people in this state, it is almost impossible...

"Hey, Captain Zhang, you guys..." Yang Yongxing looked confused, but he couldn't catch up. "It's really baffling. It's a pity that I can't bear to drink the good tea."

Yang Yongxing said regretfully, looked at the two cups of tea, and took a sip directly on the principle of not wasting it. The next second, a mask of pain appeared on his face, "Fuck it, it's so hard to sell it." It’s so expensive that even dogs won’t drink it…”

"Captain, next is..."

One place, two places, five places...the two of them traveled to almost half of the divine city.

In front of an ancient architectural mansion, a plaque with the words "Yang Family" hanging high on the door is magnificent.

"Captain, this one is also the last one," Guo Chun said a little tiredly, white cuticle appeared on his lips, and cracks were vaguely visible.

Zhang Hongsheng said "hmm" and looked towards the mansion.

There is no useful information about the clan, its leader Yang Guozhong, and the peak of the Saint Star.

The two of them took steps and knocked on the door. The ancient pattern was still preserved here. After someone informed them, they were led into the courtyard.

In the yard, there are clear ponds and green water, and there are many rockeries. Houses that retain ancient styles are located around them. There are also three or two servant-looking people cleaning the yard.

Under the leadership of the servant, the two came to a pavilion.

Red pillars, black tiles, blue stones, green pools, black chess pieces, white pieces, and the old man, they are the proper boss level in the novel.

The two of them concentrated for a moment, only to feel a powerful momentum spreading from the old man's body, and they were suddenly shocked. This person should be Yang Guozhong.

So he stepped forward and said politely, "Junior Zhang Hongsheng/Guo Chun, I have met senior Yang..."

"Hahaha, Captain Zhang, Xiaoyou Guo, no need to be polite." Yang Guozhong smiled softly, motioned for the two of them to sit down, and ordered his servants to make two cups of tea.

Yang Guozhong stretched out his hand and said, "Please..."

After hearing this, the two of them no longer hesitated and raised their tea cups to taste it carefully.

When the tea enters the mouth, it is a little bitter, a little sweet, and the faint fragrance reverberates in the throat. After one bite, I feel refreshed and have endless aftertaste...

“Good tea…”

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