"Shua Shua!"

Jiang Lai's wrist turned slightly, and the Swiss Army knife flashed nimbly in her hand.

In half a moment, the shirt on Lu Shiyan's body was torn into pieces of rags.

Jiang Lai put down the Swiss Army knife and took those rags away from him. Suddenly, the man's upper body with clear texture came into view.

He's in good shape, she always knew.

Not too abrupt under the abdominal muscles, mermaid line has been extended to the waist and hip, half covered by trousers.

At this time, although he was unconscious, it did not affect his charm at all.

The muscle lines are clear and clear, with a sense of strength, which is as perfect as an international model.

Jiang Lai only looked at it once and forced himself to take back his sight.

"Cough!" She coughed gently and pretended to be serious. "Yuanbao, I didn't mean to take advantage of you. I was just trying to help you cool down physically."

Then she put her hands on him.

On the mountain at night, the temperature is quite low, and she only wears a T-shirt and a light coat.

In addition, he was scared out of a cold sweat just now, and his hands and feet are cold.

So she used her cold hands to cool him down.

However, the man's body temperature is too high, she put his hand on his chest not long, he was warm.

"No, it's no use! What's going on? " Jiang Lai touched the two hands that the temperature had risen, racked his brains to continue to think of a way.

The sight is disorderly, inadvertently falls on own feet.

It's OK to cool him with your hands, but with your feet Will he dislike it?

However, at this time, it seems that he is not qualified to dislike her.

It's better to be cooled by her feet than to be burned into a fool!

This thought, Jiang lailian even the last bit of psychological barriers are not.

Therefore, she decisively took off her shoes and stockings, and put two cold and white feet to the man's stomach.

"Wow, it's so warm!"

Feeling the hot temperature of his body, Jiang Lai skimmed his mouth and said to himself, "I have tried so hard to help you cool down the physics. Yuanbao, you should also refuel and wake up quickly!"

But it turned out that, a few minutes later, her feet were also warmed by him.

"Why is your temperature so hard to drop?" Jiang Lai sits on the ground, tangled ground holds chin, "what method can cool down still? The condition is limited, I have no cold towel on my body to give you cold compress, how to do? "

As soon as her voice fell, there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and then there was a dull thunder.

"Boom -!"

Jiang Lai noticed that the bright moon in the night sky was blocked by dark clouds.

The dark night sky gives people the illusion that the sky may fall at any time.

It's going to rain!

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, rainstorms are very common in this season.

However, the moment Jiang Lai heard the thunder, his face changed on the spot!

In the head, there is a bright red picture flashed by.

Blood, red blood everywhere!

"Boom -!"

Another thunderbolt!


Jiang Lai covered his ears with two hands and screamed out of control.





Too many pictures are crowded in her head, almost pushing her head to explode!

She sat there, shrinking herself into a small mass, shaking uncontrollably, as if by some great shock.

Her face was white and she was staring at the dark night.

Black and white eyes gradually red, tears suddenly gushed out.

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