Lu Shiyan knows that it must be Jiang Lai's whereabouts have been exposed and discovered by the Jiang family!

As long as he thought that something might happen to her at any time, he was so anxious that he could fly to her immediately!

However, his physical strength is limited, and he can not even stand upright normally!

Even if you really find her, I'm afraid it's only for her to drag back!

However, he still did not give up to find her, regardless of the body injury, continue to go in the direction of the signal bomb.

He walked very slowly, and even needed to support the bamboo on the road and move forward a little bit with the strength of bamboo.

His legs hurt so much that he could hardly stand still. He grabbed the bamboo with one hand and forced himself not to fall down!

From the cave entrance to the bamboo forest this short distance of tens of meters, he almost spent a century as long!

The hand holding the bamboo was cut and scratched by the bamboo. As if he couldn't feel the pain, he kept on walking.

Until this time, he looked at Jiang Lai living will be in front of him, the brain tightly stretched into a straight line of the string finally relaxed.

OK! Xiao Lai, she has nothing to do!

She came back safe and sound!

After staring at her for two seconds, he would walk up to her.

However, the steps have not stepped out, his body suddenly shook, and he was a little shaky.


Jiang Lai sees this, the heart is tight, rush to help him quickly!

Even she forgot her own physical pain!

Just want not to let him fall!

Obviously, there is still a distance between the two, but at this critical moment, Jiang Lai reached out in time and held him from his side!


She managed to hold him steady and said in a hurry, "what are you doing out there? Did you hurt anything? Show me

As she spoke, her eyes looked up and down at him to see if he had pulled a cut on his arm.

When her eyes fell on the man's hand inadvertently, she held his hand with a stagnant expression, "Yuanbao, what's wrong with your hand? How did it bleed? "

The wound on the hand was scratched while supporting the bamboo. Although it looked bloody, it was not serious except for the pain.

What is really serious is that the leg he was injured by Jiang Yichen has been injured even more.

"It's OK. It's all skin injuries." However, Lu Shiyan didn't want to worry her. He just lightly changed the topic and said, "how are you doing? Did you meet the Jiang family? "

Jiang Lai knew that he couldn't hide it. He nodded honestly, "well, I met my fourth brother just now. You don't know how dangerous it was just now! I... "

"Jiang Yichen?" When Lu Shiyan heard the address, Jun Mei tightened up, "did you meet him?"

In the deep voice, there is a distinct sour taste.

That man is really insidious and despicable. When he is injured, he wants to take advantage of it!

"Well." Jiang Lai knew that he wanted to be crooked, and immediately explained for Jiang Yichen, "if it wasn't for the fourth brother, I'm afraid I haven't gotten away from it yet! He didn't help Jiang Zongyi seize the inheritance, and he let me go. "

"He let you go? What do you mean Lu Shiyan fixed his eyes on her face and asked in a deep voice, "what happened?"

"We..." Jiang Lai's words have not finished, suddenly the head a pain, her hands immediately embrace the head, pain called out, "ah --!"

Lu Shiyan forced to stabilize his body, reached out to help her, "Xiaolai!"

He knew that she had a seizure!

Overhead, the full moon had risen to the middle of the night.

Officially enter the full moon night! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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