Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1015, five elements

Zheng Jiaru said that he had a voice of most people on the scene. Although this is very strong, it is very strong, but it is possible to completely break the highest prize. This game is this game. Heavy weight.

"But if we have lost the fellowship in the decision, we have to fight for the second place in accordance with the regulations." Zhao Yuanhu suddenly thought about what, lowered whispered.

"Reassured, what you said will not happen, we will win the first second, no chance to give the blood brakes directly." He said that he smiled and looked down. The opponent's head tone is firm.

"Don't say too much, the key points are what you should fight the Warring Tao, don't forget that I should talk to you should have more than five origins in the body! And if I didn't guess the wrong artifact, I won't Less than two pieces, you didn't take much advantage in this regard! "Lin Jun Zha said that it seems that it should not give the stress of the Yan Yan, and the words are relaxed:" But you don't have hope, I dare, I dare, Lin Ru Snow This game is optimistic about your potential. After the game, there is a fifteen-day idle scheme. We can study the tactical play, and continue to enhance your strength. "

Retinate Niover over the ground.

At the moment, Lin Dao was talking to the scene from the center. The pace of the pace to the Western body was also made from Huang Bai, and the source of Nero was shining, with the western Geng Xinjin thought, the metal steel thorn or rigging of the twelve shank was pierced or pulled up, and the RC Ni is first pierced by the steel thorn under the body, and he is hard to support him. Then, the steel thorn falling above, and the upper and lower steel spurs gave the whole body near Nero, which became a scarecrow, supported by a wooden frame, and weakly settled in the center of the venue.

When I saw this statement, Lin Johao's statement, under Sarave's heavy punctuation, I can still take a loss of Nero, at this moment, I am full by Lin Daozi to play between the palms, this game is the victory deal.

Do not! Looking at the pace of Lin Dao's continued movement, Nero's life and death have no suspense.

However, Nero on the field is not ready to accept his destiny. He said in Nero under the steel thorn, slowly aligning a finger in a direction, could not help but squid Surprised: "What did he think of?"

"He wanted to do anything, the five elements of Xiangxi have been going to the third step, and the injury has long been doubled several times, and his five organs have hurt the three scent. It is useless to do anything with your current body." Lin Jun Zhao looked at the situation on the court.

"The direction he pointed to him seems to be the next five-way position that Lin Dao is about to step into." The strong discomfort once again lingering in his heart, let him have a warning in the field.

When he worried, Lin Dao was slow by west, and the light of the body was turned black, but this time he did not relax in the mouth of the mouth as before.

"Be careful!" The venue is puzzling, and the black light ball that Niki is angry is not allowed to remind him. At the same time, he can feel the forest Junzhao in the body, and when seeing this black ball The dramatic fluctuations, he knows that things are not good!

It doesn't have to remind the difference between the character, the Dao Daozi and the even, even if it occupy an absolute advantage, it will be careful to treat the enemy. Nero has already caused his attention, so there is time in the black ball. Lin Daozi's dance body has been touched by the previous slightly, and the body is a high perfect escape of this shot of the black ball. It is like a flash attack, followed by out of mouth: "Northern ..."

The forest has said that half of the whole person is released. It is released, and the stupid is settled in the original look. It looked down at his body. It was only the source of the sea, but it continued to continue the source of the body. The hands of the difficulties, the blood spurted, and the knees are on the ground.

"Hehe, finally caught up! Cough and cough! Vomit ~!" Nero nyloked on the ground saw this scene, the hoarse scorpion made a proudly laugh, because he is too arrogant laughing involved the body Injury, it took him a large mouth of blood after he was born.

After the blood sprayed, Nio's body seems to have a lot, and the fingers will be inserted into the steel thorn inserted into his body. The twelve steel thorn seems to consume many strength of Nero. If he just got it once again bowed his mouth and breathed fresh air.

And the Lindao opposite his opposite, I can't wait for it. I still have to control everything, but now it is a dead fish who can't breathe, I can't breathe, and I have pumped all the strength and even the soul. The meat is lying in place, can't do a finger.

The forest road in the field may not know what he has encountered, but as a saying of the argument, it is nothing else, so that the situation is reversed. It is not something else. It is the way to hide by the Lind. The past, the black ball, that is, after the black ball is wrapped in the forest, there is no disappearance, but after floating in his body, a moment of giant source visible to the naked eye, From its in vivo, it is forcibly drawn into the black ball.

"This, this, what is this, isn't it said that Lin Daozi will win!" Jiang Feiyang hired his cladding.

"Yeah, what is the black ball is something, it can be ...." Yan Yan also turned into a sudden change in front of him, shocked, and he felt that there would happen, but did not expect the situation. It is actually so rapidly.

The question of the righteousness has not yet been asked, Lin Joshao is a cold voice, and his tone is changed to play the world. It is not worthy of color, with a very serious tone ordered: "When you don't ask questions, I will give you afterwards. Interpret that thing, everyone has entered the battle state, the woman is going crazy, there is a possibility that the game is not going on, today is the day of the game! Do yourself experience a bad baptism. "

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