Jiang Laigang just ran too far in one breath. After recognizing for a long time in the woods, he determined the direction of returning to the cave.

She stood by the side of the road, one hand on her waist and the other on a nearby tree, panting heavily.

Very tired! Very tired!

She has been running for more than half an hour. She is so tired that she can lose half of her life!

She looked up into the night sky overhead, taking advantage of her breath.

Through the layers of branches and leaves, she saw that the full moon in the night had almost risen to the most central position!

There's no time!

The full moon night is coming!

She has to get back to the cave!

She did not dare to rest any more and ran to the direction of the cave as soon as possible.

As she was running, she suddenly felt something strange about her body.

The body is like out of thin air countless ants, gnawing at her skin, her heart!

It's time!

Jiang Lai's mind jumped out of this understanding, mind a Lin, bite teeth, again will speed up!

The distance is not far!

She has to get back to the cave before she attacks herself!

However, every step out is very painful, feet do not run on the ground, more like running on the tip of a knife!

Jiang Lai clenched his lip and struggled with the pain in his body. At the same time, he tried to maintain the speed of running.

She can't fall here, or what about Yuanbao?

If he doesn't go back for such a long time, he must be worried to death!

He still has a wound on his body. She is afraid that he will come out to find her with it!

So, no matter what, we should stick to it!

Now it's very close to the stone cave!

Just a few more minutes!

But it's easy to say, but hard to do.

Jiang Lai has no way to stop the body more and more intense pain, the brain nerve almost to break!

Even the line of sight also began to become blurred, in order to keep herself awake, her heart a horizontal, bowed her head to her arm and bit it down!

With her teeth clenched, she tried to suckle at herself.

The burning pain really sobered her up.

Jiang Lai took a deep breath, released his arm, and went on running.

Next, as long as she felt that she could not hold on, she bit herself!

After biting out five or six teeth marks on her arm, she finally saw the cave in front of her eyes!

"Yuanbao! Yuanbao

Before she got to the cave, she called out in that direction.

At this time, Lu shiyanjing had already gone out of the cave.

His face was full of forbearance. Every step was very difficult, but he still did not stop.

When he heard a familiar voice, Lu Shiyan's pupils tightened and he looked up at the sound source.

The bright moonlight on top of his head fell on Jiang Lai's face and body.

Her hair was a little messy, and her hair was wet with sweat and pressed tightly to her cheek.

With anxiety in her black and white eyes, she was running towards the stone hole.

"Xiaolai, I'm here!"

The deep and hoarse voice sounded slowly, and Jiang Lai followed his voice and looked at him.

When she saw the shadow standing beside the bamboo grove, she immediately breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

OK! He's still here!

But soon, the expression on her face sank again, stretched a small face, came to her, "you are still injured, what do you do outside the hole? I didn't tell you to lie down and have a good rest. I'll be back soon Ah

Her words have not finished, the man suddenly hands, a pull her into the arms.

"Why have you been looking for food for so long? Do you know how worried I am? "

It was clearly a reproachful tone, but the man's voice was a little shaky.

He dragged his injured body to the mouth of the cave. Unexpectedly, he saw the signal bomb sent by the Jiang family.

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