Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 96 Qinglian Sword Song

Looking at the evil spirit lying on the ground wailing, Qin Ye felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

Of course, it is definitely not caused by these little Karamies, they are not worthy of it.

This is true now and it will be true in the future.

But soon, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Ye's mouth, and in the corner where no one saw, golden threads poured out from Qin Ye's palm and quietly sank into the sword body.

Suddenly, the sword's body glowed brightly, and several golden threads were faintly visible on the blade.

Qin Ye shouted loudly and slashed out his sword, slashing towards the black sword standing in front of him.

Click - sound.

There are several cracks visible to the naked eye on the long knife, and they are still spreading, and the cracks are clinging to it.

The next second, the blade could no longer hold its own, and it shattered. Pieces of debris fell downwards, turning into weapon fragments.

For an instant, the air seemed to freeze.

Taking advantage of the moment when the evil spirit was stunned, Qin Ye used his feet hard, rushed out of the black smoke, and charged out with his long sword.


There was no hesitation.

The hand rises, the knife falls, and the head is cut off!

Base, in the room.

Qin Ye's face was clearly displayed on a huge screen. It was a high-definition, uncensored face shot. There was no such thing as death in public.


A few drops of water dripped softly and splashed on Zhao Wenlong's shoes. Only then did he come back to his senses and looked at the teacup in his hand, only to see that cracks had appeared at some point and the tea was still seeping out.

Zhao Wenlong looked stunned and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, this tea is delicious..."

Xiao Wang next to him looked confused, "Chief, didn't you say that tea is worse than urine?"

Zhao Wenlong's face darkened, "Have you ever drank urine?"

"When I was young..." Xiao Wang subconsciously replied, but he noticed something was wrong and quickly shook his head in denial, "No, no..."

He also added with a smile, "How could I drink something like that? Do you think so, Chief?"

Zhao Wenlong glanced at him with a strange expression, "You haven't drunk it before, so do you think I can drink it?"

"No, it won't, right?" Xiao Wang tried.

Zhao Wenlong said loudly, "What do you mean "no way?" "Absolutely not. Since I have never drank it, the saying that tea is worse than urine does not hold true. Do you understand?"


Topic terminated.

Zhao Wenlong recalled Qin Ye's eyes just now, and was still shocked. That look...

Indifferent, surprisingly indifferent.

From cutting off the long sword to killing the evil spirit, there was no hint of excitement at all, it was just as if it were natural.

This boy is by no means as simple as he seems!

In the alley.

The other evil spirits were shocked. They only heard a gust of wind blowing, and the buddy next to them disappeared?

A trace of fear flashed in Xiao Kalami's eyes, but he saw so many good buddies around him.

As we all know, a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist.

The remaining trace of timidity suddenly dissipated, replaced by greed and an even more crazy counterattack.

Since it's so powerful, wouldn't it be better to devour it...

The black mass rushed toward Qin Ye like a mountain, with a momentum that could swallow mountains and rivers. They rushed forward one after another, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

Zhao Wenlong stared at this scene through the screen. He wanted to see what unknown trump card this young man had that made him so calm.

Qin Ye felt helpless. He thought he could scare them for a while, but he didn't expect...

Is it counterproductive?

"Let me come," the First Emperor said in a message.

Qin Ye smiled bitterly, and just when he was about to agree, the badge in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

"Old Qin, we have escaped, come quickly!"

Hearing this, Qin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the incoming black tide, and silently shook his head.

The eyebrows of the sword were slightly pressed, the eyes were slightly closed, and he slowly said, "Since my awakening, I have observed the swordsmanship of the swordsman Li Taibai many times. I have learned more than ten sword skills, large and small, and I have also created a set of swordsmanship of my own. I call it... Qinglian Sword Song."

Then he put his two fingers together, gathered all his spiritual power, opened his eyes instantly, and a sharp aura spread from his body to the surroundings.

The spiritual energy gathers and condenses the nine swords;

The nine swords unite and turn into green lotus.

Qin Ye danced lightly with his fingers, and the nine swords circled around him quickly, and blue light cut through the night sky.

Looking from a distance, the tracks of the nine swords are criss-crossed, and the afterimages are intertwined and formed. They are really like blooming green lotus, bright and dreamy, charming and dangerous.

Fatal temptation.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

The sharp sword cuts through the air, and mysterious sounds are heard everywhere. It is not as fierce as the collision of iron tools, nor as timeless as the echo of a long harp. It is indescribably wonderful.

Several evil spirits at the peak of their potential could not suppress their greed, so they picked up their weapons and rushed towards Qin Ye.

But the next second, they paused, wailing in pain, and their bodies fell uncontrollably. On their chests, without exception, there was a blue light that penetrated the entire chest.

Pass through the heart and kill with one blow!

What frightened the evil spirits even more was that they did not see clearly when or where the sword came out.

The evil spirit in the Candlelight Realm roared angrily, and the black energy in his hand condensed into an ink-colored spear, and he threw it out with all his strength. The tip of the spear reached Qin Ye at the center of Qinglian.

Clang, Clang, Clang——

Three gunshots were fired, and within one breath, the spear was cut off and turned into a ball of ashes.

Seeing the situation, all the evil spirits stopped and stood outside Qinglian, no one dared to take the first step.

At this time, the leading Candlelight Realm Evil Spirits looked at each other, all showed a wicked smile, and unanimously picked up the little brother next to them and threw him into the sword formation.

"Ahhh..." The screams kept coming.

Almost instantly, the young man in the sword formation was penetrated by the long sword, turned into a ball of black smoke, and died with hatred. At the same time, the momentum of the sword formation also weakened slightly.

Several people in the Candlelight Realm looked happy, and began to throw their little brother out more crazily. They had no emotions in the first place, and it could not only consume the power of the sword array, but also turn it into nutrients and be absorbed by them.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not.

After a few minutes, there were almost no boys around the candlelight realm. Even if there were, they would run away without hesitation.

I am showing sincerity to my eldest brother, but he treats me like a fool?

Although there is no younger brother, the sword formation has become extremely weak. Even Qin Ye in Qinglian is pale and looks extremely weak at this moment.

The howls of ghosts and wolves sounded, and everyone rushed towards Qin Ye.

In the sword array, nine sword edges slashed alternately, but they no longer had the power as before. They were dying and hit them without any pain or itching.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

An evil spirit holding a long knife smiled evilly, showing a lewd temperament in both appearance and behavior.

Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Qin Ye's mouth, and he slowly said, "Qinglian Sword Song, nine swords unite..."

The nine swords closed together and became one, and the green lotus bloomed.

Qingtian, one sword, determines the world...

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