"Is it a bit wrong?" Lin Lao, who had plenty of loudly, looked at the battle on the field, and some failed.

"Lin is old, where is it wrong?" Yan Yan also felt that the situation on the field was very strange, but he couldn't find a problem.

"This little girl is named a sealed attack, and I am very similar to my meridians, but it is much more than me." Lin Lao stared at the air, still launching the attack. If I have a son of these origins in the present, I am going to open your source of body care body, I am afraid I have to have my old life, don't mention your strange physique, I have been these days Observe the blood of the source, the skills, the body is different, that is, they stand still make me the best blow effect. "

It is said that the finish of Forestry refers to the finger of Lin Shuo talking: "But the little girl can not only perceive the impact of the inquiry of meridians, but also ignore the source gas body of the other. Every punch attack. Playing on the harm of the opponent's source of origin, and injects his source into the opposite body to carry out the catering. If you want to go to the source of the Ivan, it will stop the flow, becoming a single body strength to compete Live target. "

"Is this not very good? Is there any problem?" Jiang Feiyang listened to Lin is so good to say.

"The problem is that she did not continue to do this!" Lin Lao Wang's face suddenly: "After the initial few wonderful attacks, I don't know why, I suddenly didn't continue this simple and fast, effective attack. Instead, it started .... "

Lin Lao thought about finding the right wording and continuing: "Start a generally simple to fight against the body, like venting anger! Yes! Just like venting anger."

"Hey ~" This statement makes the people around, Zheng Jia Ren wants to shrug the phone without saying: "Maybe she is stimulated by the words of the other party, decided to give the other party a lesson to torture her opponent."

"There is this possibility, but it shouldn't! I don't know this person, but as the master of this level, even if it is anger, it should be able to divide the importance of attacking the primary, and should not commit this low-level error. "Said that he turned his head and looked at the other side of the ring. The Lindaozi who was watching the battle between the game and took advantage of the same confusion and worry on the face of Ning. It is an untreated.

When there is an abnormal demon, when I am painful, the body continues to scatter out of the body, if there is no source, a little bit into the body of the forest, and the squadrons will ask: " Is the role of strange sources? "

"Look, things will be the result soon." Lin Jun Zhao has not given a reply for the reply again for the question.

On the ring, Lin Xu Shui is still going on, but it can be seen that the general audience can also see her spirit. In the first step, it will be in the eyes of the British pose and cool, and it has walked at this moment. There is no exquisite movement for the cloud. It is not seen for the cloud. In exchange for a bunch of punch, the indifferent appearance that has become unscrupulous, replaced a pair of red eyes and mad expressions and Being a mess in the wind.

A crazy man will have another more mad people.

Such a scene such as the hometown of the township, completely subverting awareness of her familiarity, and also kicked off her game from the beginning of the thrower.

The messy mess gives Ivan counterattled opportunities, and the emptiness of Lin Xuo Soft is a big angle attack, Ivan's body translation is successful from the other party's offensive, and he is hurting. Lin Xu Siri, still laughing, but there is still a three-headed dong out of his face.

According to Lin Xuofu, she can completely crossing these three evil dogs, continue to attack Ivan, but now she is like crazy, like to tear everything that blocks the enemy in front of her, facing the dare to block her footsteps She stopped the pace of the vast dog to attack it.

Got a moment of breathing, Ivan finally stopped his strange laughter. He first used his hand to reset the chin, then wiped his blood, and raised his hand. It has been kicked into two silent cospanies, and the scepter immediately healed back to his hand.

At this time, the three-headed dogs have been smashed by Lin, and they have a successful healing, and Ivan waits hands and whistling from the bottom of the ground to each other.

"Our ability is like! The fused artifact is also very similar! Um!" The pain came from the body, so that Ivan had to interrupted the conversation, and he continued to say after the abdomen wounded. Your source of this source should be angry! Controlling the flow of gas, the source of air, your source, and the enemy's source, you can use it for you! Not so on, you are also extremely accurate, from somewhere As long as you have enough energy, you can even do the high frequency source of high frequency like a monster. "

The : "Is it true?"

"Yes, Lin Ru Xue is still good for this female disciple, the source of origin, can be said to be the most foundation, but also the most extensive use, it has a forest to find a soft application, the move, the move, it will be half-meal, use the source of the source Any type of type of surgery, the power generated is second only to the existence of the source of the element, and it is recovering from the source, the injury is restored, and the body defense is more advantageous than others, hehe! "Lin Jun Zhao answered After the problem, I sighed: "Unfortunately, the opponent she encountered can say that it is good restraining with her, otherwise let her complete their own moves, who will lose no one to say."

Ivan, who took the face, was still standing in the same place, and said: "And your artifact is the bunch of gloves, it can cooperate with your origin, actually in touch with my body. The stem of the table has a sake of a sake of a sake of a sake of the sake of the sake of how many source gas bodies I have produced, they will be absorbed into the body with a single shot, which is comparable to our blood brakes, and constantly weakers their opponents. I haven't swallowed so much yet, this is really rogue play. "

It is said that this Ivan is turned around: "But your teacher doesn't teach you, don't you eat anything casually?"

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