Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1029 Cooperation Conditions

"How is it difficult? Is it difficult to have a difficult look!" Linru Xue saw this as a difficult picture: "If you can't be a master, you can also call your boss."

"I have to discuss with my superior to give the exact reply, but before this, I need to finalize a few questions, so that the provincial us will also make this incidence of this matter. Many people. "After the mind, I responded."

"Say, what is the problem I am listening to." Lin Xue is now interested in this young man in front of him, and the body moved to the moving side, and his eyes watched his voice.

"Then let's open the door, I have something to say, if I am not right, you don't want to be angry, if I only personally, I am a unshirkable, but I have to take care of my colleague, I hope you can understand. "

Said that I stolen a little bit of a look, I saw it nodded, and I would like to continue to say that he will continue to say: "You have just said that the Fairy Wuman is going to do itself. The matter is covered, each Xianyou is a five hundred years, five hundred years hust, " :" In my world, the monkey has been pressed for so long, but A Dynasty lasted for five hundred years, not overridden in the whole world, and I heard that there is still a connection between the six houses, there is no time for five hundred years. "

"Yes." Lin Ruxue gave a positive answer.

"What kind of interests will there be between the five hundred years of the Fairy Palace? Don't say that the same gas is connected to the branches, it is also interrupting the bones, at least in this election, the cooperation and attitude of the exports can be seen. This is the clue. "

Lin Ru Xue Chong said that he was not satisfied: "I don't know if you said? If you turn your port, you want to tell me that it is very difficult. Do you not do?"

I said that I said that my head was smirk: "I want to say that we have to do, it is undoubtedly a hated thing. If you are lucky enough to kill your parents, we have given it to the man more than that. Can you hate people? You said that your guard is bored, and we can't be worn by people. "

"Now become outsiders? What should you say?"

In the face of the incompatible attitude of forests such as snow, he said that he was quite calm and said: "Safety, the first requirement is also the condition that the cooperation must do, safe! You also said that there is an operation industry Specially attacked, people in this area are not everyone's abilities, even if there is anyone who has the abilities in the wolf ring of the Fairy Palace, they have not to ensure their personal safety, if the fairy The palace cannot guarantee their safety, we will not send us people to go to white. "

"Reasonable!" Lin Ru Xue Shen immediately nodded: "I will send Lin Dao people to deal with it. He took the lead responsible for the safety of investigating personnel, each of the people who came to investigate I gave two, no! Five embroidered clothes are responsible for their lives and safety, you can rest assured that I will choose the best people to do this, even if someone else does not help but assassinate, five people fight Also give you a chance to leave. "

"Well!" Yan Yan clap his hand praised to say: "That is the second condition, Lin sister, you have to check the fairy palace, can be said to be the world in addition to your unexpected power institution, in order to investigate the evidence We must find some of the secrets of some passmen, and find someone to ask some questions. We will return 10,000 steps to say that if they are not black, there is a non-cooperative place to secretly give us a gum, when this is also Can't go to that, you can't ask, so .... "

Said that he said to the second finger smiled: "So in order to be able to complete the task you gave, the second condition I want is power, I want our investigator to have an investigation with the Fairy Palace."

This time, Lin Ru Xue did not promise so happy, sitting at the position, her eyes were ignorant, she looked up to the top of the shade of the green onion: "I believe that since you ask this request, then You will definitely give me a satisfactory answer. "After the end, he said to the words:" If I really do the laigue in the fairy, it is shaped, but the bottom of our way is also touched by you. I have a clear one. "

I don't have a saying of this problem. Seeing his attitude Lin Ranxue re-looking down his head and hurting his eyes: "When the person you sent, I will let Lindao will be responsible for you, send the jade representing my power symbol. Sign in jade is as seen. "

"Lin Sister, it is a big thing to be a big thing." Lin Ru Xue fell to a statement, and then replaced a smile. "The three things are very unhappy, and the investigation event is changing. It may be because of a discovery, Spotting conflicts, in order to be able to latten an incident to a more bad abyss development, if it is possible that I want to give me a crisis to send a fairy palace and your part of the guard, of course, this power will never use, if afterwards Prove that we abuse this right in unnecessary developments, we are willing to bear this responsibility to be punished. "

"Agree, what else to say it directly." The previous conditions agreed that this requirement did not matter, Linru Xueye did not lift it.

"Oh, I haven't been able to do this three, I think there is no objection to this matter, as for the remuneration of this matter, it is a small thing, Lin sister casually Personally talk about it. "I said that a big pass is really thirsty. He said that the tea in front of the tea is drank. After drinking, only the mouth felt full of light tea flavor, unconscious The delicate teapot on the table poured a cup.

"The violent henity is like a cow is drinking water." Lin Ru Xue opened his eyes and swept his eyes. After the teapot was ridiculous, he turned to Lin Jun Zhao: "Where did you find such a living treasure, although rough But doing things, it is not humble, there is a law, in this point, I have a bad disciple, I am in autumn, I'm looking forward to my heart, I can deal with these trivia. But I will never have any satisfaction, hehe, if you have this child, if you have this little child, half the heart of the world, you will not have such a big loss by the little boy, "

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