Although I have been accustomed to the dedication and service of others, I should take this by the department, but when Deoe said this time, guilty, touched, sad anger, a lot of emotions, a brain, Ludu The heart, let him experience the taste of the appearance of frustration, but today is its failure day, the desperation he is about to start.

No time, the five-flavor of the big master, Decao after the decision took the crowd, and rushed straight to the rumor, and immediately decided to unlock the clothes. Press in his own chest.

It is time to dedicate your mother!

"Oh!" In rushing to his eyes, he saw a point in the eyes of his eyes. More importantly, he rushed to the momentum caused his attention. From Mora, it was the admiring in the Ru Dukou. Si, ..........................,..,...

In this, there are also less than the prince level of the ordinary nine-order Duke, such a person is also the top existence between the blood family, and the existence of the existence of Frad in the world. In front of him, this old man was at most the leader in the Duke level before the initiative, but after he reached into his arms, he did not fear of himself, his strength quickly climbed quickly through its own limits. It has reached the point of just a jealousy.

"Is it a secret method of a breakthrough itself? Interesting!" I thought that I came to this is just a rumor of wind rolls, I saw the strength of the opponent, I was so interesting, and the current battle is ready to sell!

However, when the old man is about to rush to him, the whole body frying is a group of blood mist. This group of blood fog has not poured into the crowd of his own team behind him.

The sudden scene makes the , this is the practice of exercise, causing the fire to the magic itself? On the occasion of , I saw the blood fog fluttering, and I took a scream, and I was not controlled by the wound that was screaming. Extending a large number of blood, and the blood family without scars, the skin cracking is constantly floating from the cracking gap, integrating with blood mist in the air.

Looking at the blood brake members who constantly planted, they were shocked to escape, and they said that the brows were frightened to stare at the bloody fog waiting for him to launch a second attack to themselves.

However, the situation was once again unexpected. This group of blood fog was brought to he hit him or the son of the source of the source, but the empty one entry started with other investigators who were responsible for warning.

Depeio did did his promise, at this moment's anti-defenders because of his chaos, and Radu took this opportunity to make a bloodline, break through the siege of the four major origins.

"Not good! Old thief! Good !" The boy ran! "

I heard the bloodline and Zheng Jiaru, and the bloodline left, and the brothers who left the scene left and one left and right, but they were still slow, the first [] is subject to It is the blood of the blood group, and only the number of people under the blush shroud, the body gas is almost in the same time, and the skin of these people will start casually swelling. The blood bubbles accompanied by the scream of screams suddenly fell, and the new blood mist is mixed with the remaining blood, and the people who have a white-bones are not cold.

These blood brake members are sent to life, followed by the nearest inner survey, but fortunately, it can be mixed, and the brain is still speaking, most people are seeing blood mist. After that, he knew that there was no wonderful to survive, and there was a slow response to save, and finally escaped, it was only hurt.

The most fascinating is that the martial arts is that Wu Xiping, the position he occupied by the original surrender is the recent wadring, and the Dudeoe seems to hate him, and the blood fog is frying the first fluttering. The direction is to rush him. Wu Xiu, which wears, lost most of the abilities at this moment, and the realization of the realm of improvement is still, and the blood fog is not good at retreating, and after a pull Looking at him, he is responsible for guarding his probes, and he pushes him to blood fog, just to block the bloody fog, let him have time to escape.

Fortunately, he was so fast enough to save, it was so fast enough, that is, the semi-back of the agent was also eroded by blood fog, and looked at the fierce flesh and abroad, eroded other still and intact skin. , Yan Yan did the end of the failure, and he had to say a brother with the teeth! Stay! Then the palm of the palm, the controlled source is passed down to the fubài's wound, with the big smell, the injury is kicked, the injury is finally curbed, screaming Joien, he even said, thank you for the future, and the two eyes have been dull.

"Blood, I stopped! The injury looks quite serious, but as long as it stops the spread of blood, I will be able to cure this afterwards and his own self-healing! You will continue to return with him. ! "Du Yan Yan, after the number of blood of this person, the injected source of the injection was blocked from the deterioration of blood loss, and handed it to other investigation halls.

After all of this, he turned to look at the bloody fog that was set up by himself, and blocking the blood fog to block the bite of teeth: "Old things! Although it is very good!"

" , I know that even if I will improve the strength, I still can't take a look at the son of your four. Since the war is flying, it can't escape. It is better to fight for a fight. ! "The blood fog came out of Deoe's roar, and the spatial spatial spatality was actually unable to seal this bloody, and the big space barriers showed countless blood spots in this will, seeing the blood mist. It is completely infiltrated to break the wall.

I didn't look too anxious to this, he couldn't ridicule: "The ridiculous thing is that the people you take so far is not my own, it is your own allies! Our people have hurt a few but no life. worry!"

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