"Okay, that is, you are now the successor of the Frad family! Hehehe!" Hehe! "Said that the companion to twisting and slamming the companion behind him, I can't say it:" This person has to stay! "Said this old Frad Quite enough! A son is not enough, it is also free to give one! "

"Yeah, when I knew that he was the second heir of Frad home, I was surprised as you, I didn't know what they would like to send him to participate in the rescue action. I finally caught the big fish! I have to stand these days in order I looked at the drama who was played in the dungeon. "I went back and responded with the sketchy of the iron chain. Because I didn't know the exact attack time, she could only stay in dungeon before the end of the game. Among the fish bait.

"Hey! I ask you three five times! You suspected me! You don't say you know how your brother is in the dungeon! Now? People? Where!" Wu Xiu looked at the rumor, then looked at himself to rescue The goal became others, and finally couldn't help these days, the evil fire, and the strokes were guarded in the squad.

"Do you have any meaningful now? Even if my brother is here, don't we meet the words?" Raudu was asked, the arrogant blush, but the proud of the weekly made him unable to get the wrong mistake to these people, habits He speech reversed.

"The meaning is not the same! At least we are not coming to send it!" When all unknown previvities became reality, Wu Xiuping also abandoned the previous compliment to tear her face.

"There is nothing different! I have to blame your people too much waste! Three people can't pay a statement! Otherwise, how can we be so passive!

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"Okay! Okay! Don't quarrel noisy!"

The Wu Xiu, the shameless remarks, said that there is a way to argue the opposite righteousness, but they have been to persuade the way: "I have seen too much in these inner, I don't want to see it again today. One! "

Said that he said to the bottom of the cigarette box finger, and a cigarette jumped out of the cigarette case. After the cigarette, the smoky fell into the mouth, and the cigarette collapsed. High temperature,

Listening to the opposite side, I said that I have a good thing to live and die so, as if I haven't skilled in my mouth, it is so reasonable, and how many people in the hearts of the two people are not flat, but they don't want to return to the first. An brow that came to touch.

"Call!" Spit out a smoke ring and loud his mind again and again swept the crowd. Tilted: "However, I have been my mind after this, see your strength level is not low, you should be able to set out from your mouth I want the information. "Talking about the hand point to the cigarette point to Li Du smiled:" Let's more you have such a big surprise, I can give you a living road, in my smoke Before, give up the resistance to the automatic surrender of the ground to the left side, stay in the place, in addition to me, the person who is interested in, the kill forever! "

"Hey!" He said that he shook his head and ridicule: "Take a look, people say that I am getting more and more cruelful, I still don't think I want to think about the game, I said how much I said during this time. How many times did you have done, hehe! "After saying, he said to the crowd to reveal a sorrowful expression of a sorrowful man." So! Don't say that I have not given you a chance! For my physical and mental health, I also for your life I hope that you can make the right choice. "

The two sides of the two people said that they had their own careful thinking in everyone's heart, and the blood family was still said, and they had never been in the investigation hall, although he heard that The normetropes of time, but the despite of the cornerstone and the blind self-confidence of their own blood family, so that these rumors have always been a big discount in their hearts, and the second is that the second is the strict hierarchical system. Make them must abide by the commands conveyed down, and they don't dare to make decisions before the operator of the operator.

However, the blood brakes can be different, do not say that these years, the blood sea of ​​the corpse in the hell, is the strength and damage he showed during this competition, let the blood brake There is a more deep understanding than others, and there are four deaths in his hands than others. It is also desperate to defend the unknown of him and death, and these people have compared with these people. What is it?

I think that this martial arts is unable to move, and the legs don't consciously put in the direction of , see this model of this seedlings, and the current situation is very urgent. If it is very bad, if there is less than this batch, one must If you die, there is no holiday, and you will take off: "Wu! What do you want to do! Don't be deceived by the enemy's words! Do you give up the battle to fall to their hands?"

Depeio's words woke up Wu Xiuping, who he hoped, he hoped to hesitate: "I heard that you investigate the prisoners of the Secret Supervision, all use artifacts to kill and separate the sectors, there are Is this? "

"Yes!" He said that the smoky is so popular.

I heard this answer Depeo's heart, I feel that Wu Xiu Ping will not betray, but Wu Xiuping is a loose, he has long known the exact answer, if he is , he will not hesitate to choose the battle to the end, the truth Instead, let him see that he will ask him to ask: "If we surrender, will we fall in this next place?"

"Not necessarily! The prisoners of the Secret Supervision are not all falling." Said that the image of a girl raised a pair of girls was explained in front of everyone: "Her name is Qi Yuting, you may not know her, She used to be a member of God, but because there is no bad thing after educational and observation, it is also a member of the Investigation Hall, and there are many people who have survived like this. If you have Don't choose to surrender, anyway, it is not necessary to give you the way in the road, if the sins are not so frank, if you choose to surrender, how do you say how to make a judgment! In the Secret Monitor? It's a good transformation, perhaps you have a good day! "

Said that he said that the half-smoking programs smiled in your hand: "No matter how you choose, it is best to be a little faster! Leave you for your time!"

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