Ivan's words just finished his mouth, the disgusting long tongue, such as the poisonous snake, the hole, which flexible, flexible, and rushing to Lin.

In the face of such an attack, I feel disgusting, I don't want to touch this weird thing, my body is in the face of a long tongue who is chasing, and the double finger is a source of origin. Cut down.

The blood flowers and four splashes are easy to get off with long tongues. Ivan did not send a huge call because of the tongue injury, and the blood broken bridge was immediately recovered, and the horses slammed. The ground, and the ground began a slight trembling.

Lin Xu Siri, suspended in the semi-air, observing the situation of the situation, and improving the other's one in the next round of attacks, it is at this time that the earth is more and more fierce trembles and the tenderness of the platform. Out, I was slightly attracted to her, and I took a moment of visiting the ground, and a bad wind was hinding from behind.

Lin Xuofang is not looking back and look at what is the attack on her. First, the body is in front of it, and then the side is turned on.

I turned back to a bad smell, and a tooth dance claw spitted with the snake letter. It was in the air with his whip in the air, and the source of the long whip knocked the success of the snake. It is cut off, although the semi-servant of this break is still flying forward, and the open snake mouth flashes a series of transparent venoms.

Lin Xuo Sang did not think about the source of itself. This venom has more powerful. For this attack, she never chooses hard anti, neck, hiding the poison, just she is ready to smash When the gas will be broken, the earth is suddenly cracking, and the four full-body paint black and evil, the huge black hound, which is evacuated, and the forest to avoid the attack in the half-air. Come up.

Such sudden attacks have been playing a slap in the handle, she can't take a flying tongue, and the palm of the palm of hitting, making her body in the air. A circle, in the process of adjusting the body shape, the long whip in her hands paired with a perfect radians in the air, and the two hounds came down from the side of the two hounds, two screams The dog slammed from the two dog scorpion, and the two hounds that were smoked and the flesh blossoms were taken from the air.

The forest that is already located in the falling situation is soft, the foot on the void body is pulled out in hand, and the hand is hitting the hand. No matter whether it is, the anti-hand, the elbow, the elbow is accurate, and the hound from behind, the hound is coming to the hound, the loss is lost. The three-headed dialog gave the last evil dog to fight against the defense, and smashed the forest to frankly felt it from the air.

The height of one meter is standing nearly two meters with a small foal, like a hill, and it is like a hill. Lin Xuo is not like a common person. It is generally panicked. I just hit it my companion's arm waved the fist to the rickets. The skull launched a slap, a fierce boxing, the evil dog's understanding of his danger, his head bite.

Dog Zhang opened the bloodpots did not let Lin quickly retreat, her fist did not turn to no dodge, the big mouth of the big dog opened, the girlfriend of the big dog mouth From Lin Xuo Soft, the source of the gampus came into the body with the throat of the big dog, and the abdomen was splamed by the source of a big hole. After splashing, Lin Xuo Sir, after a blood, sorrow Finally, the body ended the convulsions and treated as a beach.

This series of counterattacks were completed between electric light, and the forest was soaring that Lin Xuo's breath has not spurred. I feel that the ankle will look down, I saw that I have been by myself two paragraphs after falling the ground, actually There is still a lot of effort to play again in her, she doesn't pay attention to her ankle.

The pointed poisonous teeth caused the outermost source and couldn't do more, and Lin Xuo softly looked at this poisonous snake. He looked back to see where he was originally standing, that was cut by himself. The long tongue is no longer, it seems that this poisonous snake is that the tongue has changed. I think that this Lin is easier to think is more disgusting. The source of footsteps will break the snake head. After a foot, I will kick the snake.

Ivan in the distance, the waist, after touching the pain, squatting towards the dog head of the three evil dogs. After him, the three evil dogs were immediately recovered, but it seems to be strengthened, but this After the huge body expanded, he re-owned the courage to face the forest. The four hoof planers had a big mouth to make a low , just wait for the owner to start attacks.

"Quiet, Quiet!" Ivan used the right stick to knock on the floor fierce dog, immediately stopped screaming at his feet, then he looked at Lin Xiangli smiled and smiled. "Now You are more charm than before, but you don't seem to like it now. "

"Hey, your blood brake is a group of mad people!" Lin Xuo said softly: "You will not be prepared to use this attack to deal with this game, in addition to making me feel disgusting, they are in my eyes. Threat. "

Ivan wondered the expression of a distressed expression. "How can you have such a vulgar?

Said that he bent down to a voiced ear side of the ear: "Hear it? The woman said that you are sick and say that you are all, my child is you willing to teach this arrogant woman?"

Roar! Roar! Roar! A low-sounding dog and the sullenness of the ground, it is the answer given by the evil dog. I nodded at this I Van, got up and shot a dog head of the evil dog. "Go!"

When the three-headed dogs like lightning, they have a big land every four holes in front of them, and there is a vulva to break the soil and follow them. When the leader of the leader rushed to the forest to find a soft, there was already a vast pavilion to follow them behind them.

"More anthramics, it is still antique!" So a vast situation is a joke in Lin Xuofu, she is single-handed whip back to her hand, after the waist is surrounded, deeply suck one The tone passed with a cold, and she waved his pair of jumping into the dog group.

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