"Please, come on."

I didn't expect that Zuo Xiao was not threatened by her, and even raised her eyebrows, a tone of Ren Jun picking.

Feng Yu'an felt that if he said one more word to him, he might be angry to death.

Looking at his neck out of his clothes, she suddenly had a bad idea.

With her elbow on her shoulder, she looked up and bit him hard at the neck.


As soon as she spoke, a man's grunt came from above her head.

However, Feng Yuan turned a deaf ear and continued to add gravity until she tasted the bloody smell of rust between her teeth.

Looking at the expression of forbearance on man's handsome face, she has a kind of feeling of relieving Qi in her heart.

Lifting her chin, she said fiercely again, "it's just a small lesson. If you don't walk on my bed again, I can bite your big artery in the next bite."

Zuo Xiao raised his hand and gently touched the neck which was bitten by her teeth, and then handed over the uninjured neck, "An'an, if you haven't calmed down, keep biting the other side until you're out of breath."

"Zuo Xiao, are you masochistic?" Seeing him so unconventional, Feng Yu'an's eyebrows almost twisted into a ball.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and then said, "Zuo Xiao, is it because you want to sleep with me? Is it because you are afraid to sleep alone?"

Zuo Xiao had been teasing her on purpose just now, trying to divert his attention by this relaxed atmosphere.

At this time, the purpose was uncovered by her red fruit, and the expression on his handsome face suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Dark green eyes on her, he killed not to admit the way back, "how possible? What am I afraid of? "

When Feng Yu'an saw that he was so dead to face, he squinted his apricot eyes and showed some kind of bad smile, "is that right? Are you sure you're not afraid? "

"Of course." The assistant owl nodded without hesitation.

After listening to his reply, Feng Yu'an took a look behind him, and then called out coldly, "ah! The nurse sister with her head has been following you, coming here! She's right behind you

As she said this, she deliberately reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Zuo Xiao was scared to white on the spot, and almost instinctively took her into his arms.

Two seconds later, he obviously felt his body trembling in his arms, but it was not because of fear, but because he was holding back a smile and holding back a very hard shaking.

Zuo Xiao felt Feng Yu'an's ridicule. He hugged her tightly and let go of her hand. He snorted and turned his face to the side and ignored her.

Feng Yu'an looked at his arrogant expression, reached out and poked at his perfectly lined side face, and asked in a low voice, "Zuo Xiao, are you angry?"

When the fingertips touched, it was obvious that his temperature was much higher than that of her.

Although took antipyretic medicine, but so far, has not played a role.

Zuo Xiao turned his face to the side again, and vomited two dry words from his lips, "No."

Feng Yu'an looked at the morbid blush on his handsome face, pursed the corners of his mouth, and finally made a concession, "you can sleep on my side, but you have to take your quilt here, and we will cover our own quilts."

Considering that he was still a patient, she could not bear to tease him again.

After all, he was so scared in the haunted house in the afternoon that he even had a cold and fever.

After listening to her words, Jun's face suddenly showed a happy expression, "do you really agree with me to sleep with you?"

Under his ardent gaze, Feng Yu'an nodded, "well."

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