Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1080 Big Fish Hook

" ! Your investigation hall does not have to be self-sufficient for his own plan, whether it is you still that Du Guangyuan! I will give you a price! Hehehe." Hehe, said Ru Du's head and not said: "Since Du Guangyuan can disguise you into pure blood, then he has seen him and my brothers have already seen it, I think he should also know that he has a son to survive on this world, please tell me for me, very He will meet with the body of his son's body, and you! Due, you and your family will become the next hunting. "

"Oh, really!"

A sound is awkward from the back, and the moment of the moment is shining. I'm also in front of him! who is it? Who appears in this near distance, I am actually a little! I didn't know the breath of this person at all.

Compared to the brain in the shock, I have responded to the physical condition of the training, and I will sweep the palm of the palm of the palm, and I will have the second step in the next reaction. A body will fall down like a meteor.

boom! The sprinkles of the gardens have made the gardens in the garden, and Deoe has noticed the change in the air. When he saw Radu from the sky, he was in a hurry, he was hard to eat. Zheng Jiaru. After the other party's boxing, I went to the direction of the Ru Du.

"Flashing! I haven't gone to the point of employers!" Rudou pushed the good intention of Depeio, roaring, looking up and looking for the sky to find his own goal.

"What happened? That person is not picking Pace?" Deoea looked at the woman in the Magic model asked, then Rudu did not give him an answer and he did not ask, because their eyes were quickly locked in that Suddenly, it is the man who talks to you.

", , !" Despite the disdain of him, when he did not meet, when this man is really [31APP download address Xbzs.cc] When you have your own face, Lenovo's Herch fame, Raudu It is unfavorable to rise in the heart.

It seems to feel the sight of everyone. After the sister's simple communication, he swept a battlefield, slowly dropped from the air, and the loud command: "Stop! Don't hit it again!"

This shouting, the battlefield of the confusion is quiet, and the investigation department will see the words, and the words have been in the war, and on the other hand, the blood brakes and the blood family are also taking this opportunity to re-judgment the battlefield. situation.

However, not everyone can do such a reason, just when the two sides start to stop back, a blood brake member who killed the red eyes is to die in his own palm, that will be In a word, he stopped his actions, so even if the opponent's injured injured, he was also chasing him to kill it on the spot.

"How can I not understand people? I said to stop! Don't understand?" The voice of the dissatisfaction sounded again! Then, it is a powerful momentum that has no longer convergence, and a lot of source is inclined, and the people who have had to be active and resistant, and that does not listen to the blood brakes that will be strong. People, before, I felt that I was unstable. When he went back to God, I found my own legs that I took my body, and I was planted on the ground after a bad shot.

boom! The fingertips of the fingertips were injected into the head of this person. The spread of the death of the death quickly swallowed his body, and the sound of screaming was obeyed, and he left a hospital. Also live and jump into the body of the body, the body of the corpse shiver.

"Hey, you are coming! How is the game!" The Survey Hall is a strong aid to be a relaxed, and the summer words of withdrawing out the battlefield are happy.

"You are stupid! He appeared in this, definitely got the final game! Target!" Zheng Jiaru rushed to say a long and smirked: "Hey, you said that you will win at the scene. Cheer, come here! Here we can handle! "

"That's a little thing! I still don't know you, according to the destructive power of your two capabilities, this battle has been estimated to have a piece of tiles. Hey! Lin Ru Xue has placed this to our investigation hall. As a permanent station in the Taoist French, if you are destroyed, I can't say that people will come back to the original situation. "Yan Yan smiled and swept the audience, and the face was black, Tao: "Let the evil! Who get it!"

Walking in the point of interest, I saw the Yi Rong Water Landmark Landscape. The pool was deeply loved every morning. Every day, he went to the pond that brushed his teeth. At this moment, the face of the fried face is still a spring water. At the end, dozens of koi's dead corpses were scattered in the pool of the pond.

"Not me! It is they do!" Zheng Jiaru immediately referred to the opposite Dermao finger certificate.

"Blood spray! Obvious! It is clear that you flew it!" Although I consciously sophisticated a childish, Decao is still stunned by the shameless speech of this man in front of him, obviously he is spent at fighting With boxing water, take the water to hurt the enemy, this will only don't pay the package to give yourself.

"Call!" only feels a headache, this pool is also criticized with the investigation department, it is a second time to be destroyed, it is not known that this time Lin Ru Xue will still restore it.

There is a lot of entanglement on this matter, and Yan Yan said on two raid teams. Anyone who has been swept away from his eyes will not be aware of the heart of the heart, and the pressure brought by strong opponents makes two The team temporarily eliminates the previous parties, unconsciousness, relying on each other, it seems to have the advantage of such a number of people, and can add a bit of safe feelings when they face the words.

Finally, the line of sight is still on the core of this team, looking at this young man with a little imagination that has been a small Vladi II, I finally showed a little smile on my face. The palm smiled: "I just listened to my sister, are you the younger brother of Xiao Frad I?"

"Don't call him for Xiaofrad, he has removed from the family inheritance sequence!" Ru Duo gave a proud response.

"Oh ~!" He said that he nodded and nodded by heard: "What should I call him? What should I call you?"

"As long as you don't give him the name of the family, no matter what the current Moira is still in the Papesh, I can call my name Radu, or call me Xiao Frad II. ! "

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