"I'll get the quilt right away!" Zuo Xiao immediately got up from her bunk and went to the opposite side to take the quilt.

Looking at his crisp action, Feng Yu'an suddenly felt cheated.

He became so lively that he was not like a patient?

Is it still time to take back what I said?

In the short tens of seconds that she was distracted, Zuo Xiao had spread his quilt.

Feng Yu'an looked at the man lying down next to him and stroked his forehead in silence, "Mr. Zuo, can you stay away from me?"

Let him sleep next to himself, has been a big concession, now he's not too mean?

However, she did underestimate the cheekiness of Zoe Xiao.

In his opinion, a few words more fierce than her, a few bites were not scared by the ghost.

She is a controllable factor, and ghosts are completely out of his control.

At this time, looking at her pretty face close at hand, Zuo Xiao hooked his lips and said, "Miss Feng Yu'an, the contract boyfriend is also a boyfriend. What if I sleep too far and my forehead burns at night? It's easier for you to feel it in the first place only if you get closer and I'm warmer

Feng Yu'an always felt that there was something wrong with his words, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while.

So, she can only comfort herself in the heart, forget it, and accommodate him this time.

If it is really like what he said, his temperature suddenly rises at night, and finally she is the fake girlfriend who suffers.

Now the most important thing is to let him get well and leave here as soon as possible.

After these days, she felt that she had a shadow over Japan, and she really didn't want to go back to Japan for a second time.

Feng Yu'an didn't look for him any more. After wrapping up the quilt, he turned over and pointed the back of his head at him.

as like as two peas, and her side were on the side, maintaining the same sleeping posture as she did.

He opened his eyes and looked at her quietly, and his heart calmed down quickly.

Previously, in his cognition, the sense of security was always given to women by men.

But until today, he did not know that the original sense of security is mutual.

From women, in fact, you can get a sense of security.

Just like him at the moment, his mind will no longer think of those terrible scenes.

The last wall lamp in the room was not turned off, and the warm orange light fell down, and her figure in the quilt was very warm.

Looking at it, he suddenly felt that his abdomen had a different reaction.

Unlike the fever of a cold, there was another heat flow in his body.

Is spring coming, and his hormone secretion has become vigorous?

Facing Feng Yu'an's back, he was so inexplicable that his heart beat faster. What is the ghost?

He felt as if there was a wolf living in his body. If he had not the strong willpower, he would have gone to eat Feng Yu'an from head to foot.

The distance between them was less than 20 cm. Zuo Xiao could even smell the faint fragrance of her body bath liquid when she breathed. The kind of fragrance that seemed to exist stirred his nerves and made him feel confused.

Probably in the illness, the body's heat is getting higher and higher, and he is about to explode and die. Suddenly, Zuo Xiao suddenly sits up from the bed.

When Feng Yu'an heard the news, he was worried and turned to look at him.

Seeing his face is not very good-looking, she quickly sat up and reached for his forehead, "is the temperature higher?"

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