Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 97 The Eve Of The Broken Mirror


A feeling of weakness surged into his heart, and Qin Ye coughed a few times with a pale face. This time, he was really pale.

This sword formation really consumes too much spiritual energy, especially the last sword. As soon as it was swung, the whole person felt as if it was hollowed out.

There is only one capital word "virtual" left in my mind.

Qin Ye glanced aside and saw dozens of evil spirits surrounding him. They were fighting but not fighting, retreating but not retreating. They were just submissive and helpless roaring in the corner.


There was a roar behind him, and in the early stage of the undisguised candlelight, the scattered evil spirits gathered here, stragglers, and soon a large group of evil spirits emerged.

Qin Ye relaxed his mind, circulated his veins, and quickly absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, absorbing the transformation, and turning it into a pure spiritual energy supplement.

With spiritual energy surrounding him, Qin Ye raised his head, moved his wrists, injected spiritual energy into his legs, and ran forward quickly.

There is definitely no way to go back later. There are too many evil spirits. As long as they are not dealt with at once, these evil spirits will be as clingy as dog-skin plaster.

Qin Ye's body turned into a stream of light, traveling through the dark night. He held the sword in his right hand and stood by his side. He only released a little bit of momentum, which shocked the little Karamies around him and stopped their restless little hearts.

In fact, even if Qin Ye does not release him, these evil spirits will not risk attacking him. The scene just now has been completely engraved in their minds (except for those without brains), and their strong survival instinct drives them little by little. Moved back.


In a few breaths, Qin Ye's figure disappeared without a trace, but in the deep streets and alleys, there were a few indelible marks of swords and swords...

In a courtyard.

Cheng Yong sat down on the ground, with a few beads of sweat appearing on his chubby face. Even his "slender" figure was constantly rising and falling. He was tired, so tired...

Chen Yi on the side looked much better, but his cheeks were slightly red, whether from shyness or out of breath.

Chen Yi looked worriedly towards the outside of the hospital. His two little hands were tightly clenched at this moment, leaving several thick white marks.

After a while, Chen Yi couldn't help but ask, "Well, um, Captain... nothing will happen to him..."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Yong burst out laughing and said carelessly, "He will be fine if something happens to the base. We should eat and drink, so don't worry about him."

Will something happen to Lao Qin? Isn't this funny?

Others don't know how much he knows. Not to mention the charming ancestor, the First Emperor, just the title of "Destiny" can guarantee that Lao Qin will reach the end. Instead of worrying about him, it is better to care about him. As for myself.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yong took out a pack of compressed biscuits from his bag and nibbled on it, without ever losing the arc at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Cheng Yong like this, Chen Yi breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, found a clean place, and sat down slowly.

Suddenly, Cheng Yong, who was sitting on the ground, stood up fiercely, with excitement on his face. He swallowed the compressed biscuit in his mouth and shouted quickly, "Hurry, hurry, ancestor, I'm coming!"

Cheng Yaojin appeared directly, patted Cheng Yong on the back, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, my good grandson, you have given me a fight."

I saw the grandfather and grandson running to the open space in the yard, finding a comfortable position, and sitting down cross-legged.

Li Bai, Chen Yi and others on the side were all confused, but when they saw the spiritual energy around them gathering towards the two of them, they finally came to their senses.

This guy is going to break through the pace.

Li Bai picked up the wine gourd, took a sip, and jumped to the highest point of the courtyard, scanning the surroundings with his sword.

Chen Yi and Sister Gongzi also picked their own positions and observed their surroundings at all times.

Regardless of whether it is a breakthrough or a breakthrough, it will cause spiritual energy to gather and the life force to return to its origin. During this period, it is also the easiest time to attract evil spirits.

In the yard, he felt a steady stream of spiritual energy gathering into his body. Cheng Yong looked in ecstasy and hummed, making a sound that made people blush.

The wind is invisible, but the spirit is tangible.

Whining sounds circled around the two of them, and their auras also improved little by little in the process.

There was only a "click" sound, as if something was broken, and the two people's realm instantly rushed from the late stage of latent spirit to the peak of latent spirit.

Li Bai and others breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no accidents during this process.

In the base, Zhao Wenlong lit a cigarette and took two long puffs. The cigarette paper burned rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into ashes.

Looking at the picture on the screen, he said with some doubts, "Does the latent spirit need to absorb so much spiritual energy to break through? Why don't I remember there were so many back then, or am I remembering it wrong."

"Whether it's a breakthrough or not, at least there's no late stage latent spirit." Zhao Wenlong scratched his head, exhaled a rough breath, and blew away the silver shavings floating in the air.

Just when Zhao Wenlong thought it was over, suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

In the picture, the wind was surging, and the spiritual energy within a radius of several hundred meters turned into strong winds, hairsprings, and spiritual pillars, converging crazily in the direction of the two people.

Zhao Wenlong stood up suddenly and murmured, "The epic of broken mirrors..."

He couldn't even remember how many times he stood up today. Watching all the battles, these geniuses in front of him were really unexpected.

Is it a good thing... But this is too hasty...


This movement soon attracted many figures around. In the alleys, streets, broken walls, and shadowed corners, there were green lights, low roars, and countless evil spirits exuding cold evil aura, all of which coincided with each other. He ran like crazy in the direction of Cheng Yong and the others.

In the yard, Cheng Yaojin's body was surrounded by more than a dozen extremely pure soul sources, and the aura of a brave man suddenly appeared on the largest ones.

With a thought in Cheng Yaojin's mind, a piece of Li Yuan-level origin turned into a white thread, and penetrated into his body bit by bit, warming his internal organs, seven meridians and eight meridians.

Time passed little by little, and Cheng Yaojin's aura was only a hair away from the epic, but it could not be improved no matter what. There seemed to be an invisible barrier standing between the brave and the epic, so close to the end of the world.

On top of the high wall, Li Bai stood on his own with his sword in hand, looking at the spiritual tide emerging outside the courtyard wall, his brows furrowed and his eyes solemn.

There was already darkness outside the hospital, and there were strong signs of dark clouds over the city. Li Bai turned around and looked at his grandfather and grandson who were sitting upright, and then jumped up.

He shouted, "The Sword of the River is coming from the sky!"

In an instant, the flying swords all over the body condensed and hovered in the sky. Cold light came from the sky and the sea of ​​swords never returned.

Li Bai waved his sword, and the flying swords in the sky turned into streams of light. The sharp blade cut through the night sky, and the flashing light was as hot and dazzling as the stars...

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