"Not me! It's not me... "

Jiang Lai two hands tightly embrace oneself, shrink into a small group, extremely no sense of security.

Tears blurred her vision, her breathing disorder, the whole person seems to be out of the sheath.

A drop! Two drops! Three drops!

The raindrops hit her face, and the icy cold rain fell on her head, which made her sober up.

Jiang Lai's eyes moved and looked at Yan's direction when he landed. His pale lip moved, and his expression finally had some vitality, "yuan, Bao..."

On the ground, the man lay there quietly, motionless.

In the rain beat, Jiang Lai's head gradually sober up.

Yuanbao's fever has not subsided. She can't leave him alone!

She's going to hold on! Never fall down!

Jiang Lai bit his teeth and slowly got up from the ground.

It's raining harder and harder. It washes the man's body.

The only trousers he had left were more thoroughly wet.

Clenching his fist, Jiang Lai tried to calm himself down, walked up to him and patted his face gently, "Yuanbao, wake up! it's raining! Wake up

Lu Shiyan couldn't hear her voice and was still in a deep coma.

Jiang Lai thought for a moment, took the backpack from his back and carried it to the front.

She lifted him up from the ground and put him on his shoulder.

He looks very thin, but he is a big man, so dragging is really heavy.

Jiang Lai bit and bit his teeth, almost using the force of the flood in his body, one hand holding his waist, the other hand holding his arm which was not injured, and walking forward step by step.

The man's tall body almost crushed her body, but she held on and did not let herself fall.

When she was a child, she used to come here to play. She remembered very clearly that there was a natural cave at the back of the bamboo forest.

Every time she met something unhappy, she would hide in the cave for half a day.

Yuanbao can find her every time, and then silently accompany her and guard her.

He is so good to her, this time, she will guard him!

Jiang Lai supported him and walked toward the cave with a deep and shallow foot.

It was not far away, but she spent several times more time than before.

When she entered the cave, she found that the hay shop that had been laid inside was still there. The

hole was as like as two peas left before she left. There was a small stone bench with a small stone table.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, there are still a lot of dry firewood.

Jiang Lai dragged Lu Shiyan in, put him on the hay, and took off all his wet clothes for him.

After all this, she made a fire in the cave.

Although Yuanbao was caught in the rain, the temperature on his body is still very high. We must find a way to cool him down as soon as possible.

She emptied out everything in her backpack.

There is everything in the first aid kit, but there is no antipyretic.

Now it's raining outside. There's water, but it's no use without a towel.

What to do? What should I do?

Jiang Lai was so anxious that he looked down at his coat.

Take it off immediately, and then rush to the cave mouth to catch the rain.

Very helpless, her coat is not absorbent cloth, there is no way to store water.

Her T-shirt is pure cotton, but she can't take off the short sleeves, right?

Just thinking, between the electric light and flint, something flashed in her mind.


It's small and absorbent. She has one!

Jiang Lai took a look at the unconscious man on the hay shop, hesitated for half a second, then bit his teeth and put his hand into the T-shirt.

Unbuttoning the bra, she pulled the bra straight out of the hem.

Little pink bra with lovely dots on it.

The material of this bra is absolutely super absorbent, and it's the perfect towel to use.

Er, as for whether Yuanbao will mind after knowing, she can't manage so much now.

In extraordinary times, we can only use extraordinary means!

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