Everyone's sight is concentrated on the focus of the site, and Gu Shenghui will not have reversed the overall situation will not appear in the first time, and he will drop the three people who appear after the road.

The group race got the first place to reward five original seeds, throwing it into a place to give a strange place, and the remaining four ratings, now look at the origin of the three-person body, then Three of these three should each account for a copy, and Lenovo, who has been in his heart, and silently remembering the three-person appearance.

"Hey, what do you want to do? Let's let go of my companions! Do you want to trigger the battle in advance?" The secret reached the purpose of Ni Lu, so he made anger to stare at the .

"Tell it! Is this not you always want!" Yan Yan said that the hand of Di Xin and aggravated a bit. Although the emperor of him on the ground was miserable, but the hands and feet were all engraved. Did not stop struggling, and the body shape is still in a desperation of trying to break away.

"Now I think of the rule. I have a long dry. I am like just as if I am like just like just. I ignore him! That is the main face of the host, think that people can deal with, but anything is almost no longer again. Four! "Said that this is a white light at a glance.

boom! A fried from , a close range of electromagnet guns is in the face of the emperor, if it is changed to do the usual monk, this hit is seriously injured, and it can be hit in a large source and use of abilities. The body variant to reinjug the head of the end of the head, but only let him fall into a short coma.

"I don't talk, do you really become a good gentleman?" Yan Yan said that he was in the end of the past, and when Difese sent a sultry, he was lifted. When the feet, the feet played, so that the emperor has not reacted, it is traveled to Nero.

"My family's dog is not letting him come out." After the words, Lin Daozi is dissatisfied: "Lin brother, you are too benevolence, what do you tell?" What is the truth? It is clear that it is clear that the other side should be tear into a fragment, and it is still talking here. "

After that, he turned to look at Nero, he said: "He just said, I was picked up before the game, and I also arrested after the game, and there were things that I did! How? Do you bite me? If you don't accept the gas? If you don't accept the gas, you don't have the game. In this group! I have to see who will win. "

In addition to the priglers of the future, the two of the five sons of this source released their own source of origin, and the Lindao was so helpless, and the teeth were bite and released him. At the breath, the six sons of the law in the legal world will release their source.

On the 11th place of the field, the blood pressure of the four sources of Zhang Tanglong Temple, the pneumatic pressure released by the 15th source of this source, and turned back and forth in the ring and turned to the protection of the guard cover, this momentum In the surrounding wall, the wall is hit on the wall, and the wall instantly cracks from the road to the scene, and you have to let go of your own momentum to resist such an impact.

"We are still there! Do you want to fight against the sky?" A majesty voice came from the outside of the ring, and the atmosphere of the 15th source of this source was compressed back to the platform. He heard the sound of the forest. To make a react, converge with your own breath and other people together.

"The young people are impulsive, but do not affect the game as usual, you have the opportunity to meet again after the game, you have the opportunity to deal with it." Another thick voice sounded, Nero and other people heard himself The momentum, fall back to the ground.

The three parties received the scene. Only the investigation department was also present in Yao Wuyangwei, looked at the words of Zhang Zhang, and the people who watched the battle couldn't help but headache. Subsequent sighs came out: Jun Zhao! "

Didn't drink it directly because this is in public, your cousin's disciples can only be bundled by your original origin of your cornerstone. If Lin Xue, if the epitaxy is a cross, this will let Lin Jun Zhao are sensitive and self-respect. The personality feels uncomfortable, but it has affected the two people who have difficult to repair.

This call also has indeed playing the effect. It has been ambiguous, and the argument is not willing to wave his hand, and the investigation department, and the party is a very common state.

"Look! You want to hit it, it is not letting it, so there is nothing to say less trash." Yan Yan said that he was blood to look at the emperor who was angry and sight. "" It is you idiot, you are best Pray that your companion lost this battle, don't let me encounter you in the final circle, so you can live more! Remember that your life is not your own, I will receive it in the morning and evening. "

Seeing that Emperor Xin, I have to say that I will continue to threaten the finger: "Don't have a mouth, since I have exposed the vow, most of you have fulfilled you, you will not believe you will wait! Now enjoy life, like eating, eat a little, there is no words, don't say, don't wait, I will regret it before I am going to death, I don't want to say it! I can comfort it. A big master like today. We. "

"You!" Emperin saw that he was embarrassed when he was pressed on the ground, and he couldn't help but he was aware of the situation. Who did you know that although the pain was pain but not enough to make himself scream, then it came into the brain into the bone marrow The pain is the reason why he is scream, can you listen to him in this form?

"Okay, do you want to violate the teacher's will?" Nero reached out to stop the impulsive emperor, and heard the teacher's name Emperin had to secretly returned to the team.

Seeing that Emperor did not appear in the episode, it was not good enough to get the feet, and then he left a disdainful eye, and he walked down his party with his team.

The investigation hall has not fighting the priority of the event, and the Lindao is a good rest after he takes a good rest. The road to the blood brakes and the blood brakes have also quit the ring.

The competition has been in the third game without choosing the opponent. There is no two teams in the competition, the last person of the competition, Lin Daozi, Nero.

"Today's personal competition is really ups and downs. The last winner of this game will be between you me." Send away his teammate Nero station to the aperture, and looked at the Lindao showed a strange smile.

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