Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1030 Knocking Bamboo Bar

Recall the autumn? I didn't think that this seems to be the name of Lin Daozi. I put down the tea cup of teacup. He is curious: "After this battle, I have never seen it again. I don't know if I Lin brothers have been restored after the budget."

"Hey!" Hearing this question Lin Ru Shu sighed and shook his head: "His body has no big matter, the strength of the gutellar dragon is in an instant, the whole source of the origin is in the moment. After the game, I will spread the source of the source, guide Most of these origins are rewarded to their body, plus I help to adjust him from next to him soon recover more than half of strength, just now is somewhat wilting. "

"The victory is not a family, and Lin sister can advise Lin Xiong. If you don't have to stop, you can see this battle. If Nero uses despicable means Lin Xione, he is not lost to Nero but lose Give a part of a place, and if you lose it, you will be shameful. "Yan Yan hergingly huddled.

Lin Ru Xue Chong said that he laughed: "For the victory, he looks very open, he understands that this war is not guilty. It is really letting him produce the heart of the heart, and there are a few people who are close to them." When this forest is like snowy eyes I have been sloppy, and I have a few more indignation. "Recalling the child, although the child selected the origin of the origin, but there is no arrogance and rude, but the opposite of him is very good for the people who serve around. Although the main servant is never looked at each other, it is still a few people practice the mistakes, but the most close people have suffered life in the most important game. The first fare, such a blow is really difficult to accept it. "

"Hey ~." He said that he has nothing to understand, he fully understands the mood of Lin Dao, this thing can't persuade people to persuade people to easily go to the pointer, and finally become a heart magic can only rely on himself. I want to come out from it.

"Forget it, don't mention this!" Lin Yixue has a handstened: "My disciple is not so fragile. I believe that he can come out from this time, now I am the first one. The matter has been finalized, let us talk about the second thing. "

Looking at Lin Ru Xue, he suddenly became lifting and son asking: "You can have a victory in this battle."

"Sakura" did not want to give the exact answer.

"Then your investigation hall can be sure." Linru Xue continued to ask.

"Hey ..." He said that he was asked for a moment, and he watched Lin Jun Zhao only saw the other side lazy curled up in Taishi Chair. "The truth does not have to hide."

"Good!" Seeing the master's words, he said to Lin Yixue: "We have calculated that if the blood brake is still the strength of the game, then we will win at least 70%."

Thinking, I gave a relatively conservative number, "But if these players change, this number may fall, but I can guarantee how they change, I can ensure worry-free "

"Your battle will not determine the trend of the game. From this time, the candlelon won the move for this contest, and the first place in this battle is a must, the blood brakes will inevitably Enhance your strength. "Lin Ru Xue also asked Lin Jun Zhao:" In order to deal with this battle, you have prepared a cherry for the disciples. "

"Waiting for you."

"Hey ~" This time I changed to Lin Ru Xue, I was preparing to come and Lin Jun, but I didn't expect that she is so thick now.

"" Lin Jun Zhao saw the other party's awkwardly to pick up the fruit on the table, take a grain and put it in the mouth and chew it. Of course: "What can I give them? In addition to the source of the source, I also Can't give it, but you also know that although this thing can make them upstream, each person can absorb the upper limit. They are the son of this source. Every two-order will awake a layer of abilities, and this Most of the abilities will match their own capabilities, so I don't want to fill unnecessary powers in them, I have to fill the upper limit of future development. I haven't worry, I have a little home. Leave to the survey hall to keep the facade, you have also seen it ... "LIN Jun Zhao refers to himself helpless:" For this battle, I almost dressed almost all, I can restore this strength now is fortunate. "

"So you don't have any scruples to knock on the bamboo bar?" Lin Ru Xue thought that he didn't seem to be actively on the door, I felt a headache, and I smiled with my hand.

Lin Jiyao knows that the existence of this is the longest friend, and properly spreading the symptoms can play a half-time effect, so she reached out to the Hand of the Hall of the Xue, and the flexion: "People are not poor, you are not my Master. Well! How can the apprentice want Master's things to call the bamboo bar, or if I was closed for more than ten years to make a cow to be a horse, do you have so miserable? ....

"OK, OK!" Lin Ruxue unequal Lin Jun Zhao quickly reached out: "You don't cry, I am afraid of you, Jun Zhao, I understand you and this. Time will follow him to learn bad, before you are not like this, Ning folding is not bent now. "

"Ning can't bend and can't be a meal. It is also difficult to protect itself." In the face of Lin Ru Xue, the doubts of Lin Zhu Zhao suddenly threw a sentence helpless.

Lin Ru Xue saw that this is a feeling of feelings, and there is no way to vent. It is just to sweep away from the eyes. It is not easy to put down to eat fruit. The brain is taken.

Seeing this movement of the threshing neck, Lin Ru Xue is a delicate, "you dare to hide!"

Snapped! If you are not dare to hide, the brain spoon is truthfully, seeing his grievances, the temper, such as the snow mood, so comfortable, Changsheng tones, sit back to the position, the heart is intimate and the road: "Let's win you want what?"

"Artifact!" .

Lin Ru Snow Wen said that there was no fluctuation: "Well, in order to happen after this competition and response, my fairy palace is no longer a few artifacts, this competition, I have a legal world. The destined particle is not received, and then the three artifacts are only afraid that someone will be dissatisfied with the fairy. "

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