Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1084 Blood Secrets

"When you say that you are not to make the battlefield so that the Prince is escaped, can he sacrificed so many happened?" Said that Dedio in the field and his hands said, the hand is idle. A large source of origin in the back and forth has been filled with each peripheral space.

"Hehe, young people don't use this set of attacks, you and I understand that these people don't use them, will you kill them? The murder on your body will expose this. I can't do it, I can't do it! The young people are really terrible. They have such a heavy murder! "Said that the blood fog came out of the long sigh, whisper:" They brothers People shouldn't be enemies with you, they are not your opponent. "

"Unfortunately! They didn't have this for your old man, but that Mora is the one in your mouth. Now it is a lot of setbacks. It is a lot of challenges, but unfortunately, we are grievances between us ... hehehe! "

I looked at the words that the final means that the deep scratch. Depelo in the field will no longer keep calm, and blood fog is undergoing the mobility of his skills, and instantly breaks the spatial isolation of .. .. .

The many prevention measures made before, and Dedao didn't want to spread out of the outside of this time, and his current goal only had a saying. It is a result for him to say such a result. After continuing to strengthen the surrounding defense, when the old man from failure, the dog is urgently jumped and then hurts others, and the ................ ......... ... .. ....

"You are too dangerous! Leave you a strong enemy for the next heir of the Frad family, will ruin the family's future!"

Listening to the blood fog from Depeho, he still didn't think about smiling: "Hey! Old people, what do you care about this child? Don't you be the pro-treatment of these two people Is it? Hahahaha! Wow, the old king next door, this is high! "

Although Decao does not know what it means next door, he is not the meaning of the meaning of the fool, he can listen to the understanding of it. He has come back to comply with his family's own penalty. This is undoubtedly loyal to him. The biggest insults of people.

Deoeled under the surprise burned all his life and source, and the blood fog that was scattered. At this moment, it was condensed into a group of viscous liquids. He immediately slammed himself, because each other There is no meaning, so Depeio is smoothly covered with himself.

Looking down at your palm and full body, I found that my own meter was covered with a thin blood film, and he even clearly saw the body of the package, with his fingers. It is very strong and very stunned. After coming back, I can't pull it after a few times, I will give up this boring behavior.

"I don't know if I can kill you today, but I have to try it anyway, even if I put my life, I will give you a price for your words and deeds!"

"The courage is Jiajia! I have just been afraid of your threat! But respect your consciousness!" Said that he said that he opened his arms and slightly double-eyed. "Now let me see if you are at the expense of life. What extent can you do? "

"Hey ~!" Depeio did not use words to answer him, suddenly locking blood film is his answer, and the whole body of the whole body is like squeezed with the power of the power. His breathing has also become difficult.

Quickly convert the breathing into an absorption of oxygen tanks, and praise the whole body defense while praising: "Oh, good abilities! General monks, not! Even some of the source of this source is not a strong refining It is only afraid that the bones that will be pressed, but the old people are still not enough for me! "

"I know that you have more powerfulness in refining, I know that you dare to make my blood on your body, because you are the body of the body, do you think the blood of the blood is not used by you? Young , You are too small to have a bloody class! "

Depeio voice is just falling, and he only felt that the blood pulse is hysteresis, it is clear that he can feel clearly, the blood in the body is not subject to his control, and rushed out of his hard. The bondage of the body is flowing outwards from the body surface.

The same feeling, this is already a second experience today, and the first time is the ability of Nero's ability to evil, but his ability to adsorb blood is so strong, it seems that Nero is absorbed. Among the many bloods, the blood family also made a lot of contributions.

"You and the blood brakes can be deep enough!" Yan Yanyuan gas flows forced to control the speed of blood extraction in the body, and smiled: "This should be the secret of your blood? Even this thing can be delivered to outsiders ?"

"Have you received such an agent?" Depeio was alerted.

"Ah, just have used people who are just in the competition."

"Hehe, he! That is just the fur of my blood, and I can only use this kind of power than half of the power, which can be used to deal with you should be enough!"

"Old things, I am boasting a few words, is it going to forget? Isn't it just hesitant?" There is no fear at this moment, but there is a silk excitation and expectation, therefore, it is intentionally open.

"Is it forgotten, so I use your body to experience it, I am really too ray! I admit that you have the strength of your arrogance, but it is this proud that you will ruin you, just like you. If you say that you will crash by me to be crushed by me, but you can rely on the strong body, but you don't have the opportunity to get rid of my bondage, now I am fit with you. For a long time, we are connected to the blood, you are not so easy. "

"Oh? Is it! Then let's try it!" Yan Yan said that he was slightly closed, and the body of the body under the blood of the blood was in a large temperature meter. Ray.

"Hey ~ Ah!"

"Hey ~ Ah!"

The two screams sounded synchronously, and the squats in the blood film were soft and fell to the ground, and they felt the burning blooms brought by high temperature in the body. The ear came from Depeio. A smug ridicule.

"Pain? I said that we have been connected, any of your attacks, will feedback to your body, your defense measures will not work, now we are real feelings!"

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