Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1012 debates

For the blood brakes, the inexplicable madness, the Lindu is not blame in the activation of the fight against the battle, after coming out of the aperture, he stares on the other side with the cold eyes: "For those who want to kill. What is your knowing? "

"Know! You initially inherit the inheritance of the child, the two son stars in selected are not a blood relationship, which is a couple relationship." In the face of the forest road, Nero, Nero, or the noble face response Tao.

"That's good! I have no chance to find your companion, then he applies the pain on my sister, it will be temporarily repaid."

Niol listened to this dialect and turned a white eye. He hit his head to open his hands ridiculous: "So this is your weakness, Lin Daozi you are like this, the rumor is like this, family, friendship, gently touch a little You will jump like a kitten who is blown, huh, huh, huh. "

Said that Nylo did not think of a little thumb and buckled his ears. "The reason why the words is for my teammates, do you think it is true for your sister? It's not to see the teammates of his investigation hall to fall In my companion, it is clear that it is a strong power of the top strength, but it is necessary for these unused emotions. You can't do this, you can't reach the height of your teacher's expectations, the same The encounter occurs on our blood brakes, as long as it is not the teacher's order and the interests of the organization, we will not wrinkle. "

Nero said around Lin Daozi, turned into the circle of jagas: "You can think we are ruthless, but I think this is a consciousness of being a strong, because as long as I step on this, I'm going to practice this, we must It's completely cut with the previous yourself. If you live and die, you don't expect others to save. It is not tired for others. You still don't understand this, this is the personal situation of the child, huh, I thought it The people in the legal body practice the years for the longest, you should most peak this is that it seems that after you get along with the group of mad monkeys in the survey, you have also fallen! "

This ridicitially said that Lin Dao is unable to refute, Nero said that this is not only a consensus of monks in the Taoist world. It is also universal in a few large, and the monks boring journey and far grow longer than ordinary people. Let the people in the world become the existence of could have no or even obstacles.

However, but the little soft is different, she is me! It is the last loved ones, and I have been in the most hard time, I'm going to the teacher who I was discovered by the teacher, I should ... I should ... I should ....

"You should yell him!" At the time of Lin Daozi hesitated to refute the other party's speech, the voice came from the field interrupted his thoughts.

Nero looked up to the man who shouted next to the scene, the eyes were invincible, and it was this damn guy!

Why did Emperin have to deliberately say that the conflict is to attract the conflict, which is to cause chaos to cover the little action in the body of the forest, and have grasped the flaws in the forest road. Point guidance to destroy his mind, the first step is to succeed, the key moment is his spray.

People who have hated the roots of the roots, naturally, there is a little saying that Lin Jun Zhao, who is not cool, and the body of Lin Jun, who didn't know the little movement of Nero, but did not know, he did not see him, simple It is because I am lying again and is too late.

"I said that Nero said that you are not wrong. He said that two three sentences are unfair, you will start to suspect that life is doubting yourself, saying that you are back! Stretching with a stupid wood, Let him pointed to you, he counts anything! Hership's head is soaked, then there is no way to be indifferent! I have a relationship with me. I can't make a bondage of emotions. Heart is nothing, ! You listen to this TNN is what people say! Oh, and I have worked hard, watching your family, I can't pay back, I can't returne, I can't hold it. The cultivation is also bullied, then I cultivate dry hair! I told you that this tone is tolerated, don't say that the monk is not even for men. "

The speech of the squadron's defense is full of crude words, and immediately caused a lot of laughter. Many heroes were quite loudly called to him.

"Taking the cultivation? What is the medicine? Is it for longevity? The Turtle King BA lives directly to be fooled, and the practice is not to let me live in this world, and I want to follow myself. Life is not able to do it, and there is still a strong person! Said people can't see a few points, strictly understand the means of cultivation, not the purpose, hell devil into the tick three Fourth, my son daughter has a baby, I haven't ..., hey ~ ~! "

Said that I started the mouth of the train, and Gu Shenghui, who was scared, quickly grabbed his mouth, and he felt that it was unveiled in this court, and it is really unable to get Return the neck four.

"Hahahaha! Say well! The cultivation is to live with your heart. If you have this king, I am not white, I will continue to say, what happened to me." The soul of the demon is echoed in the field, the end of the end Let Gu Yanhui who have a whitening mouth is cold.

"Ah! I have a baby, I don't have to affect his English mighty, there is a well-known well in the horizon of the hell!" He said that he went to take a laugh.

"It's fast!" The devil in the box is smart, I took a dessert whispered to laugh, I went back to the chair, I saw a good show.

,, .. . . .

Later, he had to perceive his extraordinary, even if Nero's words were correct, but in such an occasion, according to the mood of his next day, he should never be able to produce a shake by him. The mentality, recalling the status of the talents, and then thinks about the influence of their sister, and the forest of the forest is clearly awake and begins to adjust the source.

After a moment, I found out that the Lin Dao was in the problem of the problem, looking to Niol hate: "The ghost is really a good means of your blood brakes!"

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