Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1014, five lines

From the competition, Lin Jo Zhao did not travel on each game, so he didn't doubt the ending of this game, but I don't know why it is in a non-second premonition, and he is in his mind. There are some worries that are hidden.

Just when a few people talked, Lin Daozi had stepping on the beautiful pace to the south direction. After seeing his hands, he had a word in the mouth of the mouth, and the central Ni Or void finger a light and said: "Southern Bing Fire! "

boom! A glory of red light is transpising from the forest, and then a flames will go to his fingertips. This seemingly ordinary flame is about to come into contact with each other. After the Neroproves flashing, after all of the white light, the flames swallowed Nero's whole body made it a fire.

"Hey ~ Ah!" I was swallowed by Sarador, I was swallowed with Nero to send a tragic, and I was planted under this firefighter, and I was going back and fucked that the source was constantly issued. I want to go out. The big fire on the body, the more fierce the fighter, the more the source of the flames, the fighter, and the more fierce.

The scene is also slightly shocked. This fire released is not as good as the fire of Saravel. It is not as good as the source of the source of the origin and the Ning, how can Nero will make Nero so big Reaction?

Feeling his doubts, Jun Zhao smiled: "Continue to look down, if I didn't guess it, I just started, I will explain the reason later."

With a strong curiosity, he will continue to watch the battle. At this time, the pace of Lin Dao is still continuing, and the source of the Nero's body lying on the ground also converts from the weird white to the ink, when this stock When the ink color source is in contact with the flames in the body, the fire seems to instantly reduce a bit.

Niko has not so much good, because the forest road has been transferred to the central position, and the light of the body is also turning yellow, then the sono is a little bit of light: "Central pentus"

!! First, a crisp bone crack is passed out, just released from the flame burning, Nero, who has not stood, is compressed by an invisible force to the ground, and the bones are broken. Old blood sprayed with the tablets under the body, also cracked.

At this time, the exterior is finally seen that the point gate is awkward: "Lindao, continuously show three kinds of origins! Every attack is actually containing a source of origin!"

"Do you see this in so for? Isn't a five!" Lin Jun Zhao hated the iron in the iron.

"Five?" This time, all investigation halls were shocked.

"Is there a five new origin in his body?" He said that the expression of the expression is: "Then, according to the order of his current cast, it is the power of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil."

"Five, if I don't guess the wrong, I should have hidden the sixth source of origin." Said that Lin Jun Zhao sighed and smiled: "I said that Lin Ru Xue is so vowed to this person. The first place in the game, she really poured enough heart blood in the Lindao, and the sixth source of this source was enough to rush on the pressure field, that is, you need to use it in the first time. You don't talk about the fast attack of the rules, always take the initiative to give the other party, otherwise he will find the opportunity to show this set of exercises, will go to the trend to win the victory. "

"But you don't say the source of natural elements, is the most basic source of origin, is our source of origin? Is it much higher than him? Is your source of this source can't help but suppress him?" Wang Wenze listened to Lin Johao so that the mouth was confused.

"The most basic basis is also the most important. Our nature is not in the five elements of life, is there a life in the end of life? You have to know that it is a source of origin, oh! No, even other few The master of the plane, although it is possible to mobilize the source of the natural element, but it is not everyone who can control all natural elements. The only one who controls all natural elements in the six places only Lin is like a snow. "

Lin Daozi said this and asked this: "Do you have just been in the doubts of Nylon, why did you be in the injury?"

"Yes!" Yan Yan praised him.

"The national culture of your investigation hall is echo, I will ask you the order of the five elements, you should know?"

I heard this question, I nodded and said: "You have to ask me all kinds of Taoist classics, I have two eyes, I can do it, I still know, the amount, if I don't me, I should be a wooden fire, fire Soil, Soil, Jin Shengshui, Aquatic Wood, It is the opposite to Muke, Tu Water, Shui Kefire, Fire, Gold, Jindu, should be this? Oh ...! I know! "


"You only saw his attack, this is just a surface." Lin Jun Zhao explained: "This set of practice is not in the ability of itself, but also can affect the enemy, you still remember the battle of the battle. The long sword of Nero, the long sword took the golden gas of the Lindao, and the air of this stock was eroded in the body after entering Nero, so that its property corresponds to the outside world. The gang of forest is changing. "

"Can you still do this? No wonder Nito has such a dramatic reaction!" Gu Sheng Hui couldn't help but insert.

"Can you react? Wood fire, the five elements of the vision of the movements are doubled, the fire broke, the five elements, the harm of the five elements, and the three-way, this is only the beginning, the Lindu is the fire, the power of the fire, and Nero In the body, the source of the body also changed the golden water in the outside, and turned into the Torker, the injury was turned over again! This is only the outer layer, the inner five elements should also correspond to the five internal organs, liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidney, each Injury, in the past, the last place, so over, what is the blood, what protective artifacts, even if you are in the body, and only the inside and outside are dead. "

Lin Johao's words listened to the rumors, although they couldn't help but sweat DC. If this Lindao is not Nero but it is himself, in the case of not knowing the details of Lin Dao, once it takes a large trap in the predicament. It will cause the consequences that cannot be recovered, it seems that he is still too self-size to see the world.

"That is in this game, this game is won, and the blood brakes out of the final circle is also unfortunate."

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