The sneer is Nero, and the no-time voice comes from Emperin, the three opponents standing opposite their own, Emperor Xin cold words: "Hehe, I have listened to the teacher to say that the survey is just the attachment of the road. The same existence is not afraid, and I didn't believe it now. It's true that it is clear that I don't have the relationship. I have to grab the scalp, I'm going to come out, I'm doing a strong person. Do you like to give people a dog? ? "

"What do you say!" Don't have to be angry, and the Ning of the old enemy and unreasonable adountain will drive in the step: "This is the road to the road! It is not your blood brakes."

"Hey!" Emperin saw two steps to laugh and laughed with Ivan, so he was afraid of faster provocation: "Hey, it is also blame me! The dog owner of people is anxious!"

"Ah!" After the evil source of Lin Xuofu, the Yan Yan stood up and bought it, and then turned to look at the Lindazi: "Her body is in full swing. How long does it take for aware It will be able to turn, can you start the game? "

"Thank you, the rest of the things will be handed over to handle it. After the game, I will be grateful to thank you." Lin Daozi saw this hurried once again called Xie.

I didn't talk about my hand, and I went back to the stage, and I went to the stage, and I was unable to provoke my own attitude toward myself, let Di Xin had a box of boxing in cotton. I can't help but face contempt. Yin Yang strange road: "Ah ~ Ah ~ I really bother!"

"It's enough! Here is the goddess of the stadium, it is no longer able to compete with you. The dignity of the organizers of the road circulating industry, the forest is angry and sight.

"Lin Daozi, there is a saying in my cornerstone, there is a prognosis only the state officials will not allow the people to light up, the fairy palace? It's a big prestige! I have to provoke my blood brakes before the game. Why don't you talk? Rule? This time, do you still talk about the rules on the competition? "Emperor Xin said with a statement.

"Hu is bullous! It is clear that you will continue to be fierce, we can't save it!" Ning officer's face red.

"Hu Jut is wrapped out?" Ivan did notad with his face: "I have not ended before the match!"

Emperor took the palm of the palm of his hand and continued to pick the way with exaggerated tone: "Oh, I don't understand it, you still don't understand! The people in the legal world are life, other people are not life Think about the previous Mora! After the game is over, I have been deducted directly. Is there a way to use their laws to host a fair? Now, once the Lin Xu Siri, there is no need to be urgent It is a heart to wait until you go to step.

"You ..." Di Xin's remarks let Ningshi don't know how to refute, pointing to the other part.

"Hey!" There are several people who have been slow to come to the edge of the ring.

His sigh immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the squad of the sigh in the next second disappeared in the side of the ring.

"Be careful!" It has been silent from the debut, let the companions provocate themselves to the hands of Nerol, and notice the sound of the sigh, but his voice has just shown a figure. In the middle of the triple.

! A scepter, hitting the scepter, hitting the arms, and the scepter immediately broke the two trip, staring at the outer row of blades of the protrusions of the arm, Ivan is not angry because the other's goal is not He, but continuously launched a provocative emperor, and he waits to keep up with his whisper, and then the origin of the source is also coming.

For this attack, he did not look at the goal of his eyes. Emperor saw that it would be temporarily out of the battlefield, but it was found that the space around it was already blocked, helpless It can only be played with the Qian Yan, but it is not worth mentioning in front of him.

It can only be defeated by the passive beat. Emperi has been angryly roaring a body into the instant to inflate. After the hand is automatically added to the battlefield Lindao, Nero, I saw this scene, I saw: "Stupid! Return! Forgotten me? Don't want to fight with this person! "

The truth is even if his reminds that the emperor is coming to the ear, and the body has not been able to strengthen the peak, and a small source of origin has wear his shoulders from his body, and has a strong self-heater. The emperor's body is hysteresis, but this is the injury, but the empty space is precisely analyzed by the battlefield situation, keen captures the cutting fighters, a boxing, the immortal, I was not very agile. The right arm, then reached out and pressed the other person's head.


"Hey ~ ah! Painful!"

A palm of the palm of the Emperor, then slammed the ground from the half-air, and the resonance capacity was enabled, and he smashed the platform to shook the three shock.

I looked at the sorrow, I was bloody, I was a scream, Ivan became more angry, he was not angry because of the companion was injured, and the interests between them were more competitive. His anger originated from the performance of Emperor, so that their name was ashamed, and he felt a shame.

Even if the strength of Emperin is baked under the fire of the source of Ning's source, he should not make such a horrible. How can I be hit, crying, crying!

In the anger, Ivan wanted to defeat the words, and he mocked this usual and his own companion, but the changes in the situation on the field stopped his advancement.

The people who have an unparalleled investigation department, in the moment of the battle, joined the battle group from the seat, now Nero and Ivan are in front of Yifan, Lin Daozi, Ning Yizhen, Gu Yisheng, Ye Ruo, Xia Language, Zheng Jiaru, and a forest that has just been awakened to Nero Show.

A total of seven people blocked in front of them, even if the two of the eight fairy passed the sea, they only watched the sun. The situation turned straight down the blood brakes. There was no one in the edge of the platform, and the road to the side is not willing to show weakness, and three strangers join. The war group.

On the occasion of the swords of the two sides, the rumor lazy voice sounded again in the center of the venue.

"You said that you have nothing to dress?"

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