"You can quickly and your brother! Oh, now you may call your sister to meet, I really want to see the situation when you meet, but unfortunately I have something to do, but I will let the Secret Supervision Colleagues took this scene to me, ah! The scene will be very touching, even if it is not touching, is it? "

Listening to the sarcosis of the scorpion, Rauru got the head that was cut off on the half of the ears, and smiled slightly: "You also go to your family? Is it with your sister?"

"Yeah! Yes!" He said that there was no fluctuation on his face. He still smiled and looked at the other person. "Where did you know? Do you want to say something?"

"I heard the conversance of you and the fairy palace. .

"Thank you!"

Through the spatial tunnel to transfer Raudu to the person who receives it, and escorts it all the way to enter the Secret Supervision, when the return trip enters the letter of law, I am looking at the mood to stand on my side. It is still very excited. I didn't understand: "What do you do to do? His person is not as good."

"I know." Yan Yan said out of a mirror, while the mirror sorted out his own, he said: "Anyway, he is a dead person now let him secretly revenge, and comforting his frustration. Not well, he doesn't know what he said now, the more miserable he and his family. "

Yan Yan lightly smiled coldly in the left-eyed box: "However, the ending between us is already written in the moment of the enemy, the Frad family's acting style is destined to have only One will continue to live in this world, and if you don't stop, you have been fighting. If you can't pull the Frad family, I will sleep until I sleep. "

After saying that he said, he smiled and said: "Do not worry! I will not let them hurt me and let anyone who are home, see! I can't do it now? Don't you see it? "

"Hey!" Qi Ming sighed, her now is no longer a little brother who hespently persuaded himself. It is helpless to take a picture of his head and take a picture: "White hair will cover some Mom will be distressed. "

"Oh! Is it?" He said that he went out the mirror and looked at it again: "It's really! When you go to the hell, you will come back to the training, the hair is coming back to the game, the source and gas and nourish There are a lot of black, but still leave a lot of white stubble! This hair is too short. You don't say I not pay attention! "The speech is rushing to use the disguise printing of the hair on the black and white, all dyed black This is only satisfied with the mirror.

At this time, the transfer array has transferred them to the training space of the game, thanking to pick up their staff, two people sitting on a tourist bus to prepare the holiday.

"If you want to say it?" He said in a beautiful scenery outside the window, and asked.

"I went to my mother and said that she received some ability. You said that she was scared to say that I said to my dad and said that I can say that I can say." I have collected my family from the road to the family. Revearing the tonic.

"Call! This is good!" Yan Yan listened to the breath and let him show his mother. He is really afraid that my mother will see him directly with high blood.

Tourism bus, a parking, I have seen my parents who have received it later, and I haven't seen my parents and jumped off a year. I will inevitably excite, watching the son, the mother is very emotional. Team, but the father of the side only wrinkles only wrinkles: " ! Do you have such a lax in your team? This is not a month, you are not going back? Do you not steal back? I follow You said that you have to be able to suffer! That is not the family's extraordinary usual, you are disciplined! "

Dad's hard-working education is not a bit boring. If the time difference of the two planes, it will return home for less than a month. This is incredible in the eyes of the elderly. The father is in the eyes. I can't eat the escape soldier who is crying back in the unit. For the son's future, you can only reprimand him.

"Well! Well! Son, the girl is not easy to come back, listen to you here lesson! Director of the People's Community does not say! The son has a great effort! The whole team has to take a break This will then receive this holiday center. "

"You listen to her so! If your son is really mistaken, people are so embarrassed? This, what holiday center, I haven't heard it before! This place is met! I understand! That level make mistakes Talent is this place! "

I saw my parents for their own things, I rushed to persuade: "Dad, I really didn't make mistakes! It is not escaped! Our team has completed a very important task, this vacation is reward in the hall. "

"Really?" Lao Hao will suspect it.

"Really! Let's go first! This lake is big! Go in, let's talk about it."

And the waiter of the shuttle, can clearly feel the source of origin contained in the body, in order to ensure that the safety of their team's family is also full of mind.

All the way, I saw a lot of parents of the same team, and they came up with their own children, especially if the parents of Ye Jia brothers were worried about the problem of Ye Jiu Mu, and Yan Yan gave other people to answer the rest. Everyone will come here, alone and Ye Longmu parents explain that Jiu Mu is in implementing a confidential task for his safety, the hall is inconvenient to disclose his whereabouts, but now he knows the leaves Long Mu is safe. After a good comfort, a family returned to the villa that he stayed in.

"Meet, here is not home, but this big kitchen is also particularly delicious, and there will be more dishes!" Mom Li Yuxuan took a female waiter to guard at the door and said: "This It is a waitress in Xiao Zhou, and what you want to eat, what you want to say, this restaurant is ready to send it, it is very convenient! "

"Hey! Mom! I know! I am still not hungry now!"

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