Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1016 is broken

"So serious! Is that Nylo broke the sky?" Lin Junzhao is a serious attitude, let everyone all people are nervous, even Jiang Feiyang, who has always, put down the snacks in the hands, and put away his face. The smiley face is prepared to fight.

For the problems raised by , Lin Jun Zhao smiled helpless: "It's almost the same, the blood brakes are too late." After she finished her: " , I will see the situation for a while!" I may play with your body. Now I will notify her to give her a notice when I have necessary, let her come here. "

This sentence can make the importance of the question, Lin Junzhao will explain his body, he has been preparing for personally shot, and let the special task give up the original plan, come here It shows that she may be incompetent, and the final strength is required to perform the final strength with the completion of the completion of the completion.

Both of these news indicate that Ni Lu did a sufficient thing to stimulate forests such as snow violence, thinking that this is not dare to delay, while simply convey the game, while completing the mechanization around, once there is any wind blowing, Can make corresponding response measures.

The battle on the court continued. After a period of recovery, Nero finally got a breath, and the effort will stand up from the ground. If you pick up a crutches from your body, you can do a crutches, so that Nylo It is a long-awaited, and it is a long-awaited.

From the beginning of Nero's present performance, Lin Daozi's attack did like Lin Jun Zhao to give him a great harm, and he has changed so strong and self-healing, it has become a miserable forest. All the five elements will be finished, and then take a step in the next step in Nero.

Unfortunately, Lin Dao is unable to take this step. Nowadays lying on the ground, it is his Lindu, and the standing person has become a wolf.

In the face of the opponent, it is placed in the opponent of yourself, Nero, who is not much feelings, hesitated at this moment, he is hesitant to the so-called English hero, his mind does not have this concept, in The opponent in his eyes is a good opponent.

He is hesitant to think that he really killed the forest, and he can afford the anger from Lin Ru Xue.

Time is over a second in a second, and there is only the breath of all people who breathe in the entire field, and the defense of the ring is still proved that the competition has not ended, and the forest road lying on the ground The arm started to jitter, he was struggling to stand the body of the body.

Can't wait again! Even if he is a source of "waste people", his physical quality is still a hard work, and it is only hitting it now.

I don't do it! Since I do it, I will give you a reputation. I think that this Nero is determined, and the head of the subliminum is high.

The same scene took a few years ago, this didn't take long before he had a brother, but the people who saved this time were more powerful than before.

The steel thorn in Nylo, the defense of the surrounding stage disappears, and at the same time, the percentage of the entire audience will fall from the sky, and the entire investigation department will also be able to say by Lin Jun Zhao. In addition to standing, the rest of the remaining people are in the son of Ye Ruo, which is not compressed by this prestige. It is unique to the ground.

,, . . . .... ........ .

Then I turned to the platform, the defense method ended to the cure of the cure to take effect, the Nero, which has just restored most injuries, and even the sounds did not make, the big head was directly crushed in the ring. The sound of the broken sound and the sound of the bone break appear extra harsh in the silence.

"Going to the stage." Lin Junzhao reminded his brain.

"Oh!" Yan Yan immediately should followed it to step into the platform, and at this time, two people have appeared before he appeared.

"Lin Lord, the winners between the children is not so serious." The candlelon fell to the face of their own disciples, and the big sleeve one looked at most the power stress. Subsequently, Lin Ru Xue in front of the forest Small smile.

"Kids' ratio? What do you do! I didn't expect you to be so shameless! I dare to make such a move in my eyelids! Do you really think that I don't dare to declare war now!" Lin Ruxue said The momentum of the body is stronger and stronger, and all the light curtains responsible for the broadcast are fell together. The heavens and the earth are changing in the middle of the landscape.

And the pressure on the body was just gasped to stop the Nero stood, and the blood spit out and retrapired again to the floor.

"Stupid goods, don't want to die, I am very real." The candlelon did not look back and sweeped his own disciple, whispered to education, turned to Linru Xue Jing: "I used it! Your disciple can Six kinds of origins, why are my disciples not use some means? "

"Candle!" The appearance of the candlelon is completely irritated. Lin is like snow. She took out the other's name roaring: "The difference between the two tells me that you don't know, means? You call the means to help you personally ! Is this the same? "

"That's how!" Candle dragon eyebrows picks up the void: "My blood brake has a place in violation of the competition? If you want to blame your match, you are not complete!"

"Good! Good! I have never seen such a beautiful person!" The Lin Ru Xue, who is angry, the classic line, the finger candle dragon and the pole: "I shouldn't accept this gambling, you don't accept this gambling. Shameless small people! Dare to tease me, let's fight! "

"Let's fight!" Candlelon hands and one shot of the arms. "Lin Lord, do you think I will picked up the dispute will fear the war? Do you want to think that you are fear! Also, don't always put yourself in the victim's location! I mean? When I said a good fair competition, I can challenge my blood brakes for my blood brakes several times? If you are not you with Lin Jun Zhao, the waist, You think that there is no educated little ghost, with three times five times in front of me to fight my blood brakes, let me have a look at it? "

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