"What is this?" In the middle of Di Xin Li, Jiang Feyang, finally slowly slammed his headache, and went to the scene to watch the chaos on the ring.

"You woke up! It is already the second game." Wang Wenze aimed Jiang Feiyang asked: "Is your body nothing?"

Jiang Feiyang held the chair and shook his head. He said: "Still a little pain! It's really curious to die, I have sucking a few mouthfuls, I didn't expect it to be so big, what do you say? The game is! How long does I have slept? Who won the first game? "

"Ping." Yan Yan spit out two words and responded.

"Ping? See the ghost, this woman is so powerful! This momentum is a bit summer mean!" Jiang Feiyang heard a slightly surprised, looked at the head in the dog group On the right flash, there is a way to solve the Lin Fang Sangyu, which is a way to fall.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the representative of the way to the skills in the road," Ye Ruo stared at Lin Xianglin, and the fairy is giving the tricks. Exquisite, this road looks, let him benefit a lot, just after watching a while, he sneaked in the airway: "Head! This is what you want to do? Lin Xuo Siri is not absolutely correct, but like this It's just a bad dog that is slightly stronger than the usual dog. It is really like a antite in front of her. Why do you want to pay this foot? "

Ye Ruo is also thinking in the heart of all people in the field, even if the whole camera is not letting, there is no flaw in the back and forth than the past image, then Lin Junzhao's voice is timely I have a smile: "Others are also calculated, , "

Lin Joshao's ridicule, the face of the leaves, the face of the leaves became down, and the two did not speak to mobilize the whole body energy to pay more attention to the game. Every detail, after a moment, I still found out that I was stunned: "Those evil dogs have problems!"

"Of course we know if there is a problem, but what is the problem?" Yan Yan did not say that the urgency of Wang Wenze will insert the words.

"Every dog ​​will be turned into a beach meat mud, and the beach is not long before they will return to the soil, and the new evil dog will be retrained. When this process, the beach is disappeared. If there is no gas, if there is no gas, enter the forest to find a soft body. "He said that he returned.

"Yes, it is the problem that the air is very original, the original source of the original source, there is no two things, so I have been ignored by us before, and now I don't have a problem, but what is it? What? "Ye Ruo then explained.

"Yes? You will know it for a while!" Lin Jun said that it is a way to say: "Blood Brake is a magic of the mid-hurt, this little girl is too fierce."

After a few games, everyone came to the forecast direction of Lin Joshao, and everyone wanted to find the focus of the field. In the face of the dog group, the dog group of the squad, she first stroke first. Each model is the fastest, and it is also an attack of the most effort to destroy this group. I don't know what to die is only one fever.

However, as the evil dog is increasing, Lin Xuo Siro and the target Ivan is pushed forward and farther, and there is a dense magazine, and finally hit it. Lin Xuofu knows that it is not a way to do this, decide that a drum is lifting all bad dogs, and Ivan is duel.

After making this decision, she flew to the air, in this distance, according to the commonly prompting, no matter how jumped, the factual change was once again unexpectedly, when Lin Xuo Siri is far away from his own attack After this group lost the goal of the evil dog, after a circle of his feet, the first evacuation of the solution was immediately in the back of the dog, and the two malhouses were superimposed. A larger and more fierce variant dogs with wings are born.

With the first one, there was a second, and the variant of the variant of the fusion of the two three-year-old fell, swinging the unusual flying body posture to Lin Xuo Jun once again launched an attack.

The air forest is flusing with these monsters. The stunned fax is surrounded by the body, and when the first evil dog is about to lift her body, she is struck. .

"Coloning Mountain!"

The second word is looking into the ground to make a punch to the ground. The look is like the body of the beautiful little people, and the power of surprising is surprised. Gas, combined with this hindening boxing together.

one move! Just a trick! The evil dog who gathered under her body was crushed into a meat. It didn't stop the offensive, and she jumped out of a dead body in an instant. Everything in front.


It's another two-character, and the empty space is coming to the abdomen. It is the case that I have been with the palm of your hand.

A crisp sound, the scepter, the rod, the leak, the leak, the rush of the blade, and wrapped in the traversal of the lightning and heavy, in the belly of Ivan, the other party did not have a sound The black shadow is kicked out far away.

! A smoldering Yifan's body hit the impact on the protection of the law and was bounced back, and his body was in the future, and he was in contact with the ground. It was a fierce leg.


A legacy kicks in Ivan chin, as a crisp The glove of her gloves, Ivan, Ivan in the air, is a series of combo attacks.

"!" Ivan, who was lifted against the body, can't live, ordered, as an abuse usually attacked his body, it was still in the mouth of the body. Walking the sound of the sound.

"Male! I see you still have a breath!" Ivan's move was unintentionally to send a provocation to Lin, and her eyes became popular, and she roared with a new round of madness.

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